This is the documentation for TigerBeetle: the financial transactions database designed for mission critical safety and performance to power the next 30 years of OLTP.
This is how the entire documentation is organized:
- Start gets you up and running with a cluster.
- Concepts explains why TigerBeetle exists.
- Coding shows how to integrate TigerBeetle into your application.
- Operating covers deployment and operating a TigerBeetle cluster.
- Reference is a companion to Coding which meticulously documents every detail.
Note that this documentation is aimed at the users of TigerBeetle. If you want to understand how it works under the hood, check out the internals docs.
Edit this pageStart
TigerBeetle is a reliable, fast, and highly available database for financial accounting. It tracks financial transactions or anything else that can be expressed as double-entry bookkeeping, providing three orders of magnitude more performance and guaranteeing durability even in the face of network, machine, and storage faults. You will learn more about why this is an important and hard problem to solve in the Concepts section, but let’s make some real transactions first!
TigerBeetle is a single, small, statically linked binary.
You can download a pre-built Linux binary from
curl -Lo tigerbeetle.zip https://linux.tigerbeetle.com && unzip tigerbeetle.zip && ./tigerbeetle version
MacOS and Windows versions are also available:
# macOS
curl -Lo tigerbeetle.zip https://mac.tigerbeetle.com && unzip tigerbeetle.zip && ./tigerbeetle version
# Windows
powershell -command "curl.exe -Lo tigerbeetle.zip https://windows.tigerbeetle.com; Expand-Archive tigerbeetle.zip .; .\tigerbeetle version"
Building from source is possible and easy, but is not recommended for most users. Refer to the internals documentation for compilation instructions.
Run a Cluster
Typically, TigerBeetle is deployed as a cluster of 6 replicas, which is described in the Operating section. But it is also possible to run a single-replica cluster, which of course doesn’t provide high-availability, but is convenient for experimentation. That’s what we’ll do here.
First, format a data file:
./tigerbeetle format --cluster=0 --replica=0 --replica-count=1 --development ./0_0.tigerbeetle
A TigerBeetle replica stores everything in a single file
in this case). The
, --replica
, and
arguments set the topology of the cluster
(a single replica for this tutorial).
Now, start a replica:
./tigerbeetle start --addresses=3000 --development ./0_0.tigerbeetle
It will listen on port 3000 for connections from clients. There’s
intensionally no way to gracefully shut down a replica, you can
it freely, and the data will be safe as long as the
underlying storage functions correctly. Note that with a real cluster of
6 replicas, the data is safe even if the storage misbehaves.
Connecting to a Cluster
Now that the cluster is running, we can connect to it using a client. TigerBeetle already has clients for several popular programming languages, including Go, NodeJS, Java, and Python, and more are coming; see the Coding section for details. For this tutorial, we’ll keep it simple and connect to the cluster using the built-in CLI client. In a separate terminal, start a REPL with
$ ./tigerbeetle repl --cluster=0 --addresses=3000
The --addresses
argument is the port the server is
listening on. The --cluster
argument is required to
double-check that the client connects to the correct cluster. While not
strictly necessary, it helps prevent operator errors.
Issuing Transactions
TigerBeetle comes with a pre-defined database schema — double-entry
bookkeeping. The Concept section explains why
this particular schema, and the Reference
documents all the bells and whistles, but, for the purposes of this
tutorial, it is enough to understand that there are accounts holding
and debits
balances, and that each
transfer moves value between two accounts by incrementing
on one side and debits
on the
In the REPL, let’s create two empty accounts:
> create_accounts id=1 code=10 ledger=700, id=2 code=10 ledger=700;
> lookup_accounts id=1, id=2;
"id": "1",
"user_data": "0",
"ledger": "700",
"code": "10",
"flags": [],
"debits_pending": "0",
"debits_posted": "0",
"credits_pending": "0",
"credits_posted": "0"
"id": "2",
"user_data": "0",
"ledger": "700",
"code": "10",
"flags": "",
"debits_pending": "0",
"debits_posted": "0",
"credits_pending": "0",
"credits_posted": "0"
Now, create our first transfer and inspect the state of accounts afterwards:
> create_transfers id=1 debit_account_id=1 credit_account_id=2 amount=10 ledger=700 code=10;
> lookup_accounts id=1, id=2;
"id": "1",
"user_data": "0",
"ledger": "700",
"code": "10",
"flags": [],
"debits_pending": "0",
"debits_posted": "10",
"credits_pending": "0",
"credits_posted": "0"
"id": "2",
"user_data": "0",
"ledger": "700",
"code": "10",
"flags": "",
"debits_pending": "0",
"debits_posted": "0",
"credits_pending": "0",
"credits_posted": "10"
Note how the transfer amount is added both to the credits and to the debits. That the sum of debits and credits stays equal no matter what is a powerful invariant of the double-entry bookkeeping system.
This is the end of the quick start! You now know how to format a data file, run a single-replica TigerBeetle cluster, and run transactions through it. Here’s where to go from here:
- Concepts explains the “why?” of TigerBeetle, read this to decide if you need to use TigerBeetle.
- Coding gives guidance on developing applications which store accounting data in a TigerBeetle cluster.
- Operating explains how to deploy a TigerBeetle cluster in a highly-available manner, with replication enabled.
- Reference meticulously documents every single available feature and flag of the underlying data model.
If you want to keep up to speed with recent TigerBeetle developments, here are some things to follow:
- Monthly Newsletter covers everything of importance that happened with TigerBeetle. It is a changelog director’s cut!
- Slack is the place to hang out with users and developers of TigerBeetle. We try to answer every question.
- YouTube channel has most of the talks about TigerBeetle, as well as talks from the Systems Distributed conference. We also stream on Twitch, with recordings duplicated to YouTube.
- 𝕏 is good for smaller updates, and word-of-mouth historical trivia you won’t learn elsewhere!
- GitHub — if you want to keep closer to the source!
This section is for anyone evaluating TigerBeetle, eager to learn about it, or curious. It focuses on the big picture and problems that TigerBeetle solves. As well as why it looks nothing like a typical SQL database from the outside and from the inside.
- OLTP defines the domain of TigerBeetle — system of record for business transactions.
- Debit-Credit argues that double-entry bookkeeping is the right schema for this domain.
- Performance explains how TigerBeetle achieves state-of-the-art performance.
- Safety shows that safety and performance are not at odds with each other.
Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)
Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) is about recording business transactions in real-time. This could be payments, sales, car sharing rides, game scores, or API usage.
The World is Becoming More Transactional
Historically, general purpose databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite handled OLTP. We refer to these as Online General Purpose (OLGP) databases.
OLTP workloads have increased by 3-4 orders of magnitude in the last 10 years alone. For example:
- The UPI real-time payments switch in India processed 10 billion payments in the year 2019. In January 2025 alone, it processed 16.9 billion payments.
- Cleaner energy and smart metering means energy is being traded by the kilowatt-hour. Customer billing is every 15 or 30 minutes rather than at the end of the month.
- Serverless APIs charge for usage by the second or per-request, rather than per month. (Today, serverless billing at scale is often implemented using MapReduce. This makes it difficult or impossible to offer customers real-time spending caps.)
OLGP databases already struggle to keep up.
But TigerBeetle is built to handle the scale of OLTP workloads today and for the decades to come. It works well alongside OLGP databases, which holds infrequently updated data. TigerBeetle can race ahead, giving your system unparalleled latency and throughput.
Write-Heavy Workloads
A distinguishing characteristic of OLTP is its focus on recording business transactions. In contrast, OLGP databases are often designed for read-heavy or balanced workloads.
TigerBeetle is optimized from the ground up for write-heavy workloads. This means it can handle the increasing scale of OLTP, unlike an OLGP database.
High Contention on Hot Accounts
Business transactions always involve more than one account. One account gets paid but then there are fees, taxes, revenue splits, and other costs to account for.
OLTP systems often have accounts involved in a high percentage of all transactions. This is especially true for accounts that represent the business income or expenses. Locks can be used to ensure that updates to these ‘hot accounts’ are consistent. But the resulting contention can bring the system’s performance to a crawl.
TigerBeetle provides strong consistency guarantees without row locks. This sidesteps the issue of contention on hot accounts. Due to TigerBeetle’s use of the system cache, transactions processing speed even increases.
Business Transactions Don’t Shard Well
One of the most common ways to scale systems is to horizontally scale or shard them. This means different servers process different sets of transactions. Unfortunately, business transactions don’t shard well. Horizontal scaling is a poor fit for OLTP:
- Most accounts cannot be neatly partitioned between shards.
- Transactions between accounts on different shards become more complex and slow.
- Row locks on hot accounts worsen when the transactions must execute across shards.
Another approach to scaling OLTP systems is to use MapReduce for billing. But this makes it hard to provide real-time balance reporting or spending limits. It also creates a poor user experience that’s hard to fix post system design.
TigerBeetle uses a single-core design and unique performance optimizations to deliver high throughput. And this without the downsides of horizontal scaling.
Bottleneck for Your System
You can only do as much business as your database supports. You need a core OLTP database capable of handling your transactions on your busiest days. And for decades to come.
TigerBeetle is designed to handle 1 million transactions per second, to remove the risk of your business outgrowing your database.
Next Up: Debit / Credit is the Schema for OLTP
The world is becoming more transactional. OLTP workloads are increasing and we need a database designed from the ground up. What is the perfect schema and language for this database? Debit / Credit.
Edit this pageDebit / Credit: The Schema for OLTP
As discussed in the previous section, OLTP is all about processing business transactions. We saw that the nuances of OLTP workloads make them tricky to handle at scale.
Now, we’ll turn to the data model and see how the specifics of business transactions actually lend themselves to an incredibly simple schema – and one that’s been in use for centuries!
The “Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How Much” of OLTP
OLTP and business transactions tend to record the same types of information:
- Who: which accounts are transacting?
- What: what type of asset or value is moving?
- When: when was the transaction initiated or when was it finalized?
- Where: where in the world did the transaction take place?
- Why: what type of transaction is this or why is it happening?
- How Much: what quantity of the asset or items was moved?
The Language of Business for Centuries
Debit / credit, or double-entry bookkeeping, has been the lingua franca of business and accounting since at least the 13th century.
The key insight underpinning debit / credit systems is that every transfer records a movement of value from one or more accounts to one or more accounts. Money never appears from nowhere or disappears. This simple principle helps ensure that all of a business’s money is accounted for.
Debit / credit perfectly captures the who, what, when, where, why, and how much of OLTP while ensuring financial consistency.
(For a deeper dive on debits and credits, see our primer on Financial Accounting.)
SQL vs Debit / Credit
While SQL is a great query language for getting data out of a database, OLTP is primarily about getting data in to the database and this is where SQL falls short.
Often, a single business transaction requires multiple SQL queries (on the order of 10 SQL queries per transaction) and potentially even multiple round-trips from the application to the database.
By designing a database specifically for the schema and needs of OLTP, we can ensure our accounting logic is enforced correctly while massively increasing performance.
TigerBeetle Enforces Debit / Credit in the Database
The schema of OLTP is built in to TigerBeetle’s data model, and is ready for you to use:
- Who: the
indicate which accounts are transacting. - What: each asset or type of value in TigerBeetle is
tracked on a separate ledger. The
field indicates what is being transferred. - When: each transfer has a unique
for when it is processed by the cluster, but you can add another timestamp representing when the transaction happened in the real world in theuser_data_64
field. - Where: the
can be used to store the locale where the transfer occurred. - Why: the
field stores the reason a transfer occurred and should map to an enum or table of all the possible business events. - How Much: the
indicates how much of the asset or item is being transferred.
TigerBeetle also supports two-phase transfers out of the box, and can express complex atomic chains of transfers using linked events. These powerful built-in primitives allow for a large vocabulary of patterns and recipes for data modeling.
Crucially, accounting invariants such as balance limits are enforced within the database, avoiding round-trips between your database and application logic.
Immutability is Essential
Another critical element of debit / credit systems is immutability: once transfers are recorded, they cannot be erased. Reversals are implemented with separate transfers to provide a full and auditable log of business events.
Accidentally dropping rows or tables is bad in any database, but it is unacceptable when it comes to accounting. Legal compliance and good business practices require that all funds be fully accounted for, and all history be maintained.
Transfers in TigerBeetle are always immutable, providing you with peace of mind out of the box. There is no possibility of a malformed query unintentionally deleting data.
Don’t Roll Your Own Ledger
Many companies start out building their own system for recording business transactions. Then, once their business scales, they realize they need a proper ledger and end up coming back to debits and credits.
A number of prime examples of this are:
- Uber: In 2018, Uber started a 2-year, 40-engineer effort to migrate their collection and disbursement payment platform to one based on the principles of double-entry accounting and debits and credits.1
- Airbnb: From 2012 to 2016, Airbnb used a MySQL-based data pipeline to record all of its transactions in an immutable store suitable for reporting. The pipeline became too complex, hard to scale, and slow. They ended up building a new financial reporting system based on double-entry accounting.2
- Stripe: While we don’t know when this system initially went into service, Stripe relies on an internal system based on double-entry accounting and an immutable log of events to record all of the payments they process.3
Standardized, Simple, and Scalable
From one perspective, debit / credit may seem like a limited data model. However, it is incredibly flexible and scalable. Any business event can be recorded as debits and credits – indeed, accountants have been doing precisely this for centuries!
Instead of modeling business transactions as a set of ad-hoc tables and relationships, debits and credits provide a simple and standardized schema that can be used across all product lines, now and into the future. This avoids the need to add columns, tables, and complex relations between them as new features are added – and avoids complex schema migrations.
Debit / credit has been the foundation of business for hundreds of years, and now you can leverage TigerBeetle’s high-performance implementation of it built for OLTP in the 21st century.
Next: Performance
So far, we’ve seen why we need a new database designed for OLTP and how debit / credit provides the perfect data model for it. Next, we can look at the performance of a database, designed for OLTP.
Edit this pagePerformance
How, exactly, is TigerBeetle so fast?
It’s All About The Interface
The key is that TigerBeetle designed specifically for OLTP workloads, as opposed to OLGP. The prevailing paradigm for OLGP is interactive transactions, where business-logic lives in the application, and the job of the database is to send the data to the application, holding the locks while the data is being processed. This works for mixed read-write workload with low contention, but fails for highly-contended OLTP workloads — locks over the network are very expensive!
With TigerBeetle, all the logic lives inside the database, obviating the need for locking. Not only is this very fast, it is also more convenient — the application can speak Debit/Credit directly, it doesn’t need to translate the language of business to SQL.
Batching, Batching, Batching
On a busy day in a busy city, taking subway is faster than using a car. On empty streets, a personal sports car gives you the best latency, but, when the load and contention increases, due to Little’s law, both latency and throughput become abysmal.
TigerBeetle works like a high-speed train — its interface always deals with batches of transactions, 8k apiece. Although TigerBeetle is a replicated database using a consensus algorithm, the cost of replications is paid only once per batch, which means that TigerBeetle runs not much slower than an in-memory hash map, all the while providing extreme durability and availability.
What’s more, under light load the batches automatically become smaller, trading unnecessary throughput for better latency.
Extreme Engineering
Debit/Credit fixes inefficiency in the interface, pervasive batching amortizes costs, but, to really hit performance targets, solid engineering is required at every level of the stack.
TigerBeetle is built fully from scratch, without using any dependencies, to make sure that all the layers are co-designed for the purposes of OLTP.
TigerBeetle is written in Zig — a systems programming language which doesn’t use garbage collection and is designed for writing fast code.
Every data structure is hand-crafted with the CPU in mind: a transfer object is 128 bytes in size, cache-line aligned. Executing a batch of transfers is just one tight CPU loop!
TigerBeetle allocates all the memory statically: it never runs out of memory, it never stalls due to a GC pause or mutex contention, and it never fragments the memory.
TigerBeetle is designed for io_uring — a new Linux kernel interface for zero syscall networking and storage I/O.
These and other performance rules are captured in TIGER_STYLE.md — the secret recipe that keeps TigerBeetle fast and safe.
Single Threaded By Design
TigerBeetle uses a single core by design and uses a single leader node to process events. Adding more nodes can therefore increase reliability but not throughput.
For a high-performance database, this may seem like an unusual choice. However, sharding in financial databases is notoriously difficult and contention issues often negate the would-be benefits. Specifically, a small number of hot accounts are often involved in a large proportion of the transactions so the shards responsible for those accounts become bottlenecks.
For more details on when single-threaded implementations of algorithms outperform multi-threaded implementations, see “Scalability! But at what COST?.
Performance = Flexibility
Is it really necessary to go to such great lengths in the name of performance? It of course depends on a particular use-case, but it’s worth keeping in mind that higher performance can unlock new use-cases. An OLGP database might be enough to do nightly settlement, but with OLTP real-time settlement is a no-brainer. If a transaction system just hits its throughput target, that means that every unexpected delay or an ops accident lead to missed transactions. If a system operates at one tenth of capacity, this gives a lot of headroom for operators to deal with the unexpected.
Finally, it is always helpful to think about the future. The future is hard to predict (even the present is hard to wrap your head around!), but the option to handle significantly more load on a short notice greatly expands your options.
Next: Safety
Performance can get you very far very fast, but it is useless if the result is wrong. Business transaction processing also requires strong safety guarantees, to ensure that data cannot be lost, and high availability to ensure that money is not lost due to database downtime. Let’s look at how TigerBeetle ensures safety.
Edit this pageSafety
The purpose of a database is to store data: if the database accepted new data, it should be able to retrieve it later. Surprisingly, many databases don’t provide guaranteed durability — usually the data is there, but, under certain edge case conditions, it can get lost!
As the purpose of TigerBeetle is to be the system of record for business transaction, associated with real-world value transfers, it is paramount that the data stored in TigerBeetle is safe.
Strict Serializability
The easiest way to lose data is by using the database incorrectly, by misconfiguring (or just misunderstanding) its isolation level. For this reason, TigerBeetle intentionally supports only the strictest possible isolation level — strict serializability. All transfers are executed one-by-one, on a single core.
Furthermore, TigerBeetle’s state machine is designed according to the
idempotency principle — each transfer has a unique
client-generated u128
id, and each transfer is processed at
most once, even in the presence of intermediate retry loops.
High Availability
Some databases rely on a single central server, which puts the data at risk as any single server might fail catastrophically (e.g. due to a fire in the data center). Primary/backup systems with ad-hoc failover can lose data due to split-brain.
To avoid these pitfalls, TigerBeetle implements pioneering Viewstamped Replication and consensus algorithm, that guarantees correct, automatic failover. It’s worth emphasizing that consensus proper needs only be engaged during actual failover. During the normal operation, the cost of consensus is just the cost of replication, which is further minimized because of batching, tail latency tolerance, and pipelining.
TigerBeetle does not depend on synchronized system clocks, does not use leader leases, and performs leader-based timestamping so that your application can deal only with safe relative quantities of time with respect to transfer timeouts. To ensure that the leader’s clock is within safe bounds of “true time”, TigerBeetle combines all the clocks in the cluster to create a fault-tolerant clock that we call “cluster time”.
For highest availability, TigerBeetle should be deployed as a cluster of six replicas across three different cloud providers (two replicas per provider). Because TigerBeetle uses Heidi Howard’s flexible quorums, this deployment is guaranteed to tolerate a complete outage of any cloud provider and will likely survive even if one extra replica fails.
Storage Fault Tolerance
Traditionally, databases assume that disks do not fail, or at least fail politely with a clear error code. This is usually a reasonable assumption, but edge cases matter.
HDD and SSD hardware can fail. Disks can silently return corrupt data ( 0.031% of SSD disks per year, 1.4% of Enterprise HDD disks per year), misdirect IO ( 0.023% of SSD disks per year, 0.466% of Nearline HDD disks per year), or just suddenly become extremely slow, without returning an error code (the so called gray failure).
On top of hardware, software might be buggy or just tricky to use correctly. Handling fsync failures correctly is particularly hard.
TigerBeetle assumes that its disk will fail and takes advantage of replication to proactively repair replica’s local disks.
- All data in TigerBeetle is immutable, checksummed, and hash-chained, providing a strong guarantee that no corruption or tampering happened. In case of a latent sector error, the error is detected and repaired without any operator involvement.
- Most consensus implementations lose data or become unavailable if the write ahead log gets corrupted. TigerBeetle uses Protocol Aware Recovery to remain available unless the data gets corrupted on every single replica.
- To minimize impact of software bugs, TigerBeetle puts as little software as possible between itself and the disk — TigerBeetle manages its own page cache, writes data to disk with O_DIRECT and can work with a block device directly, no file system is necessary.
