TigerBeetle is a reliable, fast, and highly available database for financial accounting. It tracks financial transactions or anything else that can be expressed as double-entry bookkeeping, providing three orders of magnitude more performance and guaranteeing durability even in the face of network, machine, and storage faults. You will learn more about why this is an important and hard problem to solve in the Concepts section, but let’s make some real transactions first!
TigerBeetle is a single, small, statically linked binary.
You can download a pre-built Linux binary from
curl -Lo && unzip && ./tigerbeetle version
MacOS and Windows versions are also available:
# macOS
curl -Lo && unzip && ./tigerbeetle version
# Windows
powershell -command "curl.exe -Lo; Expand-Archive .; .\tigerbeetle version"
Building from source is possible and easy, but is not recommended for most users. Refer to the internals documentation for compilation instructions.
Run a Cluster
Typically, TigerBeetle is deployed as a cluster of 6 replicas, which is described in the Operating section. But it is also possible to run a single-replica cluster, which of course doesn’t provide high-availability, but is convenient for experimentation. That’s what we’ll do here.
First, format a data file:
./tigerbeetle format --cluster=0 --replica=0 --replica-count=1 --development ./0_0.tigerbeetle
A TigerBeetle replica stores everything in a single file
in this case). The
, --replica
, and
arguments set the topology of the cluster
(a single replica for this tutorial).
Now, start a replica:
./tigerbeetle start --addresses=3000 --development ./0_0.tigerbeetle
It will listen on port 3000 for connections from clients. There’s
intensionally no way to gracefully shut down a replica, you can
it freely, and the data will be safe as long as the
underlying storage functions correctly. Note that with a real cluster of
6 replicas, the data is safe even if the storage misbehaves.
Connecting to a Cluster
Now that the cluster is running, we can connect to it using a client. TigerBeetle already has clients for several popular programming languages, including Go, NodeJS, Java, and Python, and more are coming; see the Coding section for details. For this tutorial, we’ll keep it simple and connect to the cluster using the built-in CLI client. In a separate terminal, start a REPL with
$ ./tigerbeetle repl --cluster=0 --addresses=3000
The --addresses
argument is the port the server is
listening on. The --cluster
argument is required to
double-check that the client connects to the correct cluster. While not
strictly necessary, it helps prevent operator errors.
Issuing Transactions
TigerBeetle comes with a pre-defined database schema — double-entry
bookkeeping. The Concept section explains why
this particular schema, and the Reference
documents all the bells and whistles, but, for the purposes of this
tutorial, it is enough to understand that there are accounts holding
and debits
balances, and that each
transfer moves value between two accounts by incrementing
on one side and debits
on the
In the REPL, let’s create two empty accounts:
> create_accounts id=1 code=10 ledger=700, id=2 code=10 ledger=700;
> lookup_accounts id=1, id=2;
"id": "1",
"user_data": "0",
"ledger": "700",
"code": "10",
"flags": [],
"debits_pending": "0",
"debits_posted": "0",
"credits_pending": "0",
"credits_posted": "0"
"id": "2",
"user_data": "0",
"ledger": "700",
"code": "10",
"flags": "",
"debits_pending": "0",
"debits_posted": "0",
"credits_pending": "0",
"credits_posted": "0"
Now, create our first transfer and inspect the state of accounts afterwards:
> create_transfers id=1 debit_account_id=1 credit_account_id=2 amount=10 ledger=700 code=10;
> lookup_accounts id=1, id=2;
"id": "1",
"user_data": "0",
"ledger": "700",
"code": "10",
"flags": [],
"debits_pending": "0",
"debits_posted": "10",
"credits_pending": "0",
"credits_posted": "0"
"id": "2",
"user_data": "0",
"ledger": "700",
"code": "10",
"flags": "",
"debits_pending": "0",
"debits_posted": "0",
"credits_pending": "0",
"credits_posted": "10"
Note how the transfer amount is added both to the credits and to the debits. That the sum of debits and credits stays equal no matter what is a powerful invariant of the double-entry bookkeeping system.
This is the end of the quick start! You now know how to format a data file, run a single-replica TigerBeetle cluster, and run transactions through it. Here’s where to go from here:
- Concepts explains the “why?” of TigerBeetle, read this to decide if you need to use TigerBeetle.
- Coding gives guidance on developing applications which store accounting data in a TigerBeetle cluster.
- Operating explains how to deploy a TigerBeetle cluster in a highly-available manner, with replication enabled.
- Reference meticulously documents every single available feature and flag of the underlying data model.
If you want to keep up to speed with recent TigerBeetle developments, here are some things to follow:
- Monthly Newsletter covers everything of importance that happened with TigerBeetle. It is a changelog director’s cut!
- Slack is the place to hang out with users and developers of TigerBeetle. We try to answer every question.
- YouTube channel has most of the talks about TigerBeetle, as well as talks from the Systems Distributed conference. We also stream on Twitch, with recordings duplicated to YouTube.
- 𝕏 is good for smaller updates, and word-of-mouth historical trivia you won’t learn elsewhere!
- GitHub — if you want to keep closer to the source!