

A transfer is an immutable record of a financial transaction between two accounts.

In TigerBeetle, financial transactions are called “transfers” instead of “transactions” because the latter term is heavily overloaded in the context of databases.

Note that transfers debit a single account and credit a single account on the same ledger. You can compose these into more complex transactions using the methods described in Currency Exchange and Multi-Debit, Multi-Credit Transfers.


Transfers cannot be modified after creation.

If a detail of a transfer is incorrect and needs to be modified, this is done using correcting transfers.


Transfers cannot be deleted after creation.

If a transfer is made in error, its effects can be reversed using a correcting transfer.


  • Transfers are immutable. They are never modified once they are successfully created.
  • There is at most one Transfer with a particular id.
  • A pending transfer resolves at most once.
  • Transfer timeouts are deterministic, driven by the cluster’s timestamp.


Transfers can either be Single-Phase, where they are executed immediately, or Two-Phase, where they are first put in a Pending state and then either Posted or Voided. For more details on the latter, see the Two-Phase Transfer guide.

Fields used by each mode of transfer:

Field Single-Phase Pending Post-Pending Void-Pending
id required required required required
debit_account_id required required optional optional
credit_account_id required required optional optional
amount required required required optional
pending_id none none required required
user_data_128 optional optional optional optional
user_data_64 optional optional optional optional
user_data_32 optional optional optional optional
timeout none optional¹ none none
ledger required required optional optional
code required required optional optional
flags.linked optional optional optional optional
flags.pending false true false false
flags.post_pending_transfer false false true false
flags.void_pending_transfer false false false true
flags.balancing_debit optional optional false false
flags.balancing_credit optional optional false false
flags.closing_debit optional true false false
flags.closing_credit optional true false false
flags.imported optional optional optional optional
timestamp none² none² none² none²

¹ None if flags.imported is set.
² Required if flags.imported is set.



This is a unique identifier for the transaction.


  • Type is 128-bit unsigned integer (16 bytes)
  • Must not be zero or 2^128 - 1
  • Must not conflict with another transfer in the cluster

See the id section in the data modeling doc for more recommendations on choosing an ID scheme.

Note that transfer IDs are unique for the cluster – not the ledger. If you want to store a relationship between multiple transfers, such as indicating that multiple transfers on different ledgers were part of a single transaction, you should store a transaction ID in one of the user_data fields.


This refers to the account to debit the transfer’s amount.


  • Type is 128-bit unsigned integer (16 bytes)
  • When flags.post_pending_transfer and flags.void_pending_transfer are not set:
    • Must match an existing account
    • Must not be the same as credit_account_id
  • When flags.post_pending_transfer or flags.void_pending_transfer are set:
    • If debit_account_id is zero, it will be automatically set to the pending transfer’s debit_account_id.
    • If debit_account_id is nonzero, it must match the corresponding pending transfer’s debit_account_id.
  • When flags.imported is set:
    • The matching account’s timestamp must be less than or equal to the transfer’s timestamp.


This refers to the account to credit the transfer’s amount.


  • Type is 128-bit unsigned integer (16 bytes)
  • When flags.post_pending_transfer and flags.void_pending_transfer are not set:
    • Must match an existing account
    • Must not be the same as debit_account_id
  • When flags.post_pending_transfer or flags.void_pending_transfer are set:
    • If credit_account_id is zero, it will be automatically set to the pending transfer’s credit_account_id.
    • If credit_account_id is nonzero, it must match the corresponding pending transfer’s credit_account_id.
  • When flags.imported is set:
    • The matching account’s timestamp must be less than or equal to the transfer’s timestamp.


This is how much should be debited from the debit_account_id account and credited to the credit_account_id account.

Note that this is an unsigned 128-bit integer. You can read more about using debits and credits to represent positive and negative balances as well as fractional amounts and asset scales.

  • When flags.balancing_debit is set, this is the maximum amount that will be debited/credited, where the actual transfer amount is determined by the debit account’s constraints.
  • When flags.balancing_credit is set, this is the maximum amount that will be debited/credited, where the actual transfer amount is determined by the credit account’s constraints.
  • When flags.post_pending_transfer is set, the amount posted will be:
    • the pending transfer’s amount, when the posted transfer’s amount is AMOUNT_MAX
    • the posting transfer’s amount, when the posted transfer’s amount is less than or equal to the pending transfer’s amount.


  • Type is 128-bit unsigned integer (16 bytes)
  • When flags.void_pending_transfer is set:
    • If amount is zero, it will be automatically be set to the pending transfer’s amount.
    • If amount is nonzero, it must be equal to the pending transfer’s amount.
  • When flags.post_pending_transfer is set:
    • If amount is AMOUNT_MAX (2^128 - 1), it will automatically be set to the pending transfer’s amount.
    • If amount is not AMOUNT_MAX, it must be less than or equal to the pending transfer’s amount.
Client release < 0.16.0

Additional constraints:

  • When flags.post_pending_transfer is set:
    • If amount is zero, it will be automatically be set to the pending transfer’s amount.
    • If amount is nonzero, it must be less than or equal to the pending transfer’s amount.
  • When flags.balancing_debit and/or flags.balancing_credit is set, if amount is zero, it will automatically be set to the maximum amount that does not violate the corresponding account limits. (Equivalent to setting amount = 2^128 - 1).
  • When all of the following flags are not set, amount must be nonzero:
    • flags.post_pending_transfer
    • flags.void_pending_transfer
    • flags.balancing_debit
    • flags.balancing_credit



If this transfer will post or void a pending transfer, pending_id references that pending transfer. If this is not a post or void transfer, it must be zero.