- TigerBeetle also tolerates gray failure — if a disk on a replica becomes very slow, the cluster fall backs on other replicas for durability.
Software Reliability
Even the advanced algorithm with a formally proved correctness theorem is useless if the implementation is buggy. TigerBeetle uses the oldest and the newest software engineering practices to ensure correctness.
TigerBeetle is written in Zig — a modern systems programming language that removes many instances of undefined behavior, provides spatial memory safety and encourages simple, straightforward code.
TigerBeetle adheres to a strict code style, TIGER_STYLE, inspired by NASA’s power of ten. For example, TigerBeetle uses static memory allocation, which designs away memory fragmentation, out-of-memory errors and use-after-frees.
TigerBeetle is tested in the VOPR — a simulated environment where an entire cluster, running real code, is subjected to all kinds of network, storage and process faults, at 1000x speed. This simulation can find both logical errors in the algorithms and coding bugs in the source. This simulator is running 24/7 on 1024 cores, fuzzing the latest version of the database.
It also runs in your browser: https://sim.tigerbeetle.com!
Human Fallibility
While, with a lot of care, software can be perfected to become virtually bug-free, humans will always make mistakes. TigerBeetle takes this into account and tries to protect from operator errors:
- The surface area is intentionally minimized, with little configurability.
- In particular, there’s only one isolation level — strict serializability.
- Upgrades are automatic and atomic, guaranteeing that each transfer is applied by only a single version of code.
- TigerBeetle always runs with online verification on, to detect any discrepancies in the data.
Is TigerBeetle ACID-compliant?
Yes. Let’s discuss each part:
As part of replication, each operation is durably stored in at least a quorum of replicas’ Write-Ahead Logs (WAL) before the primary will acknowledge the operation as committed. WAL entries are executed through the state machine business logic and the resulting state changes are stored in TigerBeetle’s LSM-Forest local storage engine.
The WAL is what allows TigerBeetle to achieve atomicity and durability since the WAL is the source of truth. If TigerBeetle crashes, the WAL is replayed at startup from the last checkpoint on disk.
However, financial atomicity goes further than this: events and transfers can be linked when created so they all succeed or fail together.
TigerBeetle guarantees strict serializability. And at the cluster level, stale reads are not possible since all operations (not only writes, but also reads) go through the global consensus protocol.
However, financial consistency requires more than this. TigerBeetle exposes a double-entry accounting API to guarantee that money cannot be created or destroyed, but only transferred from one account to another. And transfer history is immutable.
All client requests (and all events within a client request batch) are executed with the highest level of isolation, serially through the state machine, one after another, before the next operation begins. Counterintuitively, the use of batching and serial execution means that TigerBeetle can also provide this level of isolation optimally, without the cost of locks for all the individual events within a batch.
Up until 2018, traditional DBMS durability has focused on the Crash Consistency Model, however, Fsyncgate and Protocol Aware Recovery have shown that this model can lead to real data loss for users in the wild. TigerBeetle therefore adopts an explicit storage fault model, which we then verify and test with incredible levels of corruption, something which few distributed systems historically were designed to handle. Our emphasis on protecting Durability is what sets TigerBeetle apart, not only as a ledger but as a DBMS.
However, absolute durability is impossible, because all hardware can ultimately fail. Data we write today might not be available tomorrow. TigerBeetle embraces limited disk reliability and maximizes data durability in spite of imperfect disks. We actively work against such entropy by taking advantage of cluster-wide storage. A record would need to get corrupted on all replicas in a cluster to get lost, and even in that case the system would safely halt.
is a relatively new part of the Linux kernel
(support for it was added in version 5.1, which was released in May
2019). Since then, many kernel exploits have been found related to
and in 2023 Google
announced that they were disabling it in ChromeOS, for Android apps,
and on Google production servers.
Google’s post is primarily about how they secure operating systems and web servers that handle hostile user content. In the Google blog post, they specifically note:
we currently consider it safe only for use by trusted components
As a financial system of record, TigerBeetle is a trusted component and it should be running in a trusted environment.
Furthermore, TigerBeetle only uses 128-byte Account
s and Transfer
s with pure
integer fields. TigerBeetle has no (de)serialization and does not take
user-generated strings, which significantly constrains the attack
We are confident that io_uring
is the safest (and most
performant) way for TigerBeetle to handle async I/O. It is significantly
easier for the kernel to implement this correctly than for us to include
a userspace multithreaded thread pool (for example, as libuv does).
Next: Coding
This concludes the discussion of the concepts behind TigerBeetle — an OLTP database for recording business transactions in real time, using a double-entry bookkeeping schema, which is orders of magnitude faster and keeps the data safe even when the underling hardware inevitably fails.
We will now learn how to build applications on top of TigerBeetle.
Edit this pageCoding
This section is aimed at programmers building applications on top of TigerBeetle. It is organized as a series of loosely connected guides which can be read in any order.
- System Architecture paints the big picture.
- Data Modeling shows how to map business-level entities to the primitives provided by TigerBeetle.
- Financial Accounting, a deep dive into double-entry bookkeeping.
- Requests outlines the database interface.
- Reliable Transaction Submission explains the end-to-end principle and how it helps to avoid double spending.
- Two-Phase Transfers introduces pending transfers, one of the most powerful primitives built into TigerBeetle.
- Linked Events shows how several transfers can be chained together into a larger transaction, which success or fails atomically.
- Time lists the guarantees provided by the TigerBeetle cluster clock.
- Recipes is a library of ready-made solutions for common business requirements such as a currency exchange.
- Clients shows how to use TigerBeetle from the comfort of .Net, Go, Java, Node.js, or Python.
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Edit this pageTigerBeetle in Your System Architecture
TigerBeetle is an Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) database built for safety and performance. It is not a general purpose database like PostgreSQL or MySQL. Instead, TigerBeetle works alongside your general purpose database, which we refer to as an Online General Purpose (OLGP) database.
TigerBeetle should be used in the data plane, or hot path of transaction processing, while your general purpose database is used in the control plane and may be used for storing information or metadata that is updated less frequently.
Division of Responsibilities
App or Website
- Initiate transactions
- Generate Transfer and Account IDs
Stateless API Service
- Handle authentication and authorization
- Create account records in both the general purpose database and TigerBeetle when users sign up
- Cache ledger metadata
- Batch transfers
- Apply exchange rates for currency exchange transactions
General Purpose (OLGP) Database
- Store metadata about ledgers and accounts (such as string names or descriptions)
- Store mappings between integer type identifiers used in TigerBeetle and string representations used by the app and API
TigerBeetle (OLTP) Database
- Record transfers between accounts
- Track balances for accounts
- Enforce balance limits
- Enforce financial consistency through double-entry bookkeeping
- Enforce strict serializability of events
- Optionally store pointers to records or entities in the general
purpose database in the
Ledger, Account, and Transfer Types
For performance reasons, TigerBeetle stores the ledger, account, and transfer types as simple integers. Most likely, you will want these integers to map to enums of type names or strings, along with other associated metadata.
The mapping from the string representation of these types to the integers used within TigerBeetle may be hard-coded into your application logic or stored in a general purpose (OLGP) database and cached by your application. (These mappings should be immutable and append-only, so there is no concern about cache invalidation.)
⚠️ Importantly, initiating a transfer should not require fetching metadata from the general purpose database. If it does, that database will become the bottleneck and will negate the performance gains from using TigerBeetle.
Specifically, the types of information that fit into this category include:
Hard-coded in app or cached | In TigerBeetle |
Currency or asset code’s string representation (for example, “USD”) | ledger and
asset scale |
Account type’s string representation (for example, “cash”) | code |
Transfer type’s string representation (for example, “refund”) | code |
TigerBeetle does not support authentication. You should never allow untrusted users or services to interact with it directly.
Also, untrusted processes must not be able to access or modify TigerBeetle’s on-disk data file.
Edit this pageData Modeling
This section describes various aspects of the TigerBeetle data model and provides some suggestions for how you can map your application’s requirements onto the data model.
Accounts, Transfers, and Ledgers
The TigerBeetle data model consists of Account
s, Transfer
s, and
Ledgers partition accounts into groups that may represent a currency or asset type or any other logical grouping. Only accounts on the same ledger can transact directly, but you can use atomically linked transfers to implement currency exchange.
Ledgers are only stored in TigerBeetle as a numeric identifier on the account and transfer data structures. You may want to store additional metadata about each ledger in a control plane database.
You can also use different ledgers to further partition accounts, beyond asset type. For example, if you have a multi-tenant setup where you are tracking balances for your customers’ end-users, you might have a ledger for each of your customers. If customers have end-user accounts in multiple currencies, each of your customers would have multiple ledgers.
Debits vs Credits
TigerBeetle tracks each account’s cumulative posted debits and
cumulative posted credits. In double-entry accounting, an account
balance is the difference between the two — computed as either
debits - credits
or credits - debits
depending on the type of account. It is up to the application to compute
the balance from the cumulative debits/credits.
From the database’s perspective the distinction is arbitrary, but accounting conventions recommend using a certain balance type for certain types of accounts.
If you are new to thinking in terms of debits and credits, read the deep dive on financial accounting to get a better understanding of double-entry bookkeeping and the different types of accounts.
Debit Balances
balance = debits - credits
By convention, debit balances are used to represent:
- Operator’s Assets
- Operator’s Expenses
To enforce a positive (non-negative) debit balance, use flags.credits_must_not_exceed_debits
To keep an account’s balance between an upper and lower bound, see the Balance Bounds recipe.
Credit Balances
balance = credits - debits
By convention, credit balances are used to represent:
- Operator’s Liabilities
- Equity in the Operator’s Business
- Operator’s Income
To enforce a positive (non-negative) credit balance, use flags.debits_must_not_exceed_credits
For example, a customer account that is represented as an Operator’s
Liability would use this flag to ensure that the balance cannot go
To keep an account’s balance between an upper and lower bound, see the Balance Bounds recipe.
Compound Transfers
s in TigerBeetle debit a single account and
credit a single account. You can read more about implementing compound
transfers in Multi-Debit, Multi-Credit
Fractional Amounts and Asset Scale
To maximize precision and efficiency, Account
and Transfer
are unsigned 128-bit integers. However, currencies are often denominated
in fractional amounts.
To represent a fractional amount in TigerBeetle, map the smallest useful unit of the fractional currency to 1. Consider all amounts in TigerBeetle as a multiple of that unit.
Applications may rescale the integer amounts as necessary when rendering or interfacing with other systems. But when working with fractional amounts, calculations should be performed on the integers to avoid loss of precision due to floating-point approximations.
Asset Scale
When the multiplier is a power of 10 (e.g. 10 ^ n
), then
the exponent n
is referred to as an asset scale.
For example, representing USD in cents uses an asset scale of
- In USD,
cents. So for example,- The fractional amount
is represented as the integer45
. - The fractional amount
is represented as the integer12300
. - The fractional amount
is represented as the integer12345
- The fractional amount
Oversized Amounts
The other direction works as well. If the smallest useful unit of a
currency is 10,000,000
units, then it can be scaled down to
the integer 1
The 128-bit representation defines the precision, but not the scale.
⚠️ Asset Scales Cannot Be Easily Changed
When setting your asset scales, we recommend thinking about whether your application may ever require a larger asset scale. If so, we would recommend using that larger scale from the start.
For example, it might seem natural to use an asset scale of 2 for many currencies. However, it may be wise to use a higher scale in case you ever need to represent smaller fractions of that asset.
Accounts and transfers are immutable once created. In order to change
the asset scale of a ledger, you would need to use a different
number and duplicate all the accounts on that ledger
over to the new one.
, user_data_64
are the most flexible fields in the schema
(for both accounts and transfers). Each
field’s contents are arbitrary, interpreted only
by the application.
Each user_data
field is indexed for efficient point and
range queries.
While the usage of each field is entirely up to you, one way of thinking about each of the fields is:
- this might store the “who” and/or “what” of a transfer. For example, it could be a pointer to a business entity stored within the control plane database.user_data_64
- this might store a second timestamp for “when” the transaction originated in the real world, rather than when the transfer was timestamped by TigerBeetle. This can be used if you need to model bitemporality. Alternatively, if you do not need this to be used for a timestamp, you could use this field in place of theuser_data_128
to store the “who”/“what”.user_data_32
- this might store the “where” of a transfer. For example, it could store the jurisdiction where the transaction originated in the real world. In certain cases, such as for cross-border remittances, it might not be enough to have the UTC timestamp and you may want to know the transfer’s locale.
(Note that the code
can be used to
encode the “why” of a transfer.)
Any of the user_data
fields can be used as a group
identifier for objects that will be queried together. For example, for
multiple transfers used for currency exchange.
The id
field uniquely identifies each Account
and Transfer
within the
The primary purpose of an id
is to serve as an
“idempotency key” — to avoid executing an event twice. For example, if a
client creates a transfer but the server’s reply is lost, the client (or
application) will retry — the database must not transfer the money
Note that id
s are unique per cluster – not per ledger.
You should attach a separate identifier in the user_data
field if you want to store
a connection between multiple Account
s or multiple
s that are related to one another. For example,
different currency Account
s belonging to the same user or
multiple Transfer
s that are part of a currency exchange.
TigerBeetle Time-Based Identifiers are recommended for most applications.
When selecting an id
- Idempotency is particularly important (and difficult) in the context of application crash recovery.
- Be careful to avoid
collisions. - An account and a transfer may share the same
(they belong to different “namespaces”), but this is not recommended because other systems (that you may later connect to TigerBeetle) may use a single “namespace” for all objects. - Avoid requiring a central oracle to generate each unique
(e.g. an auto-increment field in SQL). A central oracle may become a performance bottleneck when creating accounts/transfers. - Sequences of identifiers with long runs of strictly increasing (or strictly decreasing) values are amenable to optimization, leading to higher database throughput.
- Random identifiers are not recommended – they can’t take advantage of all of the LSM optimizations. (Random identifiers have ~10% lower throughput than strictly-increasing ULIDs).
TigerBeetle Time-Based Identifiers (Recommended)
TigerBeetle recommends using a specific ID scheme for most applications. It is time-based and lexicographically sortable. The scheme is inspired by ULIDs and UUIDv7s but is better able to take advantage of LSM optimizations, which leads to higher database throughput.
TigerBeetle clients include an id()
function to generate
IDs using the recommended scheme.
TigerBeetle IDs consist of:
- 48 bits of (millisecond) timestamp (high-order bits)
- 80 bits of randomness (low-order bits)
When creating multiple objects during the same millisecond, we increment the random bytes rather than generating new random bytes. Furthermore, it is important that IDs are stored in little-endian with the random bytes as the lower-order bits and the timestamp as the higher-order bits. These details ensure that a sequence of objects have strictly increasing IDs according to the server, which improves database optimization.
Similar to ULIDs and UUIDv7s, these IDs have the following benefits:
- they have an insignificant risk of collision.
- they do not require a central oracle to generate.
Reuse Foreign Identifier
This technique is most appropriate when integrating TigerBeetle with an existing application where TigerBeetle accounts or transfers map one-to-one with an entity in the foreign database.
Set id
to a “foreign key” — that is, reuse an identifier
of a corresponding object from another database. For example, if every
user (within the application’s database) has a single account, then the
identifier within the foreign database can be used as the
within TigerBeetle.
To reuse the foreign identifier, it must conform to TigerBeetle’s
The code
identifier represents the “why” for an Account
or Transfer.
On an Account
, the
indicates the account type, such as assets,
liabilities, equity, income, or expenses, and subcategories within those
On a Transfer
, the
indicates why a given transfer is happening, such as a
purchase, refund, currency exchange, etc.
When you start building out your application on top of TigerBeetle,
you may find it helpful to list out all of the known types of accounts
and movements of funds and mapping each of these to code
numbers or ranges.
Financial Accounting
For developers with non-financial backgrounds, TigerBeetle’s use of accounting concepts like debits and credits may be one of the trickier parts to understand. However, these concepts have been the language of business for hundreds of years, so we promise it’s worth it!
This page goes a bit deeper into debits and credits, double-entry bookkeeping, and how to think about your accounts as part of a type system.
Building Intuition with Two Simple Examples
If you have an outstanding loan and owe a bank $100, is your balance 100or−100? Conversely, if you have $200 in your bank account, is the balance 200or−200?
Thinking about these two examples, we can start to build an intuition that the positive or negative sign of the balance depends on whose perspective we’re looking from. That $100 you owe the bank represents a “bad” thing for you, but a “good” thing for the bank. We might think about that same debt differently if we’re doing your accounting or the bank’s.
These examples also hint at the different types of accounts. We probably want to think about a debt as having the opposite “sign” as the funds in your bank account. At the same time, the types of these accounts look different depending on whether you are considering them from the perspective of you or the bank.
Now, back to our original questions: is the loan balance 100or−100 and is the bank account balance 200or−200? On some level, this feels a bit arbitrary.
Wouldn’t it be nice if there were some commonly agreed-upon standards so we wouldn’t have to make such an arbitrary decision? Yes! This is exactly what debits and credits and the financial accounting type system provide.
Types of Accounts
In financial accounting, there are 5 main types of accounts:
- Asset - what you own, which could produce income or which you could sell.
- Liability - what you owe to other people.
- Equity - value of the business owned by the owners or shareholders, or “the residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all its liabilities.”1
- Income - money or things of value you receive for selling products or services, or “increases in assets, or decreases in liabilities, that result in increases in equity, other than those relating to contributions from holders of equity claims.”2
- Expense - money you spend to pay for products or services, or “decreases in assets, or increases in liabilities, that result in decreases in equity, other than those relating to distributions to holders of equity claims.”3
As mentioned above, the type of account depends on whose perspective you are doing the accounting from. In those examples, the loan you have from the bank is liability for you, because you owe the amount to the bank. However, that same loan is an asset from the bank’s perspective. In contrast, the money in your bank account is an asset for you but it is a liability for the bank.
Each of these major categories are further subdivided into more specific types of accounts. For example, in your personal accounting you would separately track the cash in your physical wallet from the funds in your checking account, even though both of those are assets. The bank would split out mortgages from car loans, even though both of those are also assets for the bank.
Double-Entry Bookkeeping
Categorizing accounts into different types is useful for organizational purposes, but it also provides a key error-correcting mechanism.
Every record in our accounting is not only recorded in one place, but in two. This is double-entry bookkeeping. Why would we do that?
Let’s think about the bank loan in our example above. When you took out the loan, two things actually happened at the same time. On the one hand, you now owe the bank $100. At the same time, the bank gave you $100. These are the two entries that comprise the loan transaction.
From your perspective, your liability to the bank increased by $100 while your assets also increased by $100. From the bank’s perspective, their assets (the loan to you) increased by $100 while their liabilities (the money in your bank account) also increased by $100.
Double-entry bookkeeping ensures that funds are always accounted for. Money never just appears. Funds always go from somewhere to somewhere.
Keeping Accounts in Balance
Now we understand that there are different types of accounts and every transaction will be recorded in two (or more) accounts – but which accounts?
The Fundamental Accounting Equation stipulates that:
Assets - Liabilities = Equity
Using our loan example, it’s no accident that the loan increases assets and liabilities at the same time. Assets and liabilities are on the opposite sides of the equation, and both sides must be exactly equal. Loans increase assets and liabilities equally.
Here are some other types of transactions that would affect assets, liabilities, and equity, while maintaining this balance:
- If you withdraw $100 in cash from your bank account, your total assets stay the same. Your bank account balance (an asset) would decrease while your physical cash (another asset) would increase.
- From the perspective of the bank, you withdrawing $100 in cash decreases their assets in the form of the cash they give you, while also decreasing their liabilities because your bank balance decreases as well.
- If a shareholder invests $1000 in the bank, that increases both the bank’s assets and equity.
Assets, liabilities, and equity represent a point in time. The other two main categories, income and expenses, represent flows of money in and out.
Income and expenses impact the position of the business over time. The expanded accounting equation can be written as:
Assets - Liabilities = Equity + Income − Expenses
You don’t need to memorize these equations (unless you’re training as an accountant!). However, it is useful to understand that those main account types lie on different sides of this equation.
Debits and Credits vs Signed Integers
Instead of using a positive or negative integer to track a balance, TigerBeetle and double-entry bookkeeping systems use debits and credits.
The two entries that give “double-entry bookkeeping” its name are the
debit and the credit: every transaction has at least one debit and at
least one credit. (Note that for efficiency’s sake, TigerBeetle
s consist of exactly one debit and one credit.
These can be composed into more complex multi-debit, multi-credit
transfers.) Which entry is the debit and which is the credit? The
answer is easy once you understand that accounting is a type
system. An account increases with a debit or credit according
to its type.
