

This section is aimed at programmers building applications on top of TigerBeetle. It is organized as a series of loosely connected guides which can be read in any order.

  • System Architecture paints the big picture.
  • Data Modeling shows how to map business-level entities to the primitives provided by TigerBeetle.
  • Financial Accounting, a deep dive into double-entry bookkeeping.
  • Requests outlines the database interface.
  • Reliable Transaction Submission explains the end-to-end principle and how it helps to avoid double spending.
  • Two-Phase Transfers introduces pending transfers, one of the most powerful primitives built into TigerBeetle.
  • Linked Events shows how several transfers can be chained together into a larger transaction, which success or fails atomically.
  • Time lists the guarantees provided by the TigerBeetle cluster clock.
  • Recipes is a library of ready-made solutions for common business requirements such as a currency exchange.
  • Clients shows how to use TigerBeetle from the comfort of .Net, Go, Java, Node.js, or Python.

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