
Data Modeling

This section describes various aspects of the TigerBeetle data model and provides some suggestions for how you can map your application’s requirements onto the data model.

Accounts, Transfers, and Ledgers

The TigerBeetle data model consists of Accounts, Transfers, and ledgers.


Ledgers partition accounts into groups that may represent a currency or asset type or any other logical grouping. Only accounts on the same ledger can transact directly, but you can use atomically linked transfers to implement currency exchange.

Ledgers are only stored in TigerBeetle as a numeric identifier on the account and transfer data structures. You may want to store additional metadata about each ledger in a control plane database.

You can also use different ledgers to further partition accounts, beyond asset type. For example, if you have a multi-tenant setup where you are tracking balances for your customers’ end-users, you might have a ledger for each of your customers. If customers have end-user accounts in multiple currencies, each of your customers would have multiple ledgers.

Debits vs Credits

TigerBeetle tracks each account’s cumulative posted debits and cumulative posted credits. In double-entry accounting, an account balance is the difference between the two — computed as either debits - credits or credits - debits, depending on the type of account. It is up to the application to compute the balance from the cumulative debits/credits.

From the database’s perspective the distinction is arbitrary, but accounting conventions recommend using a certain balance type for certain types of accounts.

If you are new to thinking in terms of debits and credits, read the deep dive on financial accounting to get a better understanding of double-entry bookkeeping and the different types of accounts.

Debit Balances

balance = debits - credits

By convention, debit balances are used to represent:

  • Operator’s Assets
  • Operator’s Expenses

To enforce a positive (non-negative) debit balance, use flags.credits_must_not_exceed_debits.

To keep an account’s balance between an upper and lower bound, see the Balance Bounds recipe.

Credit Balances

balance = credits - debits

By convention, credit balances are used to represent:

  • Operator’s Liabilities
  • Equity in the Operator’s Business
  • Operator’s Income

To enforce a positive (non-negative) credit balance, use flags.debits_must_not_exceed_credits. For example, a customer account that is represented as an Operator’s Liability would use this flag to ensure that the balance cannot go negative.

To keep an account’s balance between an upper and lower bound, see the Balance Bounds recipe.

Compound Transfers

Transfers in TigerBeetle debit a single account and credit a single account. You can read more about implementing compound transfers in Multi-Debit, Multi-Credit Transfers.

Fractional Amounts and Asset Scale

To maximize precision and efficiency, Account debits/credits and Transfer amounts are unsigned 128-bit integers. However, currencies are often denominated in fractional amounts.

To represent a fractional amount in TigerBeetle, map the smallest useful unit of the fractional currency to 1. Consider all amounts in TigerBeetle as a multiple of that unit.

Applications may rescale the integer amounts as necessary when rendering or interfacing with other systems. But when working with fractional amounts, calculations should be performed on the integers to avoid loss of precision due to floating-point approximations.

Asset Scale

When the multiplier is a power of 10 (e.g. 10 ^ n), then the exponent n is referred to as an asset scale. For example, representing USD in cents uses an asset scale of 2.


  • In USD, $1 = 100 cents. So for example,
    • The fractional amount $0.45 is represented as the integer 45.
    • The fractional amount $123.00 is represented as the integer 12300.
    • The fractional amount $123.45 is represented as the integer 12345.

Oversized Amounts

The other direction works as well. If the smallest useful unit of a currency is 10,000,000 units, then it can be scaled down to the integer 1.

The 128-bit representation defines the precision, but not the scale.

⚠️ Asset Scales Cannot Be Easily Changed

When setting your asset scales, we recommend thinking about whether your application may ever require a larger asset scale. If so, we would recommend using that larger scale from the start.

For example, it might seem natural to use an asset scale of 2 for many currencies. However, it may be wise to use a higher scale in case you ever need to represent smaller fractions of that asset.

Accounts and transfers are immutable once created. In order to change the asset scale of a ledger, you would need to use a different ledger number and duplicate all the accounts on that ledger over to the new one.


user_data_128, user_data_64 and user_data_32 are the most flexible fields in the schema (for both accounts and transfers). Each user_data field’s contents are arbitrary, interpreted only by the application.