When our example loan increases the assets and liabilities, we need to assign each of these entries to either be a debit or a credit. At some level, this is completely arbitrary. For clarity, accountants have used the same standards for hundreds of years:
How Debits and Credits Increase or Decrease Account Balances
- Assets and expenses are increased with debits, decreased with credits
- Liabilities, equity, and income are increased with credits, decreased with debits
Or, in a table form:
Debit | Credit | |
Asset | + | - |
Liability | - | + |
Equity | - | + |
Income | - | + |
Expense | + | - |
From the perspective of our example bank:
- You taking out a loan debits (increases) their loan assets and credits (increases) their bank account balance liabilities.
- You paying off the loan debits (decreases) their bank account balance liabilities and credits (decreases) their loan assets.
- You depositing cash debits (increases) their cash assets and credits (increases) their bank account balance liabilities.
- You withdrawing cash debits (decreases) their bank account balance liabilities and credits (decreases) their cash assets.
Note that accounting conventions also always write the debits first, to represent the funds flowing from the debited account to the credited account.
If this seems arbitrary and confusing, we understand! It’s a convention, just like how most programmers need to learn zero-based array indexing and then at some point it becomes second nature.
Account Types and the “Normal Balance”
Some other accounting systems have the concept of a “normal balance”, which would indicate whether a given account’s balance is increased by debits or credits.
When designing for TigerBeetle, we recommend thinking about account types instead of “normal balances”. This is because the type of balance follows from the type of account, but the type of balance doesn’t tell you the type of account. For example, an account might have a normal balance on the debit side but that doesn’t tell you whether it is an asset or expense.
- Accounts are categorized into types. The 5 main types are asset, liability, equity, income, and expense.
- Depending on the type of account, an increase is recorded as either a debit or a credit.
- All transfers consist of two entries, a debit and a credit. Double-entry bookkeeping ensures that all funds come from somewhere and go somewhere.
When you get started using TigerBeetle, we would recommend writing a list of all the types of accounts in your system that you can think of. Then, think about whether, from the perspective of your business, each account represents an asset, liability, equity, income, or expense. That determines whether the given type of account is increased with a debit or a credit.
Want More Help Understanding Debits and Credits?
Ask the Community
Have questions about debits and credits, TigerBeetle’s data model, how to design your application on top of it, or anything else?
Come join our Community Slack and ask any and all questions you might have!
Dedicated Consultation
Would you like the TigerBeetle team to help you design your chart of accounts and leverage the power of TigerBeetle in your architecture?
Let us help you get it right. Contact our CEO, Joran Dirk Greef, at joran@tigerbeetle.com to set up a call.
Edit this pageRequests
A request queries or updates the database state.
A request consists of one or more events of the same type sent to the cluster in a single message. For example, a single request can create multiple transfers but it cannot create both accounts and transfers.
The cluster commits an entire request at once. Events are applied in series, such that successive events observe the effects of previous ones and event timestamps are totally ordered.
Each request receives one reply message from the cluster. The reply contains one result for each event in the request.
Request Types
: createAccount
: createTransfer
: fetchAccount
s byid
: fetchTransfer
s byid
: fetchTransfer
s bydebit_account_id
: fetch the historical account balance by theAccount
: queryAccount
: queryTransfer
More request types, including more powerful queries, are coming soon!
Events and Results
Each request has a corresponding event and result type:
Request Type | Event | Result |
create_accounts |
Account |
CreateAccountResult |
create_transfers |
Transfer |
CreateTransferResult |
lookup_accounts |
Account.id |
or nothing |
lookup_transfers |
Transfer.id |
or nothing |
get_account_transfers |
AccountFilter |
or nothing |
get_account_balances |
AccountFilter |
or nothing |
query_accounts |
QueryFilter |
or nothing |
query_transfers |
QueryFilter |
or nothing |
Events that create objects are idempotent. The first event to create
an object with a given id
will receive the ok
result. Subsequent events that attempt to create the same object will
receive the exists
Batching Events
To achieve high throughput, TigerBeetle amortizes the overhead of consensus and I/O by batching many events in each request.
In the default configuration, the maximum batch sizes for each request type are:
Request Type | Request Batch Size (Events) | Reply Batch Size (Results) |
lookup_accounts |
8190 | 8190 |
lookup_transfers |
8190 | 8190 |
create_accounts |
8190 | 8190 |
create_transfers |
8190 | 8190 |
get_account_transfers |
1 | 8190 |
get_account_balances |
1 | 8190 |
query_accounts |
1 | 8190 |
query_transfers |
1 | 8190 |
TigerBeetle clients automatically batch events. Therefore, it is recommended to share the client instances between multiple threads or tasks to have events batched transparently.
- A request executes within the cluster at most once.
- Requests do not time out. Clients will continuously retry requests until they receive a reply from the cluster. This is because in the case of a network partition, a lack of response from the cluster could either indicate that the request was dropped before it was processed or that the reply was dropped after the request was processed. Note that individual pending transfers within a request may have timeouts.
- Requests retried by their original client session receive identical replies.
- Requests retried by a different client (same request body, different session) may receive different replies.
- Events within a request are executed in sequence. The effects of a given event are observable when the next event within that request is applied.
- Events within a request do not interleave with events from other requests.
- All events within a request batch are committed, or none are. Note that this does not mean that all of the events in a batch will succeed, or that all will fail. Events succeed or fail independently unless they are explicitly linked
- Once committed, an event will always be committed — the cluster’s state never backtracks.
- Within a cluster, object timestamps are unique and strictly increasing. No two objects within the same cluster will have the same timestamp. Furthermore, the order of the timestamps indicates the order in which the objects were committed.
Reliable Transaction Submission
When making payments or recording transfers, it is important to ensure that they are recorded once and only once – even if some parts of the system fail during the transaction.
There are some subtle gotchas to avoid, so this page describes how to submit events – and especially transfers – reliably.
The App or Browser Should Generate the ID
s and
s carry an
field that is used as an idempotency key to ensure the
same object is not created twice.
The client software, such as your app or web page, that the
user interacts with should generate the id
(not your API).
This id
should be persisted locally before submission, and
the same id
should be used for subsequent
- User initiates a transfer.
- Client software (app, web page, etc) generates the transfer
. - Client software persists the
in the app or browser local storage. - Client software submits the transfer to your API service.
- API service includes the transfer in a request.
- TigerBeetle creates the transfer with the given
once and only once. - TigerBeetle responds to the API service.
- The API service responds to the client software.
Handling Network Failures
The method described above handles various potential network failures. The request may be lost before it reaches the API service or before it reaches TigerBeetle. Or, the response may be lost on the way back from TigerBeetle.
Generating the id
on the client side ensures that
transfers can be safely retried. The app must use the same
each time the transfer is resent.
If the transfer was already created before and then retried,
TigerBeetle will return the exists
response code. If the transfer had not already been created, it will be
created and return the ok
Handling Client Software Restarts
The method described above also handles potential restarts of the app or browser while the request is in flight.
It is important to persist the id
to local
storage on the client’s device before submitting the transfer.
When the app or web page reloads, it should resubmit the transfer using
the same id
This ensures that the operation can be safely retried even if the
client app or browser restarts before receiving the response to the
operation. Similar to the case of a network failure, TigerBeetle will
respond with the ok
if a transfer is newly created and exists
if an object with the same id
was already created.
Two-Phase Transfers
A two-phase transfer moves funds in stages:
The name “two-phase transfer” is a reference to the two-phase commit protocol for distributed transactions.
Reserve Funds (Pending Transfer)
A pending transfer, denoted by flags.pending
reserves its amount
in the debit/credit accounts’ debits_pending
fields, respectively. Pending transfers leave the
Resolve Funds
Pending transfers can be posted, voided, or they may time out.
Post-Pending Transfer
A post-pending transfer, denoted by flags.post_pending_transfer
causes a pending transfer to “post”, transferring some or all of the
pending transfer’s reserved amount to its destination.
- If the posted
is less than the pending transfer’s amount, then only this amount is posted, and the remainder is restored to its original accounts. - If the posted
is equal to the pending transfer’s amount or equal toAMOUNT_MAX
(2^128 - 1
), the full pending transfer’s amount is posted. - If the posted
is greater than the pending transfer’s amount (but less thanAMOUNT_MAX
is returned.
Client < 0.16.0
Additionally, when flags.post_pending_transfer
must reference a pending transfer.flags.void_pending_transfer
must not be set.
The following fields may either be zero or they must match the value of the pending transfer’s field:
Void-Pending Transfer
A void-pending transfer, denoted by flags.void_pending_transfer
restores the pending amount its original accounts. Additionally, when
this field is set:
must reference a pending transfer.flags.post_pending_transfer
must not be set.
The following fields may either be zero or they must match the value of the pending transfer’s field:
Expire Pending Transfer
A pending transfer may optionally be created with a timeout. If the timeout interval passes before the transfer is either posted or voided, the transfer expires and the full amount is returned to the original account.
Note that timeout
s are given as intervals, specified in
seconds, rather than as absolute timestamps. For more details on why,
read the page about Time in TigerBeetle.
A pending transfer can only be posted or voided once. It cannot be posted twice or voided then posted, etc.
Attempting to resolve a pending transfer more than once will return the applicable error result:
Interaction with Account Invariants
The pending transfer’s amount is reserved in a way that the second
step in a two-phase transfer will never cause the accounts’ configured
balance invariants (credits_must_not_exceed_debits
or debits_must_not_exceed_credits
to be broken, whether the second step is a post or void.
Pessimistic Pending Transfers
If an account with debits_must_not_exceed_credits
has credits_posted = 100
debits_posted = 70
and a pending transfer is started
causing the account to have debits_pending = 50
, the
pending transfer will fail. It will not wait to get to
posted status to fail.
All Transfers Are Immutable
To reiterate, completing a two-phase transfer (by either marking it void or posted) does not involve modifying the pending transfer. Instead you create a new transfer.
The first transfer that is marked pending will always have its pending flag set.
The second transfer will have a post_pending_transfer
or void_pending_transfer
flag set and a pending_id
field set to the id
of the first
transfer. The id
of the second transfer will be unique, not the same id
as the initial
pending transfer.
The following examples show the state of two accounts in three steps:
- Initially, before any transfers
- After a pending transfer
- And after the pending transfer is posted or voided
Post Full Pending Amount
Account A |
Account B |
Transfers | |||||
debits | credits | ||||||
pending | posted | pending | posted | debit_account_id | credit_account_id | amount | flags |
w |
x |
y |
z |
- | - | - | - |
123 + w |
x |
123 + y |
z |
A |
B |
123 | pending |
w |
123 + x |
y |
123 + z |
A |
B |
123 | post_pending_transfer |
Post Partial Pending Amount
Account A |
Account B |
Transfers | |||||
debits | credits | ||||||
pending | posted | pending | posted | debit_account_id | credit_account_id | amount | flags |
w |
x |
y |
z |
- | - | - | - |
123 + w |
x |
123 + y |
z |
A |
B |
123 | pending |
w |
100 + x |
y |
100 + z |
A |
B |
100 | post_pending_transfer |
Void Pending Transfer
Account A |
Account B |
Transfers | |||||
debits | credits | ||||||
pending | posted | pending | posted | debit_account_id | credit_account_id | amount | flags |
w |
x |
y |
z |
- | - | - | - |
123 + w |
x |
123 + y |
z |
A |
B |
123 | pending |
w |
x |
y |
z |
A |
B |
123 | void_pending_transfer |
Linked Events
Events within a request succeed or
fail independently unless they are explicitly linked using
or Transfer.flags.linked
When the linked
flag is specified, it links the outcome
of a Transfer or Account creation with the outcome of the next one in
the request. These chains of events will all succeed or fail
The last event in a chain is denoted by the first Transfer or Account without this flag.
The last Transfer or Account in a request may never have the
set, as it would leave a chain open-ended.
Attempting to do so will result in the linked_event_chain_open
Multiple chains of events may coexist within a request to succeed or fail independently.
Events within a chain are executed in order, or are rolled back on
error, so that the effect of each event in the chain is visible to the
next. Each chain is either visible or invisible as a unit to subsequent
transfers after the chain. The event that was the first to fail within a
chain will have a unique error result. Other events in the chain will
have their error result set to linked_event_failed
Linked Transfers Example
Consider this set of Transfers as part of a request:
Transfer | Index in Request | flags.linked |
A |
0 |
false |
B |
1 |
true |
C |
2 |
true |
D |
3 |
false |
E |
4 |
false |
If any of transfers B
, C
, or D
fail (for example, due to exceeds_credits
then B
, C
, and D
will all fail.
They are linked.
Transfers A
and E
fail or succeed
independently of B
, C
, D
, and
each other.
After the chain of linked events has executed, the fact that they were linked will not be saved. To save the association between Transfers or Accounts, it must be encoded into the data model, for example by adding an ID to one of the user data fields.
Edit this pageTime
Time is a critical component of all distributed systems and databases. Within TigerBeetle, we keep track of two types of time: logical time and physical time. Logical time is about ordering events relative to each other, and physical time is the everyday time, a numeric timestamp.
Logical Time
TigerBeetle uses a consensus protocol (Viewstamped Replication) to guarantee strict serializability for all operations.
In other words, to an external observer, TigerBeetle cluster behaves
as if it is just a single machine which processes the incoming requests
in order. If an application submits a batch of transfers with transfer
, receives a reply, and then submits a batch with another
transfer T2
, it is guaranteed that T2
observe the effects of T1
. Note, however, that there could
be concurrent requests from multiple applications, so, unless
and T2
are in the same batch of transfers,
some other transfer could happen in between them. See the reference for precise
Physical Time
TigerBeetle uses physical time in addition to the logical time provided by the consensus algorithm. Financial transactions require physical time for multiple reasons, including:
- Liquidity - TigerBeetle supports Two-Phase Transfers that reserve funds and hold them in a pending state until they are posted, voided, or the transfer times out. A timeout is useful to ensure that the reserved funds are not held in limbo indefinitely.
- Compliance and Auditing - For regulatory and security purposes, it is useful to have a specific idea of when (in terms of wall clock time) transfers took place.
TigerBeetle uses two-layered approach to physical time. On the basic layer, each replica asks the underling operating system about the current time. Then, timing information from several replicas is aggregated to make sure that the replicas roughly agree on the time, to prevent a replica with a bad clock from issuing incorrect timestamps. Additionally, this “cluster time” is made strictly monotonic, for end user’s convenience.
Why TigerBeetle Manages Timestamps
An important invariant is that the TigerBeetle cluster assigns all
timestamps. In particular, timestamps on Transfer
s and
are set by the cluster when the corresponding event arrives at the
primary. This is why the timestamp
field must be set to
when operations are submitted by the client.
Similarly, the Transfer.timeout
is given as an interval in seconds, rather than as an absolute
timestamp, because it is also managed by the primary. The
is calculated relative to the
when the operation arrives at the primary.
This restriction is needed to make sure that any two timestamps always refer to the same underlying clock (cluster’s physical time) and are directly comparable. This in turn provides a set of powerful guarantees.
Timestamps are Totally Ordered
All timestamp
s within TigerBeetle are unique, immutable
and totally
ordered. A transfer that is created before another transfer is
guaranteed to have an earlier timestamp
(even if they were
created in the same request).
In other systems this is also called a “physical” timestamp, “ingestion” timestamp, “record” timestamp, or “system” timestamp.
Further Reading
If you are curious how exactly it is that TigerBeetle achieves strictly monotonic physical time, we have a talk and a blog post with details:
- Detecting Clock Sync Failure in Highly Available Systems (YouTube)
- Three Clocks are Better than One (TigerBeetle Blog)
A collection of solutions for common use-cases. What to exchange some currency? Or made a wrong transfer and want to undo that? We have a recipe for that!
- Currency Exchange
- Multi-Debit, Multi-Credit Transfers
- Closing Accounts
- Balance-Conditional Transfers
- Balance-Invariant Transfers
- Balance Bounds
- Correcting Transfers
- Rate Limiting
Currency Exchange
Some applications require multiple currencies. For example, a bank
may hold balances in many different currencies. If a single logical
entity holds multiple currencies, each currency must be held in a
separate TigerBeetle Account
. (Normalizing to a single
currency at the application level should be avoided because exchange
rates fluctuate).
Currency exchange is a trade of one type of currency (denoted by the
) for another, facilitated by an entity called the
liquidity provider.
Data Modeling
Distinct ledger
denote different currencies (or other asset types). Transfers between
pairs of accounts with different ledger
s are not
Instead, currency exchange is implemented by creating two atomically linked different-ledger transfers between two pairs of same-ledger accounts.
A simple currency exchange involves four accounts:
- A source account
, on ledger1
. - A destination account
, on ledger2
. - A source liquidity account
, on ledger1
. - A destination liquidity account
, on ledger2
and two linked transfers:
- A transfer
from the source account to the source liquidity account. - A transfer
from the destination liquidity account to the destination account.
The transfer amounts vary according to the exchange rate.
- Both liquidity accounts belong to the liquidity provider (e.g. a bank or exchange).
- The source and destination accounts may belong to the same entity as one another, or different entities, depending on the use case.
Consider sending $100.00
from account A₁
(denominated in USD) to account A₂
(denominated in INR).
Assuming an exchange rate of $1.00 = ₹82.42135
$100.00 = ₹8242.135
Ledger | Debit Account | Credit Account | Amount | flags.linked |
USD | A₁ |
L₁ |
10000 | true |
INR | L₂ |
A₂ |
8242135 | false |
- Amounts are represented as integers.
- Because both liquidity accounts belong to the same entity, the
entity does not lose money on the transaction.
- If the exchange rate is precise, the entity breaks even.
- If the exchange rate is not precise, the application should round in favor of the liquidity account to deter arbitrage.
- Because the two transfers are linked together, they will either both succeed or both fail.
In the prior example, the liquidity provider breaks even. A fee (i.e.
spread) can be included in the linked
chain as a separate
transfer from the source account to the source liquidity account
to L₁
This is preferable to simply modifying the exchange rate in the liquidity provider’s favor because it implicitly records the exchange rate and spread at the time of the exchange — information that cannot be derived if the two are combined.
This depicts the same scenario as the prior example, except the
liquidity provider charges a $0.10
fee for the
Ledger | Debit Account | Credit Account | Amount | flags.linked |
USD | A₁ |
L₁ |
10000 | true |
USD | A₁ |
L₁ |
10 | true |
INR | L₂ |
A₂ |
8242135 | false |
Multi-Debit, Multi-Credit Transfers
TigerBeetle is designed for maximum performance. In order to keep it lean, the database only supports simple transfers with a single debit and a single credit.
However, you’ll probably run into cases where you want transactions with multiple debits and/or credits. For example, you might have a transfer where you want to extract fees and/or taxes.
Read on to see how to implement one-to-many and many-to-many transfers!
Note that all of these examples use the Linked Transfers flag (
) to ensure that all of the transfers succeed or fail together.
One-to-Many Transfers
Transactions that involve multiple debits and a single credit OR a single debit and multiple credits are relatively straightforward.
You can use multiple linked transfers as depicted below.
Single Debit, Multiple Credits
This example debits a single account and credits multiple accounts. It uses the following accounts:
- A source account
, on theUSD
ledger. - Three destination accounts
, andZ
, on theUSD
Ledger | Debit Account | Credit Account | Amount | flags.linked |
USD | A |
X |
10000 | true |
USD | A |
Y |
50 | true |
USD | A |
Z |
10 | false |
Multiple Debits, Single Credit
This example debits multiple accounts and credits a single account. It uses the following accounts:
- Three source accounts
, andC
on theUSD
ledger. - A destination account
on theUSD
Ledger | Debit Account | Credit Account | Amount | flags.linked |
USD | A |
X |
10000 | true |
USD | B |
X |
50 | true |
USD | C |
X |
10 | false |
Multiple Debits, Single Credit, Balancing debits
This example debits multiple accounts and credits a single account.
The total amount to transfer to the credit account is known (in this
case, 100
), but the balances of the individual debit
accounts are not known. That is, each debit account should contribute as
much as possible (in order of precedence) up to the target, cumulative
transfer amount.
It uses the following accounts:
- Three source accounts
, andC
, withflags.debits_must_not_exceed_credits
. - A destination account
. - A control account
, withflags.debits_must_not_exceed_credits
. - A control account
, for setting up theLIMIT
Id | Ledger | Debit Account | Credit Account | Amount | Flags |
1 | USD | SETUP |
100 | linked |
2 | USD | A |
100 | linked ,
balancing_debit ,
balancing_credit |
3 | USD | B |
100 | linked ,
balancing_debit ,
balancing_credit |
4 | USD | C |
100 | linked ,
balancing_debit ,
balancing_credit |
5 | USD | SETUP |
X |
100 | linked |
6 | USD | LIMIT |
-0 | balancing_credit |
If the cumulative credit balance of
A + B + C
is less than 100
, the chain will
fail (transfer 6
will return
Many-to-Many Transfers
Transactions with multiple debits and multiple credits are a bit more involved (but you got this!).