See the section on Two-Phase Transfers for more information on how the pending_id is used.


  • Type is 128-bit unsigned integer (16 bytes)
  • Must be zero if neither void nor pending transfer flag is set
  • Must match an existing transfer’s id if non-zero


This is an optional 128-bit secondary identifier to link this transfer to an external entity or event.

When set to zero, no secondary identifier will be associated with the account, therefore only non-zero values can be used as query filter.

When set to zero, if flags.post_pending_transfer or flags.void_pending_transfer is set, then it will be automatically set to the pending transfer’s user_data_128.

As an example, you might generate a TigerBeetle Time-Based Identifier that ties together a group of transfers.

For more information, see Data Modeling.


  • Type is 128-bit unsigned integer (16 bytes)


This is an optional 64-bit secondary identifier to link this transfer to an external entity or event.

When set to zero, no secondary identifier will be associated with the account, therefore only non-zero values can be used as query filter.

When set to zero, if flags.post_pending_transfer or flags.void_pending_transfer is set, then it will be automatically set to the pending transfer’s user_data_64.

As an example, you might use this field store an external timestamp.

For more information, see Data Modeling.


  • Type is 64-bit unsigned integer (8 bytes)


This is an optional 32-bit secondary identifier to link this transfer to an external entity or event.

When set to zero, no secondary identifier will be associated with the account, therefore only non-zero values can be used as query filter.

When set to zero, if flags.post_pending_transfer or flags.void_pending_transfer is set, then it will be automatically set to the pending transfer’s user_data_32.

As an example, you might use this field to store a timezone or locale.

For more information, see Data Modeling.


  • Type is 32-bit unsigned integer (4 bytes)


This is the interval in seconds after a pending transfer’s arrival at the cluster that it may be posted or voided. Zero denotes absence of timeout.

Non-pending transfers cannot have a timeout.

Imported transfers cannot have a timeout.

TigerBeetle makes a best-effort approach to remove pending balances of expired transfers automatically:

  • Transfers expire exactly at their expiry time (timestamp plus timeout converted in nanoseconds).

  • Pending balances will never be removed before its expiry.

  • Expired transfers cannot be manually posted or voided.

  • It is not guaranteed that the pending balance will be removed exactly at its expiry.

    In particular, client requests may observe still-pending balances for expired transfers.

  • Pending balances are removed in chronological order by expiry. If multiple transfers expire at the same time, then ordered by the transfer’s creation timestamp.

    If a transfer A has expiry E₁ and transfer B has expiry E₂, and E₁<E₂, if transfer B had the pending balance removed, then transfer A had the pending balance removed as well.


  • Type is 32-bit unsigned integer (4 bytes)
  • Must be zero if flags.pending is not set
  • Must be zero if flags.imported is set.

The timeout is an interval in seconds rather than an absolute timestamp because this is more robust to clock skew between the cluster and the application. (Watch this talk on Detecting Clock Sync Failure in Highly Available Systems on YouTube for more details.)


This is an identifier that partitions the sets of accounts that can transact with each other.

See data modeling for more details about how to think about setting up your ledgers.


  • Type is 32-bit unsigned integer (4 bytes)
  • When flags.post_pending_transfer or flags.void_pending_transfer is set:
    • If ledger is zero, it will be automatically be set to the pending transfer’s ledger.
    • If ledger is nonzero, it must match the ledger value on the pending transfer’s debit_account_id and credit_account_id.
  • When flags.post_pending_transfer and flags.void_pending_transfer are not set:
    • ledger must not be zero.
    • ledger must match the ledger value on the accounts referenced in debit_account_id and credit_account_id.


This is a user-defined enum denoting the reason for (or category of) the transfer.


  • Type is 16-bit unsigned integer (2 bytes)
  • When flags.post_pending_transfer or flags.void_pending_transfer is set:
    • If code is zero, it will be automatically be set to the pending transfer’s code.
    • If code is nonzero, it must match the pending transfer’s code.
  • When flags.post_pending_transfer and flags.void_pending_transfer are not set, code must not be zero.


This specifies (optional) transfer behavior.



This flag links the result of this transfer to the outcome of the next transfer in the request such that they will either succeed or fail together.

The last transfer in a chain of linked transfers does not have this flag set.

You can read more about linked events.



Mark the transfer as a pending transfer.


Mark the transfer as a post-pending transfer.


Mark the transfer as a void-pending transfer.