Each user_data field is indexed for efficient point and range queries.

While the usage of each field is entirely up to you, one way of thinking about each of the fields is:

  • user_data_128 - this might store the “who” and/or “what” of a transfer. For example, it could be a pointer to a business entity stored within the control plane database.
  • user_data_64 - this might store a second timestamp for “when” the transaction originated in the real world, rather than when the transfer was timestamped by TigerBeetle. This can be used if you need to model bitemporality. Alternatively, if you do not need this to be used for a timestamp, you could use this field in place of the user_data_128 to store the “who”/“what”.
  • user_data_32 - this might store the “where” of a transfer. For example, it could store the jurisdiction where the transaction originated in the real world. In certain cases, such as for cross-border remittances, it might not be enough to have the UTC timestamp and you may want to know the transfer’s locale.

(Note that the code can be used to encode the “why” of a transfer.)

Any of the user_data fields can be used as a group identifier for objects that will be queried together. For example, for multiple transfers used for currency exchange.


The id field uniquely identifies each Account and Transfer within the cluster.

The primary purpose of an id is to serve as an “idempotency key” — to avoid executing an event twice. For example, if a client creates a transfer but the server’s reply is lost, the client (or application) will retry — the database must not transfer the money twice.

Note that ids are unique per cluster – not per ledger. You should attach a separate identifier in the user_data field if you want to store a connection between multiple Accounts or multiple Transfers that are related to one another. For example, different currency Accounts belonging to the same user or multiple Transfers that are part of a currency exchange.

TigerBeetle Time-Based Identifiers are recommended for most applications.

When selecting an id scheme:

  • Idempotency is particularly important (and difficult) in the context of application crash recovery.
  • Be careful to avoid id collisions.
  • An account and a transfer may share the same id (they belong to different “namespaces”), but this is not recommended because other systems (that you may later connect to TigerBeetle) may use a single “namespace” for all objects.
  • Avoid requiring a central oracle to generate each unique id (e.g. an auto-increment field in SQL). A central oracle may become a performance bottleneck when creating accounts/transfers.
  • Sequences of identifiers with long runs of strictly increasing (or strictly decreasing) values are amenable to optimization, leading to higher database throughput.
  • Random identifiers are not recommended – they can’t take advantage of all of the LSM optimizations. (Random identifiers have ~10% lower throughput than strictly-increasing ULIDs).

TigerBeetle recommends using a specific ID scheme for most applications. It is time-based and lexicographically sortable. The scheme is inspired by ULIDs and UUIDv7s but is better able to take advantage of LSM optimizations, which leads to higher database throughput.

TigerBeetle clients include an id() function to generate IDs using the recommended scheme.

TigerBeetle IDs consist of:

  • 48 bits of (millisecond) timestamp (high-order bits)
  • 80 bits of randomness (low-order bits)

When creating multiple objects during the same millisecond, we increment the random bytes rather than generating new random bytes. Furthermore, it is important that IDs are stored in little-endian with the random bytes as the lower-order bits and the timestamp as the higher-order bits. These details ensure that a sequence of objects have strictly increasing IDs according to the server, which improves database optimization.

Similar to ULIDs and UUIDv7s, these IDs have the following benefits:

  • they have an insignificant risk of collision.
  • they do not require a central oracle to generate.

Reuse Foreign Identifier

This technique is most appropriate when integrating TigerBeetle with an existing application where TigerBeetle accounts or transfers map one-to-one with an entity in the foreign database.

Set id to a “foreign key” — that is, reuse an identifier of a corresponding object from another database. For example, if every user (within the application’s database) has a single account, then the identifier within the foreign database can be used as the within TigerBeetle.

To reuse the foreign identifier, it must conform to TigerBeetle’s id constraints.


The code identifier represents the “why” for an Account or Transfer.

On an Account, the code indicates the account type, such as assets, liabilities, equity, income, or expenses, and subcategories within those classification.

On a Transfer, the code indicates why a given transfer is happening, such as a purchase, refund, currency exchange, etc.

When you start building out your application on top of TigerBeetle, you may find it helpful to list out all of the known types of accounts and movements of funds and mapping each of these to code numbers or ranges.

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