This is where the accounting concept of a Control Account comes in handy. We can use this as an intermediary account, as illustrated below.
In this example, we’ll use the following accounts:
- Two source accounts
on theUSD
ledger. - Three destination accounts
, andZ
, on theUSD
ledger. - A compound entry control account
on theUSD
Ledger | Debit Account | Credit Account | Amount | flags.linked |
USD | A |
Control |
10000 | true |
USD | B |
Control |
50 | true |
USD | Control |
X |
9000 | true |
USD | Control |
Y |
1000 | true |
USD | Control |
Z |
50 | false |
Here, we use two transfers to debit accounts A
and credit the Control
account, and another
three transfers to credit accounts X
, Y
, and
If you looked closely at this example, you may have noticed that we
could have debited B
and credited Z
because the amounts happened to line up. That is true!
For a little more extreme performance, you might consider implementing logic to circumvent the control account where possible, to reduce the number of transfers to implement a compound journal entry.
However, if you’re just getting started, you can avoid premature optimizations (we’ve all been there!). You may find it easier to program these compound journal entries always using a control account – and you can then come back to squeeze this performance out later!
Edit this pageClose Account
In accounting, a closing entry calculates the net debit or credit balance for an account and then credits or debits this balance respectively, to zero the account’s balance and move the balance to another account.
Additionally, it may be desirable to forbid further transfers on this account (i.e. at the end of an accounting period, upon account termination, or even temporarily freezing the account for audit purposes.
Given a set of accounts:
Account | Debits Pending | Debits Posted | Credits Pending | Credits Posted | Flags |
A |
0 | 10 | 0 | 20 | debits_must_not_exceed_credits |
B |
0 | 30 | 0 | 5 | credits_must_not_exceed_debits |
C |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
The “closing entries” for accounts A
and B
are expressed as linked chains, so they either succeed or fail
: the linked transfers areT1
: the linked transfers areT3
: is the control account and will not be closed.
Transfer | Debit Account | Credit Account | Amount | Amount (recorded) | Flags |
T1 |
A |
C |
10 | balancing_debit ,linked |
T2 |
A |
C |
0 | 0 | closing_debit ,
pending |
T3 |
C |
B |
25 | balancing_credit ,linked |
T4 |
C |
B |
0 | 0 | closing_credit ,
pending |
are balancing transfers withAMOUNT_MAX
as theTransfer.amount
so that the application does not need to know (or query) the balance prior to closing the account.The stored transfer’s
will be set to the actual amount transferred.T2
are closing transfers that will cause the respective account to be closed.The closing transfer must be also a pending transfer so the action can be reversible.
After committing these transfers, A
and B
are closed with net balance zero, and will reject any further
Account | Debits Pending | Debits Posted | Credits Pending | Credits Posted | Flags |
A |
0 | 20 | 0 | 20 | debits_must_not_exceed_credits ,
closed |
B |
0 | 30 | 0 | 30 | credits_must_not_exceed_debits ,
closed |
C |
0 | 25 | 0 | 10 |
To re-open the closed account, the pending closing transfer can be voided, reverting the closing action (but not reverting the net balance):
Transfer | Debit Account | Credit Account | Amount | Pending Transfer | Flags |
T5 |
A |
C |
0 | T2 |
void_pending_transfer |
T6 |
C |
B |
0 | T4 |
void_pending_transfer |
After committing these transfers, A
and B
are re-opened and can accept transfers again:
Account | Debits Pending | Debits Posted | Credits Pending | Credits Posted | Flags |
A |
0 | 20 | 0 | 20 | debits_must_not_exceed_credits |
B |
0 | 30 | 0 | 30 | credits_must_not_exceed_debits |
C |
0 | 25 | 0 | 10 |
Balance-Conditional Transfers
In some use cases, you may want to execute a transfer if and only if an account has at least a certain balance.
It would be unsafe to check an account’s balance using the lookup_accounts
and then perform the transfer, because these requests are not be atomic
and the account’s balance may change between the lookup and the
You can atomically run a check against an account’s balance before executing a transfer by using a control or temporary account and linked transfers.
1. Target Account Must Have a Limited Balance
The account for whom you want to do the balance check must have one of these flags set:
for accounts with credit balancesflags.credits_must_not_exceed_debits
for accounts with debit balances
2. Create a Control Account
There must also be a designated control account. As you can see below, this account will never actually take control of the target account’s funds, but we will set up simultaneous transfers in and out of the control account.
Executing a Balance-Conditional Transfer
The balance-conditional transfer consists of 3 linked transfers.
We will refer to two amounts:
- The threshold amount is the minimum amount the target account should have in order to execute the transfer.
- The transfer amount is the amount we want to transfer if and only if the target account’s balance meets the threshold.
If the Source Account Has a Credit Balance
Transfer | Debit Account | Credit Account | Amount | Pending Id | Flags |
1 | Source | Control | Threshold | - | flags.linked ,
pending |
2 | - | - | - | 1 | flags.linked ,
void_pending_transfer |
3 | Source | Destination | Transfer | - | N/A |
If the Source Account Has a Debit Balance
Transfer | Debit Account | Credit Account | Amount | Pending Id | Flags |
1 | Control | Source | Threshold | - | flags.linked ,
pending |
2 | - | - | - | 1 | flags.linked ,
void_pending_transfer |
3 | Destination | Source | Transfer | - | N/A |
Understanding the Mechanism
Each of the 3 transfers is linked, meaning they will all succeed or fail together.
The first transfer attempts to transfer the threshold amount to the control account. If this transfer would cause the source account’s net balance to go below zero, the account’s balance limit flag would ensure that the first transfer fails. If the first transfer fails, the other two linked transfers would also fail.
If the first transfer succeeds, it means that the source account did have the threshold balance. In this case, the second transfer cancels the first transfer (returning the threshold amount to the source account). Then, the third transfer would execute the desired transfer to the ultimate destination account.
Note that in the tables above, we do the balance check on the source account. The balance check could also be applied to the destination account instead.
Edit this pageBalance-invariant Transfers
For some accounts, it may be useful to enforce flags.debits_must_not_exceed_credits
or flags.credits_must_not_exceed_debits
balance invariants for only a subset of all transfers, rather than all
This recipe requires three accounts:
- The source account, to debit.
- The destination account, to credit. (With
set, since in this recipe we are only enforcing the invariant on a per-transfer basis. - The control account, to test the balance invariant.
The control account should have
Id | Debit Account | Credit Account | Amount | Pending Id | Flags |
1 | Source | Destination | 123 | - | linked |
2 | Destination | Control | 1 | - | linked ,
pending ,
balancing_debit |
3 | - | - | 0 | 2 | void_pending_transfer |
When the destination account’s final credits do not exceed its
debits, the chain will succeed. When the destination account’s final
credits exceeds its debits, transfer 2
will fail with
Balance Bounds
It is easy to limit an account’s balance using either flags.debits_must_not_exceed_credits
or flags.credits_must_not_exceed_debits
What if you want an account’s balance to stay between an upper and a lower bound?
This is possible to check atomically using a set of linked transfers.
(Note: with the must_not_exceed
flag invariants, an account
is guaranteed to never violate those invariants. This maximum balance
approach must be enforced per-transfer – it is possible to exceed the
limit simply by not enforcing it for a particular transfer.)
- Target Account Should Have a Limited Balance
The account whose balance you want to bound should have one of these flags set:
for accounts with credit balancesflags.credits_must_not_exceed_debits
for accounts with debit balances
- Create a Control Account with the Opposite Limit
There must also be a designated control account.
As you can see below, this account will never actually take control of the target account’s funds, but we will set up simultaneous transfers in and out of the control account to apply the limit.
This account must have the opposite limit applied as the target account:
if the target account has a credit balanceflags.debits_must_not_exceed_credits
if the target account has a debit balance
- Create an Operator Account
The operator account will be used to fund the Control Account.
Executing a Transfer with a Balance Bounds Check
This consists of 5 linked transfers.
We will refer to two amounts:
- The limit amount is upper bound we want to maintain on the target account’s balance.
- The transfer amount is the amount we want to transfer if and only if the target account’s balance after a successful transfer would be within the bounds.
If the Target Account Has a Credit Balance
In this case, we are keeping the Destination Account’s balance between the bounds.
Transfer | Debit Account | Credit Account | Amount | Pending ID | Flags (Note: | sets multiple flags) |
1 | Source | Destination | Transfer | 0 |
flags.linked |
2 | Control | Operator | Limit | 0 |
flags.linked |
3 | Destination | Control | AMOUNT_MAX |
0 |
| flags.balancing_debit
| flags.pending |
4 | 0 |
0 |
0 |
3 * |
| flags.void_pending_transfer |
5 | Operator | Control | Limit | 0 |
0 |
*This must be set to the transfer ID of the pending transfer (in this example, it is transfer 3).
If the Target Account Has a Debit Balance
In this case, we are keeping the Destination Account’s balance between the bounds.
Transfer | Debit Account | Credit Account | Amount | Pending ID | Flags (Note | sets multiple flags) |
1 | Destination | Source | Transfer | 0 |
flags.linked |
2 | Operator | Control | Limit | 0 |
flags.linked |
3 | Control | Destination | AMOUNT_MAX |
0 |
| flags.pending
| flags.linked |
4 | 0 |
0 |
0 |
3 * |
| flags.linked |
5 | Control | Operator | Limit | 0 |
0 |
*This must be set to the transfer ID of the pending transfer (in this example, it is transfer 3).
Understanding the Mechanism
Each of the 5 transfers is linked so that all of them will succeed or all of them will fail.
The first transfer is the one we actually want to send.
The second transfer sets the Control Account’s balance to the upper bound we want to impose.
The third transfer uses a balancing_debit
or balancing_credit
to transfer the Destination Account’s net credit balance or net debit
balance, respectively, to the Control Account. This transfer will fail
if the first transfer would put the Destination Account’s balance above
the upper bound.
The third transfer is also a pending transfer, so it won’t actually transfer the Destination Account’s funds, even if it succeeds.
If everything to this point succeeds, the fourth and fifth transfers simply undo the effects of the second and third transfers. The fourth transfer voids the pending transfer. And the fifth transfer resets the Control Account’s net balance to zero.
Edit this pageCorrecting Transfers
s in
TigerBeetle are immutable, so once they are created they cannot be
modified or deleted.
Immutability is useful for creating an auditable log of all of the business events, but it does raise the question of what to do when a transfer was made in error or some detail such as the amount was incorrect.
Always Add More Transfers
Correcting transfers or entries in TigerBeetle are handled with more transfers to reverse or adjust the effects of the previous transfer(s).
This is important because adding transfers as opposed to deleting or modifying incorrect ones adds more information to the history. The log of events includes the original error, when it took place, as well as any attempts to correct the record and when they took place. A correcting entry might even be wrong, in which case it itself can be corrected with yet another transfer. All of these events form a timeline of the particular business event, which is stored permanently.
Another way to put this is that TigerBeetle is the lowest layer of the accounting stack and represents the finest-resolution data that is stored. At a higher-level reporting layer, you can “downsample” the data to show only the corrected transfer event. However, it would not be possible to go back if the original record were modified or deleted.
Two specific recommendations for correcting transfers are:
- You may want to have a
that indicates a given transfer is a correction, or you may want multiple codes where each one represents a different reason why the correction has taken place. - If you use the
to store an ID that links multiple transfers within TigerBeetle or points to a record in an external database, you may want to use the sameuser_data_128
field on the correction transfer(s), even if they happen at a later point.
Let’s say you had a couple of transfers, from account A
to accounts Y
and Z
Ledger | Debit Account | Credit Account | Amount | code |
user_data_128 |
flags.linked |
USD | A |
X |
10000 | 600 | 123456 | true |
USD | A |
Y |
50 | 9000 | 123456 | false |
Now, let’s say we realized the amount was wrong and we need to adjust both of the amounts by 10%. We would submit two additional transfers going in the opposite direction:
Ledger | Debit Account | Credit Account | Amount | code |
user_data_128 |
flags.linked |
USD | X |
A |
1000 | 10000 | 123456 | true |
USD | Y |
A |
5 | 10000 | 123456 | false |
Note that the codes used here don’t have any actual meaning, but you would want to enumerate your business events and map each to a numeric code value, including the initial reasons for transfers and the reasons they might be corrected.
Edit this pageRate Limiting
TigerBeetle can be used to account for non-financial resources.
In this recipe, we will show you how to use it to implement rate limiting using the leaky bucket algorithm based on the user request rate, bandwidth, and money.
For each type of resource we want to limit, we will have a ledger specifically for that resource. On that ledger, we have an operator account and an account for each user. Each user’s account will have a balance limit applied.
To set up the rate limiting system, we will first transfer the resource limit amount to each of the users. For each user request, we will then create a pending transfer with a timeout. We will never post or void these transfers, but will instead let them expire.
Since each account’s “balance” is limited, we cannot create pending transfers that would exceed the rate limit. However, when each pending transfer expires, it automatically replenishes the user’s balance.
Request Rate Limiting
Let’s say we want to limit each user to 10 requests per minute.
We need our user account to have a limited balance.
Ledger | Account | Flags |
Request Rate | Operator | 0 |
Request Rate | User | debits_must_not_exceed_credits |
We’ll first transfer 10 units from the operator to the user.
Transfer | Ledger | Debit Account | Credit Account | Amount |
1 | Request Rate | Operator | User | 10 |
Then, for each incoming request, we will create a pending transfer for 1 unit back to the operator from the user:
Transfer | Ledger | Debit Account | Credit Account | Amount | Timeout | Flags |
2-N | Request Rate | User | Operator | 1 | 60 | pending |
Note that we use a timeout of 60 (seconds), because we wanted to limit each user to 10 requests per minute.
That’s it! Each of these transfers will “reserve” some of the user’s balance and then replenish the balance after they expire.
Bandwidth Limiting
To limit user requests based on bandwidth as opposed to request rate, we can apply the same technique but use amounts that represent the request size.
Let’s say we wanted to limit each user to 10 MB (10,000,000 bytes) per minute.
Our account setup is the same as before:
Ledger | Account | Flags |
Bandwidth | Operator | 0 |
Bandwidth | User | debits_must_not_exceed_credits |
Now, we’ll transfer 10,000,000 units (bytes in this case) from the operator to the user:
Transfer | Ledger | Debit Account | Credit Account | Amount |
1 | Bandwidth | Operator | User | 10000000 |
For each incoming request, we’ll create a pending transfer where the amount is equal to the request size:
Transfer | Ledger | Debit Account | Credit Account | Amount | Timeout | Flags |
2-N | Bandwidth | User | Operator | Request Size | 60 | pending |
We’re again using a timeout of 60 seconds, but you could adjust this to be whatever time window you want to use to limit requests.
Transfer Amount Limiting
Now, let’s say you wanted to limit each account to transferring no more than a certain amount of money per time window. We can do that using 2 ledgers and linked transfers.
Ledger | Account | Flags |
Rate Limiting | Operator | 0 |
Rate Limiting | User | debits_must_not_exceed_credits |
USD | Operator | 0 |
USD | User | debits_must_not_exceed_credits |
Let’s say we wanted to limit each account to sending no more than 1000 USD per day.
To set up, we transfer 1000 from the Operator to the User on the Rate Limiting ledger:
Transfer | Ledger | Debit Account | Credit Account | Amount |
1 | Rate Limiting | Operator | User | 1000 |
For each transfer the user wants to do, we will create 2 transfers that are linked:
Transfer | Ledger | Debit Account | Credit Account | Amount | Timeout | Flags (Note | sets multiple
flags) |
2N | Rate Limiting | User | Operator | Transfer Amount | 86400 | pending
| linked |
2N + 1 | USD | User | Destination | Transfer Amount | 0 | 0 |
Note that we are using a timeout of 86400 seconds, because this is the number of seconds in a day.
These are linked such that if the first transfer fails, because the user has already transferred too much money in the past day, the second transfer will also fail.
Edit this pageClients
TigerBeetle has official client libraries for the following languages:
- .Net (nuget package).
- Go (package, API docs).
- Java (maven central package, API docs).
- Node (npm package).
- Python (PyPi package).
Subscribe to the tracking issue #2231 to receive notifications about breaking changes!
Please report any client bugs to the main issue tracker.
Edit this pagetigerbeetle-dotnet
The TigerBeetle client for .NET.
Linux >= 5.6 is the only production environment we support. But for ease of development we also support macOS and Windows.
- .NET >= 8.0.
And if you do not already have NuGet.org as a package source, make sure to add it:
dotnet nuget add source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json -n nuget.org
First, create a directory for your project and cd
the directory.
Then, install the TigerBeetle client:
dotnet new console
dotnet add package tigerbeetle
Now, create Program.cs
and copy this into it:
using System;
using TigerBeetle;
// Validate import works.
.WriteLine("SUCCESS"); Console
Finally, build and run:
dotnet run
Now that all prerequisites and dependencies are correctly set up, let’s dig into using TigerBeetle.
Sample projects
This document is primarily a reference guide to the client. Below are various sample projects demonstrating features of TigerBeetle.
- Basic: Create two accounts and transfer an amount between them.
- Two-Phase Transfer: Create two accounts and start a pending transfer between them, then post the transfer.
- Many Two-Phase Transfers: Create two accounts and start a number of pending transfer between them, posting and voiding alternating transfers.
Creating a Client
A client is created with a cluster ID and replica addresses for all replicas in the cluster. The cluster ID and replica addresses are both chosen by the system that starts the TigerBeetle cluster.
Clients are thread-safe and a single instance should be shared between multiple concurrent tasks.
Multiple clients are useful when connecting to more than one TigerBeetle cluster.
In this example the cluster ID is 0
and there is one
replica. The address is read from the TB_ADDRESS
environment variable and defaults to port 3000
var tbAddress = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TB_ADDRESS");
var clusterID = UInt128.Zero;
var addresses = new[] { tbAddress != null ? tbAddress : "3000" };
using (var client = new Client(clusterID, addresses))
// Use client
The Client
class is thread-safe and for better
performance, a single instance should be shared between multiple
concurrent tasks. Multiple clients can be instantiated in case of
connecting to more than one TigerBeetle cluster.
The following are valid addresses:
(interpreted as127.0.0.1:3000
(interpreted as127.0.0.1:3000
(interpreted as127.0.0.1:3001
is the default port)
Creating Accounts
See details for account fields in the Accounts reference.
var accounts = new[] {
new Account
= ID.Create(), // TigerBeetle time-based ID.
Id = 0,
UserData128 = 0,
UserData64 = 0,
UserData32 = 1,
Ledger = 718,
Code = AccountFlags.None,
Flags = 0,
Timestamp },
var accountErrors = client.CreateAccounts(accounts);
// Error handling omitted.
See details for the recommended ID scheme in time-based identifiers.
The UInt128
fields like ID
, Amount
and account balances have
a few extension methods to make it easier to convert 128-bit
little-endian unsigned integers between BigInteger
, and Guid
See the class UInt128Extensions for more details.
Account Flags
The account flags value is a bitfield. See details for these flags in the Accounts reference.
To toggle behavior for an account, combine enum values stored in the
object with bitwise-or:
For example, to link two accounts where the first account
additionally has the debits_must_not_exceed_credits
var account0 = new Account
= 100,
Id = 1,
Ledger = 1,
Code = AccountFlags.Linked | AccountFlags.DebitsMustNotExceedCredits,
Flags };
var account1 = new Account
= 101,
Id = 1,
Ledger = 1,
Code = AccountFlags.History,
Flags };
var accountErrors = client.CreateAccounts(new[] { account0, account1 });
// Error handling omitted.
Response and Errors
The response is an empty array if all accounts were created successfully. If the response is non-empty, each object in the response array contains error information for an account that failed. The error object contains an error code and the index of the account in the request batch.
See all error conditions in the create_accounts reference.
var account0 = new Account
= 102,
Id = 1,
Ledger = 1,
Code = AccountFlags.None,
Flags };
var account1 = new Account
= 103,
Id = 1,
Ledger = 1,
Code = AccountFlags.None,
Flags };
var account2 = new Account
= 104,
Id = 1,
Ledger = 1,
Code = AccountFlags.None,
Flags };
var accountErrors = client.CreateAccounts(new[] { account0, account1, account2 });
foreach (var error in accountErrors)
switch (error.Result)
case CreateAccountResult.Exists:
.WriteLine($"Batch account at ${error.Index} already exists.");
.WriteLine($"Batch account at ${error.Index} failed to create ${error.Result}");
Account Lookup
Account lookup is batched, like account creation. Pass in all IDs to fetch. The account for each matched ID is returned.