Transfer at most amount — automatically transferring less than amount as necessary such that debit_account.debits_pending + debit_account.debits_posted ≤ debit_account.credits_posted.

The amount of the recorded transfer is set to the actual amount that was transferred, which is less than or equal to the amount that was passed to create_transfers.

Retrying a balancing transfer will return exists_with_different_amount only when the maximum amount passed to create_transfers is insufficient to fulfill the amount that was actually transferred. Otherwise it may return exists even if the retry amount differs from the original value.

flags.balancing_debit is exclusive with the flags.post_pending_transfer/flags.void_pending_transfer flags because posting or voiding a pending transfer will never exceed/overflow either account’s limits.

flags.balancing_debit is compatible with (and orthogonal to) flags.balancing_credit.

Client release < 0.16.0

Transfer at most amount — automatically transferring less than amount as necessary such that debit_account.debits_pending + debit_account.debits_posted ≤ debit_account.credits_posted. If amount is set to 0, transfer at most 2^64 - 1 (i.e. as much as possible).

If the highest amount transferable is 0, returns exceeds_credits.



Transfer at most amount — automatically transferring less than amount as necessary such that credit_account.credits_pending + credit_account.credits_posted ≤ credit_account.debits_posted.

The amount of the recorded transfer is set to the actual amount that was transferred, which is less than or equal to the amount that was passed to create_transfers.

Retrying a balancing transfer will return exists_with_different_amount only when the maximum amount passed to create_transfers is insufficient to fulfill the amount that was actually transferred. Otherwise it may return exists even if the retry amount differs from the original value.

flags.balancing_credit is exclusive with the flags.post_pending_transfer/flags.void_pending_transfer flags because posting or voiding a pending transfer will never exceed/overflow either account’s limits.

flags.balancing_credit is compatible with (and orthogonal to) flags.balancing_debit.

Client release < 0.16.0

Transfer at most amount — automatically transferring less than amount as necessary such that credit_account.credits_pending + credit_account.credits_posted ≤ credit_account.debits_posted. If amount is set to 0, transfer at most 2^64 - 1 (i.e. as much as possible).

If the highest amount transferable is 0, returns exceeds_debits.



When set, it will cause the Account.flags.closed flag of the debit account to be set if the transfer succeeds.

This flag requires a two-phase transfer, so the flag flags.pending must also be set. This ensures that closing transfers are reversible by voiding the pending transfer, and requires that the reversal operation references the corresponding closing transfer, guarding against unexpected interleaving of close/unclose operations.


When set, it will cause the Account.flags.closed flag of the credit account to be set if the transfer succeeds.

This flag requires a two-phase transfer, so the flag flags.pending must also be set. This ensures that closing transfers are reversible by voiding the pending transfer, and requires that the reversal operation references the corresponding closing transfer, guarding against unexpected interleaving of close/unclose operations.


When set, allows importing historical Transfers with their original timestamp.

TigerBeetle will not use the cluster clock to assign the timestamp, allowing the user to define it, expressing when the transfer was effectively created by an external event.

To maintain system invariants regarding auditability and traceability, some constraints are necessary:

  • It is not allowed to mix events with the imported flag set and not set in the same batch. The application must submit batches of imported events separately.

  • User-defined timestamps must be unique and expressed as nanoseconds since the UNIX epoch. No two objects can have the same timestamp, even different objects like an Account and a Transfer cannot share the same timestamp.

  • User-defined timestamps must be a past date, never ahead of the cluster clock at the time the request arrives.

  • Timestamps must be strictly increasing.

    Even user-defined timestamps that are required to be past dates need to be at least one nanosecond ahead of the timestamp of the last transfer committed by the cluster.

    Since the timestamp cannot regress, importing past events can be naturally restrictive without coordination, as the last timestamp can be updated using the cluster clock during regular cluster activity. Instead, it’s recommended to import events only on a fresh cluster or during a scheduled maintenance window.

    It’s recommended to submit the entire batch as a linked chain, ensuring that if any transfer fails, none of them are committed, preserving the last timestamp unchanged. This approach gives the application a chance to correct failed imported transfers, re-submitting the batch again with the same user-defined timestamps.

  • Imported transfers cannot have a timeout.

    It’s possible to import pending transfers with a user-defined timestamp, but since it’s not driven by the cluster clock, it cannot define a timeout for automatic expiration. In those cases, the two-phase post or rollback must be done manually.


This is the time the transfer was created, as nanoseconds since UNIX epoch. You can read more about Time in TigerBeetle.


  • Type is 64-bit unsigned integer (8 bytes)

  • Must be 0 when the Transfer is created with flags.imported not set

    It is set by TigerBeetle to the moment the transfer arrives at the cluster.

  • Must be greater than 0 and less than 2^63 when the Transfer is created with flags.imported set


If you’re curious and want to learn more, you can find the source code for this struct in src/tigerbeetle.zig. Search for const Transfer = extern struct {.

You can find the source code for creating a transfer in src/state_machine.zig. Search for fn create_transfer(.

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