If no account matches an ID, no object is returned for that account. So the order of accounts in the response is not necessarily the same as the order of IDs in the request. You can refer to the ID field in the response to distinguish accounts.
[] accounts = client.LookupAccounts(new UInt128[] { 100, 101 }); Account
Create Transfers
This creates a journal entry between two accounts.
See details for transfer fields in the Transfers reference.
var transfers = new[] {
new Transfer
= ID.Create(), // TigerBeetle time-based ID.
Id = 102,
DebitAccountId = 103,
CreditAccountId = 10,
Amount = 0,
UserData128 = 0,
UserData64 = 0,
UserData32 = 0,
Timeout = 1,
Ledger = 1,
Code = TransferFlags.None,
Flags = 0,
Timestamp }
var transferErrors = client.CreateTransfers(transfers);
// Error handling omitted.
See details for the recommended ID scheme in time-based identifiers.
Response and Errors
The response is an empty array if all transfers were created successfully. If the response is non-empty, each object in the response array contains error information for a transfer that failed. The error object contains an error code and the index of the transfer in the request batch.
See all error conditions in the create_transfers reference.
var transfers = new[] {
new Transfer
= 1,
Id = 102,
DebitAccountId = 103,
CreditAccountId = 10,
Amount = 1,
Ledger = 1,
Code = TransferFlags.None,
Flags },
new Transfer
= 2,
Id = 102,
DebitAccountId = 103,
CreditAccountId = 10,
Amount = 1,
Ledger = 1,
Code = TransferFlags.None,
Flags },
new Transfer
= 3,
Id = 102,
DebitAccountId = 103,
CreditAccountId = 10,
Amount = 1,
Ledger = 1,
Code = TransferFlags.None,
Flags },
var transferErrors = client.CreateTransfers(transfers);
foreach (var error in transferErrors)
switch (error.Result)
case CreateTransferResult.Exists:
.WriteLine($"Batch transfer at ${error.Index} already exists.");
.WriteLine($"Batch transfer at ${error.Index} failed to create: ${error.Result}");
TigerBeetle performance is maximized when you batch API requests. The client does not do this automatically for you. So, for example, you can insert 1 million transfers one at a time like so:
var batch = new Transfer[] { }; // Array of transfer to create.
foreach (var t in batch)
var transferErrors = client.CreateTransfer(t);
// Error handling omitted.
But the insert rate will be a fraction of potential. Instead, always batch what you can.
The maximum batch size is set in the TigerBeetle server. The default is 8190.
var batch = new Transfer[] { }; // Array of transfer to create.
var BATCH_SIZE = 8190;
for (int firstIndex = 0; firstIndex < batch.Length; firstIndex += BATCH_SIZE)
var lastIndex = firstIndex + BATCH_SIZE;
if (lastIndex > batch.Length)
= batch.Length;
lastIndex }
var transferErrors = client.CreateTransfers(batch[firstIndex..lastIndex]);
// Error handling omitted.
Queues and Workers
If you are making requests to TigerBeetle from workers pulling jobs from a queue, you can batch requests to TigerBeetle by having the worker act on multiple jobs from the queue at once rather than one at a time. i.e. pulling multiple jobs from the queue rather than just one.
Transfer Flags
The transfer flags
value is a bitfield. See details for
these flags in the Transfers
To toggle behavior for an account, combine enum values stored in the
object with bitwise-or:
For example, to link transfer0
var transfer0 = new Transfer
= 4,
Id = 102,
DebitAccountId = 103,
CreditAccountId = 10,
Amount = 1,
Ledger = 1,
Code = TransferFlags.Linked,
Flags };
var transfer1 = new Transfer
= 5,
Id = 102,
DebitAccountId = 103,
CreditAccountId = 10,
Amount = 1,
Ledger = 1,
Code = TransferFlags.None,
Flags };
var transferErrors = client.CreateTransfers(new[] { transfer0, transfer1 });
// Error handling omitted.
Two-Phase Transfers
Two-phase transfers are supported natively by toggling the
appropriate flag. TigerBeetle will then adjust the
and debits_pending
fields of
the appropriate accounts. A corresponding post pending transfer then
needs to be sent to post or void the transfer.
Post a Pending Transfer
With flags
set to post_pending_transfer
TigerBeetle will post the transfer. TigerBeetle will atomically roll
back the changes to debits_pending
of the appropriate accounts and apply them
to the debits_posted
and credits_posted
var transfer0 = new Transfer
= 6,
Id = 102,
DebitAccountId = 103,
CreditAccountId = 10,
Amount = 1,
Ledger = 1,
Code = TransferFlags.Pending,
Flags };
var transferErrors = client.CreateTransfers(new[] { transfer0 });
// Error handling omitted.
var transfer1 = new Transfer
= 7,
Id // Post the entire pending amount.
= Transfer.AmountMax,
Amount = 6,
PendingId = TransferFlags.PostPendingTransfer,
Flags };
= client.CreateTransfers(new[] { transfer1 });
transferErrors // Error handling omitted.
Void a Pending Transfer
In contrast, with flags
set to
, TigerBeetle will void the transfer.
TigerBeetle will roll back the changes to debits_pending
and credits_pending
of the appropriate accounts and
not apply them to the debits_posted
var transfer0 = new Transfer
= 8,
Id = 102,
DebitAccountId = 103,
CreditAccountId = 10,
Amount = 1,
Ledger = 1,
Code = TransferFlags.Pending,
Flags };
var transferErrors = client.CreateTransfers(new[] { transfer0 });
// Error handling omitted.
var transfer1 = new Transfer
= 9,
Id // Post the entire pending amount.
= 0,
Amount = 8,
PendingId = TransferFlags.VoidPendingTransfer,
Flags };
= client.CreateTransfers(new[] { transfer1 });
transferErrors // Error handling omitted.
Transfer Lookup
NOTE: While transfer lookup exists, it is not a flexible query API. We are developing query APIs and there will be new methods for querying transfers in the future.
Transfer lookup is batched, like transfer creation. Pass in all
s to fetch, and matched transfers are returned.
If no transfer matches an id
, no object is returned for
that transfer. So the order of transfers in the response is not
necessarily the same as the order of id
s in the request.
You can refer to the id
field in the response to
distinguish transfers.
[] transfers = client.LookupTransfers(new UInt128[] { 1, 2 }); Transfer
Get Account Transfers
NOTE: This is a preview API that is subject to breaking changes once we have a stable querying API.
Fetches the transfers involving a given account, allowing basic filter and pagination capabilities.
The transfers in the response are sorted by timestamp
chronological or reverse-chronological order.
var filter = new AccountFilter
= 101,
AccountId = 0, // No filter by UserData.
UserData128 = 0,
UserData64 = 0,
UserData32 = 0, // No filter by Code.
Code = 0, // No filter by Timestamp.
TimestampMin = 0, // No filter by Timestamp.
TimestampMax = 10, // Limit to ten transfers at most.
Limit = AccountFilterFlags.Debits | // Include transfer from the debit side.
Flags .Credits | // Include transfer from the credit side.
AccountFilterFlags.Reversed, // Sort by timestamp in reverse-chronological order.
[] transfers = client.GetAccountTransfers(filter); Transfer
Get Account Balances
NOTE: This is a preview API that is subject to breaking changes once we have a stable querying API.
Fetches the point-in-time balances of a given account, allowing basic filter and pagination capabilities.
Only accounts created with the flag history
retain historical
The balances in the response are sorted by timestamp
chronological or reverse-chronological order.
var filter = new AccountFilter
= 101,
AccountId = 0, // No filter by UserData.
UserData128 = 0,
UserData64 = 0,
UserData32 = 0, // No filter by Code.
Code = 0, // No filter by Timestamp.
TimestampMin = 0, // No filter by Timestamp.
TimestampMax = 10, // Limit to ten balances at most.
Limit = AccountFilterFlags.Debits | // Include transfer from the debit side.
Flags .Credits | // Include transfer from the credit side.
AccountFilterFlags.Reversed, // Sort by timestamp in reverse-chronological order.
[] accountBalances = client.GetAccountBalances(filter); AccountBalance
Query Accounts
NOTE: This is a preview API that is subject to breaking changes once we have a stable querying API.
Query accounts by the intersection of some fields and by timestamp range.
The accounts in the response are sorted by timestamp
chronological or reverse-chronological order.
var filter = new QueryFilter
= 1000, // Filter by UserData.
UserData128 = 100,
UserData64 = 10,
UserData32 = 1, // Filter by Code.
Code = 0, // No filter by Ledger.
Ledger = 0, // No filter by Timestamp.
TimestampMin = 0, // No filter by Timestamp.
TimestampMax = 10, // Limit to ten balances at most.
Limit = QueryFilterFlags.Reversed, // Sort by timestamp in reverse-chronological order.
Flags };
[] accounts = client.QueryAccounts(filter); Account
Query Transfers
NOTE: This is a preview API that is subject to breaking changes once we have a stable querying API.
Query transfers by the intersection of some fields and by timestamp range.
The transfers in the response are sorted by timestamp
chronological or reverse-chronological order.
var filter = new QueryFilter
= 1000, // Filter by UserData
UserData128 = 100,
UserData64 = 10,
UserData32 = 1, // Filter by Code
Code = 0, // No filter by Ledger
Ledger = 0, // No filter by Timestamp.
TimestampMin = 0, // No filter by Timestamp.
TimestampMax = 10, // Limit to ten balances at most.
Limit = QueryFilterFlags.Reversed, // Sort by timestamp in reverse-chronological order.
Flags };
[] transfers = client.QueryTransfers(filter); Transfer
Linked Events
When the linked
flag is specified for an account when
creating accounts or a transfer when creating transfers, it links that
event with the next event in the batch, to create a chain of events, of
arbitrary length, which all succeed or fail together. The tail of a
chain is denoted by the first event without this flag. The last event in
a batch may therefore never have the linked
flag set as
this would leave a chain open-ended. Multiple chains or individual
events may coexist within a batch to succeed or fail independently.
Events within a chain are executed within order, or are rolled back
on error, so that the effect of each event in the chain is visible to
the next, and so that the chain is either visible or invisible as a unit
to subsequent events after the chain. The event that was the first to
break the chain will have a unique error result. Other events in the
chain will have their error result set to
var batch = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Transfer>();
// An individual transfer (successful):
.Add(new Transfer { Id = 1, /* ... rest of transfer ... */ });
// A chain of 4 transfers (the last transfer in the chain closes the chain with linked=false):
.Add(new Transfer { Id = 2, /* ... rest of transfer ... */ Flags = TransferFlags.Linked }); // Commit/rollback.
batch.Add(new Transfer { Id = 3, /* ... rest of transfer ... */ Flags = TransferFlags.Linked }); // Commit/rollback.
batch.Add(new Transfer { Id = 2, /* ... rest of transfer ... */ Flags = TransferFlags.Linked }); // Fail with exists
batch.Add(new Transfer { Id = 4, /* ... rest of transfer ... */ }); // Fail without committing
// An individual transfer (successful):
// This should not see any effect from the failed chain above.
.Add(new Transfer { Id = 2, /* ... rest of transfer ... */ });
// A chain of 2 transfers (the first transfer fails the chain):
.Add(new Transfer { Id = 2, /* ... rest of transfer ... */ Flags = TransferFlags.Linked });
batch.Add(new Transfer { Id = 3, /* ... rest of transfer ... */ });
// A chain of 2 transfers (successful):
.Add(new Transfer { Id = 3, /* ... rest of transfer ... */ Flags = TransferFlags.Linked });
batch.Add(new Transfer { Id = 4, /* ... rest of transfer ... */ });
var transferErrors = client.CreateTransfers(batch.ToArray());
// Error handling omitted.
Imported Events
When the imported
flag is specified for an account when
creating accounts or a transfer when creating transfers, it allows
importing historical events with a user-defined timestamp.
The entire batch of events must be set with the flag
It’s recommended to submit the whole batch as a linked
chain of events, ensuring that if any event fails, none of them are
committed, preserving the last timestamp unchanged. This approach gives
the application a chance to correct failed imported events,
re-submitting the batch again with the same user-defined timestamps.
// External source of time
ulong historicalTimestamp = 0UL;
var historicalAccounts = new Account[] { /* Loaded from an external source */ };
var historicalTransfers = new Transfer[] { /* Loaded from an external source */ };
// First, load and import all accounts with their timestamps from the historical source.
var accountsBatch = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Account>();
for (var index = 0; index < historicalAccounts.Length; index++)
var account = historicalAccounts[index];
// Set a unique and strictly increasing timestamp.
+= 1;
historicalTimestamp .Timestamp = historicalTimestamp;
account// Set the account as `imported`.
.Flags = AccountFlags.Imported;
account// To ensure atomicity, the entire batch (except the last event in the chain)
// must be `linked`.
if (index < historicalAccounts.Length - 1)
.Flags |= AccountFlags.Linked;
var accountErrors = client.CreateAccounts(accountsBatch.ToArray());
// Error handling omitted.
// Then, load and import all transfers with their timestamps from the historical source.
var transfersBatch = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Transfer>();
for (var index = 0; index < historicalTransfers.Length; index++)
var transfer = historicalTransfers[index];
// Set a unique and strictly increasing timestamp.
+= 1;
historicalTimestamp .Timestamp = historicalTimestamp;
transfer// Set the account as `imported`.
.Flags = TransferFlags.Imported;
transfer// To ensure atomicity, the entire batch (except the last event in the chain)
// must be `linked`.
if (index < historicalTransfers.Length - 1)
.Flags |= TransferFlags.Linked;
var transferErrors = client.CreateTransfers(transfersBatch.ToArray());
// Error handling omitted.
// Since it is a linked chain, in case of any error the entire batch is rolled back and can be retried
// with the same historical timestamps without regressing the cluster timestamp.
The TigerBeetle client for Go.
Make sure to import
, not this repo and
Linux >= 5.6 is the only production environment we support. But for ease of development we also support macOS and Windows.
- Go >= 1.21
Additionally on Windows: you must install Zig 0.13.0 and
set the CC
environment variable to zig.exe cc
Use the full path for zig.exe
First, create a directory for your project and cd
the directory.
Then, install the TigerBeetle client:
go mod init tbtest
go get github.com/tigerbeetle/tigerbeetle-go
Now, create main.go
and copy this into it:
package main
import (
. "github.com/tigerbeetle/tigerbeetle-go"
. "github.com/tigerbeetle/tigerbeetle-go/pkg/types"
func main() {
.Println("Import ok!")
Finally, build and run:
go run main.go
Now that all prerequisites and dependencies are correctly set up, let’s dig into using TigerBeetle.
Sample projects
This document is primarily a reference guide to the client. Below are various sample projects demonstrating features of TigerBeetle.
- Basic: Create two accounts and transfer an amount between them.
- Two-Phase Transfer: Create two accounts and start a pending transfer between them, then post the transfer.
- Many Two-Phase Transfers: Create two accounts and start a number of pending transfer between them, posting and voiding alternating transfers.
Creating a Client
A client is created with a cluster ID and replica addresses for all replicas in the cluster. The cluster ID and replica addresses are both chosen by the system that starts the TigerBeetle cluster.
Clients are thread-safe and a single instance should be shared between multiple concurrent tasks.
Multiple clients are useful when connecting to more than one TigerBeetle cluster.
In this example the cluster ID is 0
and there is one
replica. The address is read from the TB_ADDRESS
environment variable and defaults to port 3000
:= os.Getenv("TB_ADDRESS")
tbAddress if len(tbAddress) == 0 {
= "3000"
tbAddress }
, err := NewClient(ToUint128(0), []string{tbAddress})
clientif err != nil {
.Printf("Error creating client: %s", err)
defer client.Close()
The following are valid addresses:
(interpreted as127.0.0.1:3000
(interpreted as127.0.0.1:3000
(interpreted as127.0.0.1:3001
is the default port)
Creating Accounts
See details for account fields in the Accounts reference.
, err := client.CreateAccounts([]Account{
: ID(), // TigerBeetle time-based ID.
ID: ToUint128(0),
UserData128: 0,
UserData64: 0,
UserData32: 1,
Ledger: 718,
Code: 0,
Flags: 0,
// Error handling omitted.
See details for the recommended ID scheme in time-based identifiers.
The Uint128
fields like ID
, Amount
and account balances have
a few helper functions to make it easier to convert 128-bit
little-endian unsigned integers between string
, and []byte
See the type Uint128 for more details.
Account Flags
The account flags value is a bitfield. See details for these flags in the Accounts reference.
To toggle behavior for an account, use the
struct to combine enum values and
generate a uint16
. Here are a few examples:
AccountFlags{Linked: true}.ToUint16()
AccountFlags{DebitsMustNotExceedCredits: true}.ToUint16()
AccountFlags{CreditsMustNotExceedDebits: true}.ToUint16()
AccountFlags{History: true}.ToUint16()
For example, to link two accounts where the first account
additionally has the debits_must_not_exceed_credits
:= Account{
account0 : ToUint128(100),
ID: 1,
Ledger: 718,
Code: AccountFlags{
Flags: true,
DebitsMustNotExceedCredits: true,
:= Account{
account1 : ToUint128(101),
ID: 1,
Ledger: 718,
Code: AccountFlags{
Flags: true,
, err := client.CreateAccounts([]Account{account0, account1})
accountErrors// Error handling omitted.
Response and Errors
The response is an empty array if all accounts were created successfully. If the response is non-empty, each object in the response array contains error information for an account that failed. The error object contains an error code and the index of the account in the request batch.
See all error conditions in the create_accounts reference.
:= Account{
account0 : ToUint128(102),
ID: 1,
Ledger: 718,
Code: 0,
:= Account{
account1 : ToUint128(103),
ID: 1,
Ledger: 718,
Code: 0,
:= Account{
account2 : ToUint128(104),
ID: 1,
Ledger: 718,
Code: 0,
, err := client.CreateAccounts([]Account{account0, account1, account2})
accountErrorsif err != nil {
.Printf("Error creating accounts: %s", err)
for _, err := range accountErrors {
switch err.Index {
case uint32(AccountExists):
.Printf("Batch account at %d already exists.", err.Index)
.Printf("Batch account at %d failed to create: %s", err.Index, err.Result)
To handle errors you can either 1) exactly match error codes returned
from client.createAccounts
with enum values in the
object, or you can 2) look up the error
code in the CreateAccountError
object for a human-readable
Account Lookup
Account lookup is batched, like account creation. Pass in all IDs to fetch. The account for each matched ID is returned.
If no account matches an ID, no object is returned for that account. So the order of accounts in the response is not necessarily the same as the order of IDs in the request. You can refer to the ID field in the response to distinguish accounts.
, err := client.LookupAccounts([]Uint128{ToUint128(100), ToUint128(101)}) accounts
Create Transfers
This creates a journal entry between two accounts.
See details for transfer fields in the Transfers reference.
:= []Transfer{{
transfers : ID(), // TigerBeetle time-based ID.
ID: ToUint128(101),
DebitAccountID: ToUint128(102),
CreditAccountID: ToUint128(10),
Amount: 1,
Ledger: 1,
Code: 0,
Flags: 0,
, err := client.CreateTransfers(transfers)
transferErrors// Error handling omitted.
See details for the recommended ID scheme in time-based identifiers.
Response and Errors
The response is an empty array if all transfers were created successfully. If the response is non-empty, each object in the response array contains error information for a transfer that failed. The error object contains an error code and the index of the transfer in the request batch.
See all error conditions in the create_transfers reference.
:= []Transfer{{
transfers : ToUint128(1),
ID: ToUint128(101),
DebitAccountID: ToUint128(102),
CreditAccountID: ToUint128(10),
Amount: 1,
Ledger: 1,
Code: 0,
Flags}, {
: ToUint128(2),
ID: ToUint128(101),
DebitAccountID: ToUint128(102),
CreditAccountID: ToUint128(10),
Amount: 1,
Ledger: 1,
Code: 0,
Flags}, {
: ToUint128(3),
ID: ToUint128(101),
DebitAccountID: ToUint128(102),
CreditAccountID: ToUint128(10),
Amount: 1,
Ledger: 1,
Code: 0,
, err := client.CreateTransfers(transfers)
transferErrorsif err != nil {
.Printf("Error creating transfers: %s", err)
for _, err := range transferErrors {
switch err.Index {
case uint32(TransferExists):
.Printf("Batch transfer at %d already exists.", err.Index)
.Printf("Batch transfer at %d failed to create: %s", err.Index, err.Result)
TigerBeetle performance is maximized when you batch API requests. The client does not do this automatically for you. So, for example, you can insert 1 million transfers one at a time like so:
:= []Transfer{}
batch for i := 0; i < len(batch); i++ {
, err := client.CreateTransfers([]Transfer{batch[i]})
transferErrors, _ = transferErrors, err // Error handling omitted.
But the insert rate will be a fraction of potential. Instead, always batch what you can.
The maximum batch size is set in the TigerBeetle server. The default is 8190.
:= []Transfer{}
batch := 8190
BATCH_SIZE for i := 0; i < len(batch); i += BATCH_SIZE {
size if i+BATCH_SIZE > len(batch) {
= len(batch) - i
size }
, err := client.CreateTransfers(batch[i : i+size])
transferErrors, _ = transferErrors, err // Error handling omitted.
Queues and Workers
If you are making requests to TigerBeetle from workers pulling jobs from a queue, you can batch requests to TigerBeetle by having the worker act on multiple jobs from the queue at once rather than one at a time. i.e. pulling multiple jobs from the queue rather than just one.
Transfer Flags
The transfer flags
value is a bitfield. See details for
these flags in the Transfers
To toggle behavior for an account, use the
struct to combine enum values and
generate a uint16
. Here are a few examples:
TransferFlags{Linked: true}.ToUint16()
TransferFlags{Pending: true}.ToUint16()
TransferFlags{PostPendingTransfer: true}.ToUint16()
TransferFlags{VoidPendingTransfer: true}.ToUint16()
For example, to link transfer0
:= Transfer{
transfer0 : ToUint128(4),
ID: ToUint128(101),
DebitAccountID: ToUint128(102),
CreditAccountID: ToUint128(10),
Amount: 1,
Ledger: 1,
Code: TransferFlags{Linked: true}.ToUint16(),
:= Transfer{
transfer1 : ToUint128(5),
ID: ToUint128(101),
DebitAccountID: ToUint128(102),
CreditAccountID: ToUint128(10),
Amount: 1,
Ledger: 1,
Code: 0,
, err := client.CreateTransfers([]Transfer{transfer0, transfer1})
transferErrors// Error handling omitted.
Two-Phase Transfers
Two-phase transfers are supported natively by toggling the
appropriate flag. TigerBeetle will then adjust the
and debits_pending
fields of
the appropriate accounts. A corresponding post pending transfer then
needs to be sent to post or void the transfer.
Post a Pending Transfer
With flags
set to post_pending_transfer
TigerBeetle will post the transfer. TigerBeetle will atomically roll
back the changes to debits_pending
of the appropriate accounts and apply them
to the debits_posted
and credits_posted
:= Transfer{
transfer0 : ToUint128(6),
ID: ToUint128(101),
DebitAccountID: ToUint128(102),
CreditAccountID: ToUint128(10),
Amount: 1,
Ledger: 1,
Code: 0,
, err := client.CreateTransfers([]Transfer{transfer0})
transferErrors// Error handling omitted.
:= Transfer{
transfer1 : ToUint128(7),
ID// Post the entire pending amount.
: AmountMax,
Amount: ToUint128(6),
PendingID: TransferFlags{PostPendingTransfer: true}.ToUint16(),
, err = client.CreateTransfers([]Transfer{transfer1})
transferErrors// Error handling omitted.
Void a Pending Transfer
In contrast, with flags
set to
, TigerBeetle will void the transfer.
TigerBeetle will roll back the changes to debits_pending
and credits_pending
of the appropriate accounts and
not apply them to the debits_posted
:= Transfer{
transfer0 : ToUint128(8),
ID: ToUint128(101),
DebitAccountID: ToUint128(102),
CreditAccountID: ToUint128(10),
Amount: 0,
Timeout: 1,
Ledger: 1,
Code: 0,
, err := client.CreateTransfers([]Transfer{transfer0})
transferErrors// Error handling omitted.
:= Transfer{
transfer1 : ToUint128(9),
ID// Post the entire pending amount.
: ToUint128(0),
Amount: ToUint128(8),
PendingID: TransferFlags{VoidPendingTransfer: true}.ToUint16(),
, err = client.CreateTransfers([]Transfer{transfer1})
transferErrors// Error handling omitted.
Transfer Lookup
NOTE: While transfer lookup exists, it is not a flexible query API. We are developing query APIs and there will be new methods for querying transfers in the future.
Transfer lookup is batched, like transfer creation. Pass in all
s to fetch, and matched transfers are returned.
If no transfer matches an id
, no object is returned for
that transfer. So the order of transfers in the response is not
necessarily the same as the order of id
s in the request.
You can refer to the id
field in the response to
distinguish transfers.
, err := client.LookupTransfers([]Uint128{ToUint128(1), ToUint128(2)}) transfers
Get Account Transfers
NOTE: This is a preview API that is subject to breaking changes once we have a stable querying API.
Fetches the transfers involving a given account, allowing basic filter and pagination capabilities.
The transfers in the response are sorted by timestamp
chronological or reverse-chronological order.
:= AccountFilter{
filter : ToUint128(2),
AccountID: ToUint128(0), // No filter by UserData.
UserData128: 0,
UserData64: 0,
UserData32: 0, // No filter by Code.
Code: 0, // No filter by Timestamp.
TimestampMin: 0, // No filter by Timestamp.
TimestampMax: 10, // Limit to ten transfers at most.
Limit: AccountFilterFlags{
Flags: true, // Include transfer from the debit side.
Debits: true, // Include transfer from the credit side.
Credits: true, // Sort by timestamp in reverse-chronological order.
, err := client.GetAccountTransfers(filter) transfers
Get Account Balances
NOTE: This is a preview API that is subject to breaking changes once we have a stable querying API.
Fetches the point-in-time balances of a given account, allowing basic filter and pagination capabilities.
Only accounts created with the flag history
retain historical
The balances in the response are sorted by timestamp
chronological or reverse-chronological order.
:= AccountFilter{
filter : ToUint128(2),
AccountID: ToUint128(0), // No filter by UserData.
UserData128: 0,
UserData64: 0,
UserData32: 0, // No filter by Code.
Code: 0, // No filter by Timestamp.
TimestampMin: 0, // No filter by Timestamp.
TimestampMax: 10, // Limit to ten balances at most.
Limit: AccountFilterFlags{
Flags: true, // Include transfer from the debit side.
Debits: true, // Include transfer from the credit side.
Credits: true, // Sort by timestamp in reverse-chronological order.
, err := client.GetAccountBalances(filter) account_balances
Query Accounts
NOTE: This is a preview API that is subject to breaking changes once we have a stable querying API.
Query accounts by the intersection of some fields and by timestamp range.
The accounts in the response are sorted by timestamp
chronological or reverse-chronological order.
:= QueryFilter{
filter : ToUint128(1000), // Filter by UserData
UserData128: 100,
UserData64: 10,
UserData32: 1, // Filter by Code
Code: 0, // No filter by Ledger
Ledger: 0, // No filter by Timestamp.
TimestampMin: 0, // No filter by Timestamp.
TimestampMax: 10, // Limit to ten balances at most.
Limit: QueryFilterFlags{
Flags: true, // Sort by timestamp in reverse-chronological order.
, err := client.QueryAccounts(filter) accounts
Query Transfers
NOTE: This is a preview API that is subject to breaking changes once we have a stable querying API.
Query transfers by the intersection of some fields and by timestamp range.
The transfers in the response are sorted by timestamp
chronological or reverse-chronological order.
:= QueryFilter{
filter : ToUint128(1000), // Filter by UserData.
UserData128: 100,
UserData64: 10,
UserData32: 1, // Filter by Code.
Code: 0, // No filter by Ledger.
Ledger: 0, // No filter by Timestamp.
TimestampMin: 0, // No filter by Timestamp.
TimestampMax: 10, // Limit to ten balances at most.
Limit: QueryFilterFlags{
Flags: true, // Sort by timestamp in reverse-chronological order.
, err := client.QueryTransfers(filter) transfers
Linked Events
When the linked
flag is specified for an account when
creating accounts or a transfer when creating transfers, it links that
event with the next event in the batch, to create a chain of events, of
arbitrary length, which all succeed or fail together. The tail of a
chain is denoted by the first event without this flag. The last event in
a batch may therefore never have the linked
flag set as
this would leave a chain open-ended. Multiple chains or individual
events may coexist within a batch to succeed or fail independently.
Events within a chain are executed within order, or are rolled back
on error, so that the effect of each event in the chain is visible to
the next, and so that the chain is either visible or invisible as a unit
to subsequent events after the chain. The event that was the first to
break the chain will have a unique error result. Other events in the
chain will have their error result set to
:= []Transfer{}
batch := TransferFlags{Linked: true}.ToUint16()
// An individual transfer (successful):
= append(batch, Transfer{ID: ToUint128(1) /* ... rest of transfer ... */})
// A chain of 4 transfers (the last transfer in the chain closes the chain with linked=false):
= append(batch, Transfer{ID: ToUint128(2) /* ... , */, Flags: linkedFlag}) // Commit/rollback.
batch = append(batch, Transfer{ID: ToUint128(3) /* ... , */, Flags: linkedFlag}) // Commit/rollback.
batch = append(batch, Transfer{ID: ToUint128(2) /* ... , */, Flags: linkedFlag}) // Fail with exists
batch = append(batch, Transfer{ID: ToUint128(4) /* ... , */}) // Fail without committing
// An individual transfer (successful):
// This should not see any effect from the failed chain above.
= append(batch, Transfer{ID: ToUint128(2) /* ... rest of transfer ... */})
// A chain of 2 transfers (the first transfer fails the chain):
= append(batch, Transfer{ID: ToUint128(2) /* ... rest of transfer ... */, Flags: linkedFlag})
batch = append(batch, Transfer{ID: ToUint128(3) /* ... rest of transfer ... */})
// A chain of 2 transfers (successful):
= append(batch, Transfer{ID: ToUint128(3) /* ... rest of transfer ... */, Flags: linkedFlag})
batch = append(batch, Transfer{ID: ToUint128(4) /* ... rest of transfer ... */})
, err := client.CreateTransfers(batch)
transferErrors// Error handling omitted.
Imported Events
When the imported
flag is specified for an account when
creating accounts or a transfer when creating transfers, it allows
importing historical events with a user-defined timestamp.
The entire batch of events must be set with the flag
It’s recommended to submit the whole batch as a linked
chain of events, ensuring that if any event fails, none of them are
committed, preserving the last timestamp unchanged. This approach gives
the application a chance to correct failed imported events,
re-submitting the batch again with the same user-defined timestamps.
// External source of time.
var historicalTimestamp uint64 = 0
:= []Account{ /* Loaded from an external source. */ }
historicalAccounts := []Transfer{ /* Loaded from an external source. */ }
// First, load and import all accounts with their timestamps from the historical source.
:= []Account{}
accountsBatch for index, account := range historicalAccounts {
// Set a unique and strictly increasing timestamp.
+= 1
historicalTimestamp .Timestamp = historicalTimestamp
.Flags = AccountFlags{
account// Set the account as `imported`.
: true,
Imported// To ensure atomicity, the entire batch (except the last event in the chain)
// must be `linked`.
: index < len(historicalAccounts)-1,
= append(accountsBatch, account)
accountsBatch }
, err := client.CreateAccounts(accountsBatch)
accountErrors// Error handling omitted.
// Then, load and import all transfers with their timestamps from the historical source.
:= []Transfer{}
transfersBatch for index, transfer := range historicalTransfers {
// Set a unique and strictly increasing timestamp.
+= 1
historicalTimestamp .Timestamp = historicalTimestamp
.Flags = TransferFlags{
transfer// Set the transfer as `imported`.
: true,
Imported// To ensure atomicity, the entire batch (except the last event in the chain)
// must be `linked`.
: index < len(historicalAccounts)-1,
= append(transfersBatch, transfer)
transfersBatch }
, err := client.CreateTransfers(transfersBatch)
transferErrors// Error handling omitted..
// Since it is a linked chain, in case of any error the entire batch is rolled back and can be retried
// with the same historical timestamps without regressing the cluster timestamp.
The TigerBeetle client for Java.
Linux >= 5.6 is the only production environment we support. But for ease of development we also support macOS and Windows.
- Java >= 11
- Maven >= 3.6 (not strictly necessary but it’s what our guides assume)
First, create a directory for your project and cd
the directory.
Then create pom.xml
and copy this into it:
project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
< xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 https://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<<!-- Grab the latest commit from: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/tigerbeetle/tigerbeetle-java/maven-metadata.xml -->
</project> </
Then, install the TigerBeetle client:
mvn install
Now, create src/main/java/Main.java
and copy this into
import com.tigerbeetle.*;
public final class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Import ok!");
Finally, build and run:
mvn exec:java
Now that all prerequisites and dependencies are correctly set up, let’s dig into using TigerBeetle.
Sample projects
This document is primarily a reference guide to the client. Below are various sample projects demonstrating features of TigerBeetle.
- Basic: Create two accounts and transfer an amount between them.
- Two-Phase Transfer: Create two accounts and start a pending transfer between them, then post the transfer.
- Many Two-Phase Transfers: Create two accounts and start a number of pending transfer between them, posting and voiding alternating transfers.
Creating a Client
A client is created with a cluster ID and replica addresses for all replicas in the cluster. The cluster ID and replica addresses are both chosen by the system that starts the TigerBeetle cluster.
Clients are thread-safe and a single instance should be shared between multiple concurrent tasks.
Multiple clients are useful when connecting to more than one TigerBeetle cluster.
In this example the cluster ID is 0
and there is one
replica. The address is read from the TB_ADDRESS
environment variable and defaults to port 3000
String replicaAddress = System.getenv("TB_ADDRESS");
byte[] clusterID = UInt128.asBytes(0);
String[] replicaAddresses = new String[] {replicaAddress == null ? "3000" : replicaAddress};
try (var client = new Client(clusterID, replicaAddresses)) {
// Use client
The following are valid addresses:
(interpreted as127.0.0.1:3000
(interpreted as127.0.0.1:3000
(interpreted as127.0.0.1:3001
is the default port)
Creating Accounts
See details for account fields in the Accounts reference.
= new AccountBatch(1);
AccountBatch accounts .add();
accounts.setId(UInt128.id()); // TigerBeetle time-based ID.
accounts.setUserData128(0, 0);
= client.createAccounts(accounts);
CreateAccountResultBatch accountErrors // Error handling omitted.
See details for the recommended ID scheme in time-based identifiers.
The 128-bit fields like id
have a few overrides to make it easier to
integrate. You can either pass in a long, a pair of longs (least and
most significant bits), or a byte[]
There is also a com.tigerbeetle.UInt128
helper with
static methods for converting 128-bit little-endian unsigned integers
between instances of long
, java.util.UUID
and byte[]
The fields for transfer amounts and account balances are also
128-bit, but they are always represented as a
Account Flags
The account flags value is a bitfield. See details for these flags in the Accounts reference.
To toggle behavior for an account, combine enum values stored in the
object with bitwise-or:
For example, to link two accounts where the first account
additionally has the debits_must_not_exceed_credits
= new AccountBatch(2);
AccountBatch accounts
accounts.setFlags(AccountFlags.LINKED | AccountFlags.DEBITS_MUST_NOT_EXCEED_CREDITS);
= client.createAccounts(accounts);
CreateAccountResultBatch accountErrors // Error handling omitted.
Response and Errors
The response is an empty array if all accounts were created successfully. If the response is non-empty, each object in the response array contains error information for an account that failed. The error object contains an error code and the index of the account in the request batch.
See all error conditions in the create_accounts reference.
= new AccountBatch(3);
AccountBatch accounts
= client.createAccounts(accounts);
CreateAccountResultBatch accountErrors while (accountErrors.next()) {
switch (accountErrors.getResult()) {
case Exists:
System.err.printf("Batch account at %d already exists.\n",
System.err.printf("Batch account at %d failed to create %s.\n",
.getIndex(), accountErrors.getResult());
Account Lookup
Account lookup is batched, like account creation. Pass in all IDs to fetch. The account for each matched ID is returned.
If no account matches an ID, no object is returned for that account. So the order of accounts in the response is not necessarily the same as the order of IDs in the request. You can refer to the ID field in the response to distinguish accounts.
= new IdBatch(2);
IdBatch ids .add(100);
= client.lookupAccounts(ids); AccountBatch accounts
Create Transfers
This creates a journal entry between two accounts.
See details for transfer fields in the Transfers reference.
= new TransferBatch(1);
TransferBatch transfers
transfers.setUserData128(0, 0);
= client.createTransfers(transfers);
CreateTransferResultBatch transferErrors // Error handling omitted.
See details for the recommended ID scheme in time-based identifiers.
Response and Errors
The response is an empty array if all transfers were created successfully. If the response is non-empty, each object in the response array contains error information for a transfer that failed. The error object contains an error code and the index of the transfer in the request batch.
See all error conditions in the create_transfers reference.
= new TransferBatch(3);
TransferBatch transfers
= client.createTransfers(transfers);
CreateTransferResultBatch transferErrors while (transferErrors.next()) {
switch (transferErrors.getResult()) {
case ExceedsCredits:
System.err.printf("Batch transfer at %d already exists.\n",
System.err.printf("Batch transfer at %d failed to create: %s\n",
.getIndex(), transferErrors.getResult());
TigerBeetle performance is maximized when you batch API requests. The client does not do this automatically for you. So, for example, you can insert 1 million transfers one at a time like so:
ResultSet dataSource = null; /* Loaded from an external source. */;
while(dataSource.next()) {
= new TransferBatch(1);
TransferBatch batch
= client.createTransfers(batch);
CreateTransferResultBatch transferErrors // Error handling omitted.
But the insert rate will be a fraction of potential. Instead, always batch what you can.
The maximum batch size is set in the TigerBeetle server. The default is 8190.
ResultSet dataSource = null; /* Loaded from an external source. */;
var BATCH_SIZE = 8190;
= new TransferBatch(BATCH_SIZE);
TransferBatch batch while(dataSource.next()) {
if (batch.getLength() == BATCH_SIZE) {
= client.createTransfers(batch);
CreateTransferResultBatch transferErrors // Error handling omitted.
// Reset the batch for the next iteration.
if (batch.getLength() > 0) {
// Send the remaining items.
= client.createTransfers(batch);
CreateTransferResultBatch transferErrors // Error handling omitted.
Queues and Workers
If you are making requests to TigerBeetle from workers pulling jobs from a queue, you can batch requests to TigerBeetle by having the worker act on multiple jobs from the queue at once rather than one at a time. i.e. pulling multiple jobs from the queue rather than just one.
Transfer Flags
The transfer flags
value is a bitfield. See details for
these flags in the Transfers
To toggle behavior for an account, combine enum values stored in the
object with bitwise-or:
For example, to link transfer0
= new TransferBatch(2);
TransferBatch transfers
// First transfer
= client.createTransfers(transfers);
CreateTransferResultBatch transferErrors // Error handling omitted.
Two-Phase Transfers
Two-phase transfers are supported natively by toggling the
appropriate flag. TigerBeetle will then adjust the
and debits_pending
fields of
the appropriate accounts. A corresponding post pending transfer then
needs to be sent to post or void the transfer.
Post a Pending Transfer
With flags
set to post_pending_transfer
TigerBeetle will post the transfer. TigerBeetle will atomically roll
back the changes to debits_pending
of the appropriate accounts and apply them
to the debits_posted
and credits_posted
= new TransferBatch(1);
TransferBatch transfers
= client.createTransfers(transfers);
CreateTransferResultBatch transferErrors // Error handling omitted.
= new TransferBatch(1);
= client.createTransfers(transfers);
transferErrors // Error handling omitted.
Void a Pending Transfer
In contrast, with flags
set to
, TigerBeetle will void the transfer.
TigerBeetle will roll back the changes to debits_pending
and credits_pending
of the appropriate accounts and
not apply them to the debits_posted
= new TransferBatch(1);
TransferBatch transfers
= client.createTransfers(transfers);
CreateTransferResultBatch transferErrors // Error handling omitted.
= new TransferBatch(1);
= client.createTransfers(transfers);
transferErrors // Error handling omitted.
Transfer Lookup
NOTE: While transfer lookup exists, it is not a flexible query API. We are developing query APIs and there will be new methods for querying transfers in the future.
Transfer lookup is batched, like transfer creation. Pass in all
s to fetch, and matched transfers are returned.
If no transfer matches an id
, no object is returned for
that transfer. So the order of transfers in the response is not
necessarily the same as the order of id
s in the request.
You can refer to the id
field in the response to
distinguish transfers.
= new IdBatch(2);
IdBatch ids .add(1);
= client.lookupTransfers(ids); TransferBatch transfers
Get Account Transfers
NOTE: This is a preview API that is subject to breaking changes once we have a stable querying API.
Fetches the transfers involving a given account, allowing basic filter and pagination capabilities.
The transfers in the response are sorted by timestamp
chronological or reverse-chronological order.
= new AccountFilter();
AccountFilter filter .setAccountId(2);
filter.setUserData128(0); // No filter by UserData.
filter.setCode(0); // No filter by Code.
filter.setTimestampMin(0); // No filter by Timestamp.
filter.setTimestampMax(0); // No filter by Timestamp.
filter.setLimit(10); // Limit to ten transfers at most.
filter.setDebits(true); // Include transfer from the debit side.
filter.setCredits(true); // Include transfer from the credit side.
filter.setReversed(true); // Sort by timestamp in reverse-chronological order.
= client.getAccountTransfers(filter); TransferBatch transfers
Get Account Balances
NOTE: This is a preview API that is subject to breaking changes once we have a stable querying API.
Fetches the point-in-time balances of a given account, allowing basic filter and pagination capabilities.
Only accounts created with the flag history
retain historical
The balances in the response are sorted by timestamp
chronological or reverse-chronological order.
= new AccountFilter();
AccountFilter filter .setAccountId(2);
filter.setUserData128(0); // No filter by UserData.
filter.setCode(0); // No filter by Code.
filter.setTimestampMin(0); // No filter by Timestamp.
filter.setTimestampMax(0); // No filter by Timestamp.
filter.setLimit(10); // Limit to ten balances at most.
filter.setDebits(true); // Include transfer from the debit side.
filter.setCredits(true); // Include transfer from the credit side.
filter.setReversed(true); // Sort by timestamp in reverse-chronological order.
= client.getAccountBalances(filter); AccountBalanceBatch account_balances
Query Accounts
NOTE: This is a preview API that is subject to breaking changes once we have a stable querying API.
Query accounts by the intersection of some fields and by timestamp range.
The accounts in the response are sorted by timestamp
chronological or reverse-chronological order.
= new QueryFilter();
QueryFilter filter .setUserData128(1000); // Filter by UserData.
filter.setCode(1); // Filter by Code.
filter.setLedger(0); // No filter by Ledger.
filter.setTimestampMin(0); // No filter by Timestamp.
filter.setTimestampMax(0); // No filter by Timestamp.
filter.setLimit(10); // Limit to ten balances at most.
filter.setReversed(true); // Sort by timestamp in reverse-chronological order.
= client.queryAccounts(filter); AccountBatch accounts
Query Transfers
NOTE: This is a preview API that is subject to breaking changes once we have a stable querying API.
Query transfers by the intersection of some fields and by timestamp range.
The transfers in the response are sorted by timestamp
chronological or reverse-chronological order.
= new QueryFilter();
QueryFilter filter .setUserData128(1000); // Filter by UserData.
filter.setCode(1); // Filter by Code.
filter.setLedger(0); // No filter by Ledger.
filter.setTimestampMin(0); // No filter by Timestamp.
filter.setTimestampMax(0); // No filter by Timestamp.
filter.setLimit(10); // Limit to ten balances at most.
filter.setReversed(true); // Sort by timestamp in reverse-chronological order.
= client.queryTransfers(filter); TransferBatch transfers
Linked Events
When the linked
flag is specified for an account when
creating accounts or a transfer when creating transfers, it links that
event with the next event in the batch, to create a chain of events, of
arbitrary length, which all succeed or fail together. The tail of a
chain is denoted by the first event without this flag. The last event in
a batch may therefore never have the linked
flag set as
this would leave a chain open-ended. Multiple chains or individual
events may coexist within a batch to succeed or fail independently.
Events within a chain are executed within order, or are rolled back
on error, so that the effect of each event in the chain is visible to
the next, and so that the chain is either visible or invisible as a unit
to subsequent events after the chain. The event that was the first to
break the chain will have a unique error result. Other events in the
chain will have their error result set to
= new TransferBatch(10);
TransferBatch transfers
// An individual transfer (successful):
transfers// ... rest of transfer ...
// A chain of 4 transfers (the last transfer in the chain closes the chain with
// linked=false):
transfers.setId(2); // Commit/rollback.
transfers// ... rest of transfer ...
transfers.setId(3); // Commit/rollback.
transfers// ... rest of transfer ...
transfers.setId(2); // Fail with exists
transfers// ... rest of transfer ...
transfers.setId(4); // Fail without committing
transfers// ... rest of transfer ...
// An individual transfer (successful):
// This should not see any effect from the failed chain above.
transfers// ... rest of transfer ...
// A chain of 2 transfers (the first transfer fails the chain):
transfers// ... rest of transfer ...
transfers// ... rest of transfer ...
transfers// A chain of 2 transfers (successful):
transfers// ... rest of transfer ...
transfers// ... rest of transfer ...
= client.createTransfers(transfers);
CreateTransferResultBatch transferErrors // Error handling omitted.
Imported Events
When the imported
flag is specified for an account when
creating accounts or a transfer when creating transfers, it allows
importing historical events with a user-defined timestamp.
The entire batch of events must be set with the flag
It’s recommended to submit the whole batch as a linked
chain of events, ensuring that if any event fails, none of them are
committed, preserving the last timestamp unchanged. This approach gives
the application a chance to correct failed imported events,
re-submitting the batch again with the same user-defined timestamps.
// External source of time
long historicalTimestamp = 0L;
ResultSet historicalAccounts = null; // Loaded from an external source;
ResultSet historicalTransfers = null ; // Loaded from an external source.
var BATCH_SIZE = 8190;
// First, load and import all accounts with their timestamps from the historical source.
= new AccountBatch(BATCH_SIZE);
AccountBatch accounts while (historicalAccounts.next()) {
// Set a unique and strictly increasing timestamp.
+= 1;
// Set the account as `imported`.
// To ensure atomicity, the entire batch (except the last event in the chain)
// must be `linked`.
if (accounts.getLength() < BATCH_SIZE) {
.setFlags(AccountFlags.IMPORTED | AccountFlags.LINKED);
accounts} else {
= client.createAccounts(accounts);
CreateAccountResultBatch accountsErrors // Error handling omitted.
// Reset the batch for the next iteration.
if (accounts.getLength() > 0) {
// Send the remaining items.
= client.createAccounts(accounts);
CreateAccountResultBatch accountsErrors // Error handling omitted.
// Then, load and import all transfers with their timestamps from the historical source.
= new TransferBatch(BATCH_SIZE);
TransferBatch transfers while (historicalTransfers.next()) {
// Set a unique and strictly increasing timestamp.
+= 1;
// Set the transfer as `imported`.
// To ensure atomicity, the entire batch (except the last event in the chain)
// must be `linked`.
if (transfers.getLength() < BATCH_SIZE) {
.setFlags(TransferFlags.IMPORTED | TransferFlags.LINKED);
transfers} else {
= client.createTransfers(transfers);
CreateTransferResultBatch transferErrors // Error handling omitted.
// Reset the batch for the next iteration.
if (transfers.getLength() > 0) {
// Send the remaining items.
= client.createTransfers(transfers);
CreateTransferResultBatch transferErrors // Error handling omitted.
// Since it is a linked chain, in case of any error the entire batch is rolled back and can be retried
// with the same historical timestamps without regressing the cluster timestamp.
The TigerBeetle client for Node.js.
Linux >= 5.6 is the only production environment we support. But for ease of development we also support macOS and Windows.
- NodeJS >=
First, create a directory for your project and cd
the directory.
Then, install the TigerBeetle client:
npm install --save-exact tigerbeetle-node
Now, create main.js
and copy this into it:
const { id } = require("tigerbeetle-node");
const { createClient } = require("tigerbeetle-node");
const process = require("process");
console.log("Import ok!");
Finally, build and run:
node main.js
Now that all prerequisites and dependencies are correctly set up, let’s dig into using TigerBeetle.
Sample projects
This document is primarily a reference guide to the client. Below are various sample projects demonstrating features of TigerBeetle.
- Basic: Create two accounts and transfer an amount between them.
- Two-Phase Transfer: Create two accounts and start a pending transfer between them, then post the transfer.
- Many Two-Phase Transfers: Create two accounts and start a number of pending transfer between them, posting and voiding alternating transfers.
Sidenote: BigInt
TigerBeetle uses 64-bit integers for many fields while JavaScript’s
builtin Number
maximum value is 2^53-1
. The
suffix in JavaScript means the value is a
. This is useful for literal numbers. If you already
have a Number
variable though, you can call the
constructor to get a BigInt
from it.
For example, 1n
is the same as BigInt(1)
Creating a Client
A client is created with a cluster ID and replica addresses for all replicas in the cluster. The cluster ID and replica addresses are both chosen by the system that starts the TigerBeetle cluster.
Clients are thread-safe and a single instance should be shared between multiple concurrent tasks.
Multiple clients are useful when connecting to more than one TigerBeetle cluster.
In this example the cluster ID is 0
and there is one
replica. The address is read from the TB_ADDRESS
environment variable and defaults to port 3000
const client = createClient({
cluster_id: 0n,
replica_addresses: [process.env.TB_ADDRESS || "3000"],
; })
The following are valid addresses:
(interpreted as127.0.0.1:3000
(interpreted as127.0.0.1:3000
(interpreted as127.0.0.1:3001
is the default port)
Creating Accounts
See details for account fields in the Accounts reference.
const account = {
id: id(), // TigerBeetle time-based ID.
debits_pending: 0n,
debits_posted: 0n,
credits_pending: 0n,
credits_posted: 0n,
user_data_128: 0n,
user_data_64: 0n,
user_data_32: 0,
reserved: 0,
ledger: 1,
code: 718,
flags: 0,
timestamp: 0n,
const account_errors = await client.createAccounts([account]);
// Error handling omitted.
See details for the recommended ID scheme in time-based identifiers.
Account Flags
The account flags value is a bitfield. See details for these flags in the Accounts reference.
To toggle behavior for an account, combine enum values stored in the
object (in TypeScript it is an actual enum)
with bitwise-or:
For example, to link two accounts where the first account
additionally has the debits_must_not_exceed_credits
const account0 = {
id: 100n,
debits_pending: 0n,
debits_posted: 0n,
credits_pending: 0n,
credits_posted: 0n,
user_data_128: 0n,
user_data_64: 0n,
user_data_32: 0,
reserved: 0,
ledger: 1,
code: 1,
timestamp: 0n,
flags: AccountFlags.linked | AccountFlags.debits_must_not_exceed_credits,
}const account1 = {
id: 101n,
debits_pending: 0n,
debits_posted: 0n,
credits_pending: 0n,
credits_posted: 0n,
user_data_128: 0n,
user_data_64: 0n,
user_data_32: 0,
reserved: 0,
ledger: 1,
code: 1,
timestamp: 0n,
flags: AccountFlags.history,
const account_errors = await client.createAccounts([account0, account1]);
// Error handling omitted.
Response and Errors
The response is an empty array if all accounts were created successfully. If the response is non-empty, each object in the response array contains error information for an account that failed. The error object contains an error code and the index of the account in the request batch.
See all error conditions in the create_accounts reference.
const account0 = {
id: 102n,
debits_pending: 0n,
debits_posted: 0n,
credits_pending: 0n,
credits_posted: 0n,
user_data_128: 0n,
user_data_64: 0n,
user_data_32: 0,
reserved: 0,
ledger: 1,
code: 1,
timestamp: 0n,
flags: 0,
}const account1 = {
id: 103n,
debits_pending: 0n,
debits_posted: 0n,
credits_pending: 0n,
credits_posted: 0n,
user_data_128: 0n,
user_data_64: 0n,
user_data_32: 0,
reserved: 0,
ledger: 1,
code: 1,
timestamp: 0n,
flags: 0,
}const account2 = {
id: 104n,
debits_pending: 0n,
debits_posted: 0n,
credits_pending: 0n,
credits_posted: 0n,
user_data_128: 0n,
user_data_64: 0n,
user_data_32: 0,
reserved: 0,
ledger: 1,
code: 1,
timestamp: 0n,
flags: 0,
const account_errors = await client.createAccounts([account0, account1, account2]);
for (const error of account_errors) {
switch (error.result) {
case CreateAccountError.exists:
console.error(`Batch account at ${error.index} already exists.`);
`Batch account at ${error.index} failed to create: ${
} }
To handle errors you can either 1) exactly match error codes returned
from client.createAccounts
with enum values in the
object, or you can 2) look up the error
code in the CreateAccountError
object for a human-readable
Account Lookup
Account lookup is batched, like account creation. Pass in all IDs to fetch. The account for each matched ID is returned.
If no account matches an ID, no object is returned for that account. So the order of accounts in the response is not necessarily the same as the order of IDs in the request. You can refer to the ID field in the response to distinguish accounts.
const accounts = await client.lookupAccounts([100n, 101n]);
Create Transfers
This creates a journal entry between two accounts.
See details for transfer fields in the Transfers reference.
const transfers = [{
id: id(), // TigerBeetle time-based ID.
debit_account_id: 102n,
credit_account_id: 103n,
amount: 10n,
pending_id: 0n,
user_data_128: 0n,
user_data_64: 0n,
user_data_32: 0,
timeout: 0,
ledger: 1,
code: 720,
flags: 0,
timestamp: 0n,
const transfer_errors = await client.createTransfers(transfers);
// Error handling omitted.
See details for the recommended ID scheme in time-based identifiers.
Response and Errors
The response is an empty array if all transfers were created successfully. If the response is non-empty, each object in the response array contains error information for a transfer that failed. The error object contains an error code and the index of the transfer in the request batch.
See all error conditions in the create_transfers reference.
const transfers = [{
id: 1n,
debit_account_id: 102n,
credit_account_id: 103n,
amount: 10n,
pending_id: 0n,
user_data_128: 0n,
user_data_64: 0n,
user_data_32: 0,
timeout: 0,
ledger: 1,
code: 720,
flags: 0,
timestamp: 0n,
{id: 2n,
debit_account_id: 102n,
credit_account_id: 103n,
amount: 10n,
pending_id: 0n,
user_data_128: 0n,
user_data_64: 0n,
user_data_32: 0,
timeout: 0,
ledger: 1,
code: 720,
flags: 0,
timestamp: 0n,
{id: 3n,
debit_account_id: 102n,
credit_account_id: 103n,
amount: 10n,
pending_id: 0n,
user_data_128: 0n,
user_data_64: 0n,
user_data_32: 0,
timeout: 0,
ledger: 1,
code: 720,
flags: 0,
timestamp: 0n,
const transfer_errors = await client.createTransfers(batch);
for (const error of transfer_errors) {
switch (error.result) {
case CreateTransferError.exists:
console.error(`Batch transfer at ${error.index} already exists.`);
`Batch transfer at ${error.index} failed to create: ${
} }
To handle errors you can either 1) exactly match error codes returned
from client.createTransfers
with enum values in the
object, or you can 2) look up the error
code in the CreateTransferError
object for a human-readable
TigerBeetle performance is maximized when you batch API requests. The client does not do this automatically for you. So, for example, you can insert 1 million transfers one at a time like so:
const batch = []; // Array of transfer to create.
for (let i = 0; i < batch.len; i++) {
const transfer_errors = await client.createTransfers(batch[i]);
// Error handling omitted.
But the insert rate will be a fraction of potential. Instead, always batch what you can.
The maximum batch size is set in the TigerBeetle server. The default is 8190.
const batch = []; // Array of transfer to create.
const BATCH_SIZE = 8190;
for (let i = 0; i < batch.length; i += BATCH_SIZE) {
const transfer_errors = await client.createTransfers(
.slice(i, Math.min(batch.length, BATCH_SIZE)),
)// Error handling omitted.
Queues and Workers
If you are making requests to TigerBeetle from workers pulling jobs from a queue, you can batch requests to TigerBeetle by having the worker act on multiple jobs from the queue at once rather than one at a time. i.e. pulling multiple jobs from the queue rather than just one.
Transfer Flags
The transfer flags
value is a bitfield. See details for
these flags in the Transfers
To toggle behavior for a transfer, combine enum values stored in the
object (in TypeScript it is an actual enum)
with bitwise-or:
For example, to link transfer0
const transfer0 = {
id: 4n,
debit_account_id: 102n,
credit_account_id: 103n,
amount: 10n,
pending_id: 0n,
user_data_128: 0n,
user_data_64: 0n,
user_data_32: 0,
timeout: 0,
ledger: 1,
code: 720,
flags: TransferFlags.linked,
timestamp: 0n,
}const transfer1 = {
id: 5n,
debit_account_id: 102n,
credit_account_id: 103n,
amount: 10n,
pending_id: 0n,
user_data_128: 0n,
user_data_64: 0n,
user_data_32: 0,
timeout: 0,
ledger: 1,
code: 720,
flags: 0,
timestamp: 0n,
// Create the transfer
const transfer_errors = await client.createTransfers([transfer0, transfer1]);
// Error handling omitted.
Two-Phase Transfers
Two-phase transfers are supported natively by toggling the
appropriate flag. TigerBeetle will then adjust the
and debits_pending
fields of
the appropriate accounts. A corresponding post pending transfer then
needs to be sent to post or void the transfer.
Post a Pending Transfer
With flags
set to post_pending_transfer
TigerBeetle will post the transfer. TigerBeetle will atomically roll
back the changes to debits_pending
of the appropriate accounts and apply them
to the debits_posted
and credits_posted
const transfer0 = {
id: 6n,
debit_account_id: 102n,
credit_account_id: 103n,
amount: 10n,
pending_id: 0n,
user_data_128: 0n,
user_data_64: 0n,
user_data_32: 0,
timeout: 0,
ledger: 1,
code: 720,
flags: TransferFlags.pending,
timestamp: 0n,
let transfer_errors = await client.createTransfers([transfer0]);
// Error handling omitted.
const transfer1 = {
id: 7n,
debit_account_id: 102n,
credit_account_id: 103n,
// Post the entire pending amount.
amount: amount_max,
pending_id: 6n,
user_data_128: 0n,
user_data_64: 0n,
user_data_32: 0,
timeout: 0,
ledger: 1,
code: 720,
flags: TransferFlags.post_pending_transfer,
timestamp: 0n,
= await client.createTransfers([transfer1]);
transfer_errors // Error handling omitted.
Void a Pending Transfer
In contrast, with flags
set to
, TigerBeetle will void the transfer.
TigerBeetle will roll back the changes to debits_pending
and credits_pending
of the appropriate accounts and
not apply them to the debits_posted
const transfer0 = {
id: 8n,
debit_account_id: 102n,
credit_account_id: 103n,
amount: 10n,
pending_id: 0n,
user_data_128: 0n,
user_data_64: 0n,
user_data_32: 0,
timeout: 0,
ledger: 1,
code: 720,
flags: TransferFlags.pending,
timestamp: 0n,
let transfer_errors = await client.createTransfers([transfer0]);
// Error handling omitted.
const transfer1 = {
id: 9n,
debit_account_id: 102n,
credit_account_id: 103n,
amount: 10n,
pending_id: 8n,
user_data_128: 0n,
user_data_64: 0n,
user_data_32: 0,
timeout: 0,
ledger: 1,
code: 720,
flags: TransferFlags.void_pending_transfer,
timestamp: 0n,
= await client.createTransfers([transfer1]);
transfer_errors // Error handling omitted.
Transfer Lookup
NOTE: While transfer lookup exists, it is not a flexible query API. We are developing query APIs and there will be new methods for querying transfers in the future.
Transfer lookup is batched, like transfer creation. Pass in all
s to fetch, and matched transfers are returned.
If no transfer matches an id
, no object is returned for
that transfer. So the order of transfers in the response is not
necessarily the same as the order of id
s in the request.
You can refer to the id
field in the response to
distinguish transfers.
const transfers = await client.lookupTransfers([1n, 2n]);
Get Account Transfers
NOTE: This is a preview API that is subject to breaking changes once we have a stable querying API.
Fetches the transfers involving a given account, allowing basic filter and pagination capabilities.
The transfers in the response are sorted by timestamp
chronological or reverse-chronological order.
const filter = {
account_id: 2n,
user_data_128: 0n, // No filter by UserData.
user_data_64: 0n,
user_data_32: 0,
code: 0, // No filter by Code.
timestamp_min: 0n, // No filter by Timestamp.
timestamp_max: 0n, // No filter by Timestamp.
limit: 10, // Limit to ten balances at most.
flags: AccountFilterFlags.debits | // Include transfer from the debit side.
.credits | // Include transfer from the credit side.
AccountFilterFlags.reversed, // Sort by timestamp in reverse-chronological order.
const account_transfers = await client.getAccountTransfers(filter);
Get Account Balances
NOTE: This is a preview API that is subject to breaking changes once we have a stable querying API.
Fetches the point-in-time balances of a given account, allowing basic filter and pagination capabilities.
Only accounts created with the flag history
retain historical
The balances in the response are sorted by timestamp
chronological or reverse-chronological order.
const filter = {
account_id: 2n,
user_data_128: 0n, // No filter by UserData.
user_data_64: 0n,
user_data_32: 0,
code: 0, // No filter by Code.
timestamp_min: 0n, // No filter by Timestamp.
timestamp_max: 0n, // No filter by Timestamp.
limit: 10, // Limit to ten balances at most.
flags: AccountFilterFlags.debits | // Include transfer from the debit side.
.credits | // Include transfer from the credit side.
AccountFilterFlags.reversed, // Sort by timestamp in reverse-chronological order.
const account_balances = await client.getAccountBalances(filter);
Query Accounts
NOTE: This is a preview API that is subject to breaking changes once we have a stable querying API.
Query accounts by the intersection of some fields and by timestamp range.
The accounts in the response are sorted by timestamp
chronological or reverse-chronological order.
const query_filter = {
user_data_128: 1000n, // Filter by UserData.
user_data_64: 100n,
user_data_32: 10,
code: 1, // Filter by Code.
ledger: 0, // No filter by Ledger.
timestamp_min: 0n, // No filter by Timestamp.
timestamp_max: 0n, // No filter by Timestamp.
limit: 10, // Limit to ten balances at most.
flags: QueryFilterFlags.reversed, // Sort by timestamp in reverse-chronological order.
const query_accounts = await client.queryAccounts(query_filter);
Query Transfers
NOTE: This is a preview API that is subject to breaking changes once we have a stable querying API.
Query transfers by the intersection of some fields and by timestamp range.
The transfers in the response are sorted by timestamp
chronological or reverse-chronological order.
const query_filter = {
user_data_128: 1000n, // Filter by UserData.
user_data_64: 100n,
user_data_32: 10,
code: 1, // Filter by Code.
ledger: 0, // No filter by Ledger.
timestamp_min: 0n, // No filter by Timestamp.
timestamp_max: 0n, // No filter by Timestamp.
limit: 10, // Limit to ten balances at most.
flags: QueryFilterFlags.reversed, // Sort by timestamp in reverse-chronological order.
const query_transfers = await client.queryTransfers(query_filter);
Linked Events
When the linked
flag is specified for an account when
creating accounts or a transfer when creating transfers, it links that
event with the next event in the batch, to create a chain of events, of
arbitrary length, which all succeed or fail together. The tail of a
chain is denoted by the first event without this flag. The last event in
a batch may therefore never have the linked
flag set as
this would leave a chain open-ended. Multiple chains or individual
events may coexist within a batch to succeed or fail independently.
Events within a chain are executed within order, or are rolled back
on error, so that the effect of each event in the chain is visible to
the next, and so that the chain is either visible or invisible as a unit
to subsequent events after the chain. The event that was the first to
break the chain will have a unique error result. Other events in the
chain will have their error result set to
const batch = []; // Array of transfer to create.
let linkedFlag = 0;
|= TransferFlags.linked;
// An individual transfer (successful):
.push({ id: 1n /* , ... */ });
// A chain of 4 transfers (the last transfer in the chain closes the chain with linked=false):
.push({ id: 2n, /* ..., */ flags: linkedFlag }); // Commit/rollback.
batch.push({ id: 3n, /* ..., */ flags: linkedFlag }); // Commit/rollback.
batch.push({ id: 2n, /* ..., */ flags: linkedFlag }); // Fail with exists
batch.push({ id: 4n, /* ..., */ flags: 0 }); // Fail without committing.
// An individual transfer (successful):
// This should not see any effect from the failed chain above.
.push({ id: 2n, /* ..., */ flags: 0 });
// A chain of 2 transfers (the first transfer fails the chain):
.push({ id: 2n, /* ..., */ flags: linkedFlag });
batch.push({ id: 3n, /* ..., */ flags: 0 });
// A chain of 2 transfers (successful):
.push({ id: 3n, /* ..., */ flags: linkedFlag });
batch.push({ id: 4n, /* ..., */ flags: 0 });
const transfer_errors = await client.createTransfers(batch);
// Error handling omitted.
Imported Events
When the imported
flag is specified for an account when
creating accounts or a transfer when creating transfers, it allows
importing historical events with a user-defined timestamp.
The entire batch of events must be set with the flag
It’s recommended to submit the whole batch as a linked
chain of events, ensuring that if any event fails, none of them are
committed, preserving the last timestamp unchanged. This approach gives
the application a chance to correct failed imported events,
re-submitting the batch again with the same user-defined timestamps.
// External source of time.
let historical_timestamp = 0n
// Events loaded from an external source.
const historical_accounts = []; // Loaded from an external source.
const historical_transfers = []; // Loaded from an external source.
// First, load and import all accounts with their timestamps from the historical source.
const accounts = [];
for (let index = 0; i < historical_accounts.length; i++) {
let account = historical_accounts[i];
// Set a unique and strictly increasing timestamp.
+= 1;
historical_timestamp .timestamp = historical_timestamp;
account// Set the account as `imported`.
.flags = AccountFlags.imported;
account// To ensure atomicity, the entire batch (except the last event in the chain)
// must be `linked`.
if (index < historical_accounts.length - 1) {
.flags |= AccountFlags.linked;
const account_errors = await client.createAccounts(accounts);
// Error handling omitted.
// Then, load and import all transfers with their timestamps from the historical source.
const transfers = [];
for (let index = 0; i < historical_transfers.length; i++) {
let transfer = historical_transfers[i];
// Set a unique and strictly increasing timestamp.
+= 1;
historical_timestamp .timestamp = historical_timestamp;
transfer// Set the account as `imported`.
.flags = TransferFlags.imported;
transfer// To ensure atomicity, the entire batch (except the last event in the chain)
// must be `linked`.
if (index < historical_transfers.length - 1) {
.flags |= TransferFlags.linked;
const transfer_errors = await client.createTransfers(transfers);
// Error handling omitted.
// Since it is a linked chain, in case of any error the entire batch is rolled back and can be retried
// with the same historical timestamps without regressing the cluster timestamp.
The TigerBeetle client for Python.
Linux >= 5.6 is the only production environment we support. But for ease of development we also support macOS and Windows.
- Python (or PyPy, etc) >=
First, create a directory for your project and cd
the directory.
Then, install the TigerBeetle client:
pip install tigerbeetle
Now, create main.py
and copy this into it:
import os
import tigerbeetle as tb
print("Import OK!")
# To enable debug logging, via Python's built in logging module:
# logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
# tb.configure_logging(debug=True)
Finally, build and run:
python3 main.py
Now that all prerequisites and dependencies are correctly set up, let’s dig into using TigerBeetle.
Sample projects
This document is primarily a reference guide to the client. Below are various sample projects demonstrating features of TigerBeetle.
- Basic: Create two accounts and transfer an amount between them.
- Two-Phase Transfer: Create two accounts and start a pending transfer between them, then post the transfer.
- Many Two-Phase Transfers: Create two accounts and start a number of pending transfer between them, posting and voiding alternating transfers.
Creating a Client
A client is created with a cluster ID and replica addresses for all replicas in the cluster. The cluster ID and replica addresses are both chosen by the system that starts the TigerBeetle cluster.
Clients are thread-safe and a single instance should be shared between multiple concurrent tasks.
Multiple clients are useful when connecting to more than one TigerBeetle cluster.
In this example the cluster ID is 0
and there is one
replica. The address is read from the TB_ADDRESS
environment variable and defaults to port 3000
with tb.ClientSync(cluster_id=0, replica_addresses=os.getenv("TB_ADDRESS", "3000")) as client:
# Use the client.
The following are valid addresses:
(interpreted as127.0.0.1:3000
(interpreted as127.0.0.1:3000
(interpreted as127.0.0.1:3001
is the default port)
Creating Accounts
See details for account fields in the Accounts reference.
= tb.Account(
account id=tb.id(), # TigerBeetle time-based ID.
= client.create_accounts([account])
account_errors # Error handling omitted.
See details for the recommended ID scheme in time-based identifiers.
Account Flags
The account flags value is a bitfield. See details for these flags in the Accounts reference.
To toggle behavior for an account, combine enum values stored in the
object (it’s an enum.IntFlag
with bitwise-or:
For example, to link two accounts where the first account
additionally has the debits_must_not_exceed_credits
= tb.Account(
account0 id=100,
timestamp=tb.AccountFlags.LINKED | tb.AccountFlags.DEBITS_MUST_NOT_EXCEED_CREDITS,
)= tb.Account(
account1 id=101,
= client.create_accounts([account0, account1])
account_errors # Error handling omitted.
Response and Errors
The response is an empty array if all accounts were created successfully. If the response is non-empty, each object in the response array contains error information for an account that failed. The error object contains an error code and the index of the account in the request batch.
See all error conditions in the create_accounts reference.
= tb.Account(
account0 id=102,
)= tb.Account(
account1 id=103,
)= tb.Account(
account2 id=104,
= client.create_accounts([account0, account1, account2])
account_errors for error in account_errors:
if error.result == tb.CreateAccountResult.EXISTS:
print(f"Batch account at {error.index} already exists.")
print(f"Batch account at ${error.index} failed to create: {error.result}.")
To handle errors you can compare the result code returned from
with enum values in the
Account Lookup
Account lookup is batched, like account creation. Pass in all IDs to fetch. The account for each matched ID is returned.
If no account matches an ID, no object is returned for that account. So the order of accounts in the response is not necessarily the same as the order of IDs in the request. You can refer to the ID field in the response to distinguish accounts.
= client.lookup_accounts([100, 101]) accounts
Create Transfers
This creates a journal entry between two accounts.
See details for transfer fields in the Transfers reference.
= [tb.Transfer(
transfers id=tb.id(), # TigerBeetle time-based ID.
= client.create_transfers(transfers)
transfer_errors # Error handling omitted.
See details for the recommended ID scheme in time-based identifiers.
Response and Errors
The response is an empty array if all transfers were created successfully. If the response is non-empty, each object in the response array contains error information for a transfer that failed. The error object contains an error code and the index of the transfer in the request batch.
See all error conditions in the create_transfers reference.
= [tb.Transfer(
batch id=1,
= client.create_transfers(batch)
transfer_errors for error in transfer_errors:
if error.result == tb.CreateTransferResult.EXISTS:
print(f"Batch transfer at {error.index} already exists.")
print(f"Batch transfer at {error.index} failed to create: {error.result}.")
To handle errors you can compare the result code returned from
with enum values in the
TigerBeetle performance is maximized when you batch API requests. The client does not do this automatically for you. So, for example, you can insert 1 million transfers one at a time like so:
= [] # Array of transfer to create.
batch for transfer in batch:
= client.create_transfers([transfer])
transfer_errors # Error handling omitted.
But the insert rate will be a fraction of potential. Instead, always batch what you can.
The maximum batch size is set in the TigerBeetle server. The default is 8190.
= [] # Array of transfer to create.
batch = 8190 #FIXME
BATCH_SIZE for i in range(0, len(batch), BATCH_SIZE):
= client.create_transfers(
transfer_errors min(len(batch), i + BATCH_SIZE)],
)# Error handling omitted.
Queues and Workers
If you are making requests to TigerBeetle from workers pulling jobs from a queue, you can batch requests to TigerBeetle by having the worker act on multiple jobs from the queue at once rather than one at a time. i.e. pulling multiple jobs from the queue rather than just one.
Transfer Flags
The transfer flags
value is a bitfield. See details for
these flags in the Transfers
To toggle behavior for a transfer, combine enum values stored in the
object (it’s an enum.IntFlag
with bitwise-or:
For example, to link transfer0
= tb.Transfer(
transfer0 id=4,
)= tb.Transfer(
transfer1 id=5,
# Create the transfer
= client.create_transfers([transfer0, transfer1])
transfer_errors # Error handling omitted.
Two-Phase Transfers
Two-phase transfers are supported natively by toggling the
appropriate flag. TigerBeetle will then adjust the
and debits_pending
fields of
the appropriate accounts. A corresponding post pending transfer then
needs to be sent to post or void the transfer.
Post a Pending Transfer
With flags
set to post_pending_transfer
TigerBeetle will post the transfer. TigerBeetle will atomically roll
back the changes to debits_pending
of the appropriate accounts and apply them
to the debits_posted
and credits_posted
= tb.Transfer(
transfer0 id=6,
= client.create_transfers([transfer0])
transfer_errors # Error handling omitted.
= tb.Transfer(
transfer1 id=7,
credit_account_id# Post the entire pending amount.
= client.create_transfers([transfer1])
transfer_errors # Error handling omitted.
Void a Pending Transfer
In contrast, with flags
set to
, TigerBeetle will void the transfer.
TigerBeetle will roll back the changes to debits_pending
and credits_pending
of the appropriate accounts and
not apply them to the debits_posted
= tb.Transfer(
transfer0 id=8,
= client.create_transfers([transfer0])
transfer_errors # Error handling omitted.
= tb.Transfer(
transfer1 id=9,
= client.create_transfers([transfer1])
transfer_errors # Error handling omitted.
Transfer Lookup
NOTE: While transfer lookup exists, it is not a flexible query API. We are developing query APIs and there will be new methods for querying transfers in the future.
Transfer lookup is batched, like transfer creation. Pass in all
s to fetch, and matched transfers are returned.
If no transfer matches an id
, no object is returned for
that transfer. So the order of transfers in the response is not
necessarily the same as the order of id
s in the request.
You can refer to the id
field in the response to
distinguish transfers.
= client.lookup_transfers([1, 2]) transfers
Get Account Transfers
NOTE: This is a preview API that is subject to breaking changes once we have a stable querying API.
Fetches the transfers involving a given account, allowing basic filter and pagination capabilities.
The transfers in the response are sorted by timestamp
chronological or reverse-chronological order.
filter = tb.AccountFilter(
account_id=0, # No filter by UserData.
user_data_32=0, # No filter by Code.
code=0, # No filter by Timestamp.
timestamp_min=0, # No filter by Timestamp.
timestamp_max=10, # Limit to ten balances at most.
limit=tb.AccountFilterFlags.DEBITS | # Include transfer from the debit side.
flags| # Include transfer from the credit side.
tb.AccountFilterFlags.CREDITS # Sort by timestamp in reverse-chronological order.
= client.get_account_transfers(filter) account_transfers
Get Account Balances
NOTE: This is a preview API that is subject to breaking changes once we have a stable querying API.
Fetches the point-in-time balances of a given account, allowing basic filter and pagination capabilities.
Only accounts created with the flag history
retain historical
The balances in the response are sorted by timestamp
chronological or reverse-chronological order.
filter = tb.AccountFilter(
account_id=0, # No filter by UserData.
user_data_32=0, # No filter by Code.
code=0, # No filter by Timestamp.
timestamp_min=0, # No filter by Timestamp.
timestamp_max=10, # Limit to ten balances at most.
limit=tb.AccountFilterFlags.DEBITS | # Include transfer from the debit side.
flags| # Include transfer from the credit side.
tb.AccountFilterFlags.CREDITS # Sort by timestamp in reverse-chronological order.
= client.get_account_balances(filter) account_balances
Query Accounts
NOTE: This is a preview API that is subject to breaking changes once we have a stable querying API.
Query accounts by the intersection of some fields and by timestamp range.
The accounts in the response are sorted by timestamp
chronological or reverse-chronological order.
= tb.QueryFilter(
query_filter =1000, # Filter by UserData.
user_data_32=1, # Filter by Code.
code=0, # No filter by Ledger.
ledger=0, # No filter by Timestamp.
timestamp_min=0, # No filter by Timestamp.
timestamp_max=10, # Limit to ten balances at most.
limit=tb.QueryFilterFlags.REVERSED, # Sort by timestamp in reverse-chronological order.
= client.query_accounts(query_filter) query_accounts
Query Transfers
NOTE: This is a preview API that is subject to breaking changes once we have a stable querying API.
Query transfers by the intersection of some fields and by timestamp range.
The transfers in the response are sorted by timestamp
chronological or reverse-chronological order.
= tb.QueryFilter(
query_filter =1000, # Filter by UserData.
user_data_32=1, # Filter by Code.
code=0, # No filter by Ledger.
ledger=0, # No filter by Timestamp.
timestamp_min=0, # No filter by Timestamp.
timestamp_max=10, # Limit to ten balances at most.
limit=tb.QueryFilterFlags.REVERSED, # Sort by timestamp in reverse-chronological order.
= client.query_transfers(query_filter) query_transfers
Linked Events
When the linked
flag is specified for an account when
creating accounts or a transfer when creating transfers, it links that
event with the next event in the batch, to create a chain of events, of
arbitrary length, which all succeed or fail together. The tail of a
chain is denoted by the first event without this flag. The last event in
a batch may therefore never have the linked
flag set as
this would leave a chain open-ended. Multiple chains or individual
events may coexist within a batch to succeed or fail independently.
Events within a chain are executed within order, or are rolled back
on error, so that the effect of each event in the chain is visible to
the next, and so that the chain is either visible or invisible as a unit
to subsequent events after the chain. The event that was the first to
break the chain will have a unique error result. Other events in the
chain will have their error result set to
= [] # List of tb.Transfers to create.
batch = 0
linkedFlag |= tb.TransferFlags.LINKED
# An individual transfer (successful):
# A chain of 4 transfers (the last transfer in the chain closes the chain with linked=false):
id=2, flags=linkedFlag)) # Commit/rollback.
batch.append(tb.Transfer(id=3, flags=linkedFlag)) # Commit/rollback.
batch.append(tb.Transfer(id=2, flags=linkedFlag)) # Fail with exists
batch.append(tb.Transfer(id=4, flags=0)) # Fail without committing.
# An individual transfer (successful):
# This should not see any effect from the failed chain above.
id=2, flags=0 ))
# A chain of 2 transfers (the first transfer fails the chain):
id=2, flags=linkedFlag))
batch.append(tb.Transfer(id=3, flags=0))
# A chain of 2 transfers (successful):
id=3, flags=linkedFlag))
batch.append(tb.Transfer(id=4, flags=0))
= client.create_transfers(batch)
transfer_errors # Error handling omitted.
Imported Events
When the imported
flag is specified for an account when
creating accounts or a transfer when creating transfers, it allows
importing historical events with a user-defined timestamp.
The entire batch of events must be set with the flag
It’s recommended to submit the whole batch as a linked
chain of events, ensuring that if any event fails, none of them are
committed, preserving the last timestamp unchanged. This approach gives
the application a chance to correct failed imported events,
re-submitting the batch again with the same user-defined timestamps.
# External source of time.
= 0
historical_timestamp # Events loaded from an external source.
= [] # Loaded from an external source.
historical_accounts = [] # Loaded from an external source.
# First, load and import all accounts with their timestamps from the historical source.
= []
accounts for index, account in enumerate(historical_accounts):
# Set a unique and strictly increasing timestamp.
+= 1
historical_timestamp = historical_timestamp
account.timestamp # Set the account as `imported`.
= tb.AccountFlags.IMPORTED
account.flags # To ensure atomicity, the entire batch (except the last event in the chain)
# must be `linked`.
if index < len(historical_accounts) - 1:
|= tb.AccountFlags.LINKED
= client.create_accounts(accounts)
account_errors # Error handling omitted.
# The, load and import all transfers with their timestamps from the historical source.
= []
transfers for index, transfer in enumerate(historical_transfers):
# Set a unique and strictly increasing timestamp.
+= 1
historical_timestamp = historical_timestamp
transfer.timestamp # Set the account as `imported`.
= tb.TransferFlags.IMPORTED
transfer.flags # To ensure atomicity, the entire batch (except the last event in the chain)
# must be `linked`.
if index < len(historical_transfers) - 1:
|= tb.AccountFlags.LINKED
= client.create_transfers(transfers)
transfer_errors # Error handling omitted.
# Since it is a linked chain, in case of any error the entire batch is rolled back and can be retried
# with the same historical timestamps without regressing the cluster timestamp.
This section is for anyone managing their own TigerBeetle cluster. While tiger beetles thrive even in the harshest conditions, there’s certainly a preferred way to handle one!
- Installing list all the various way to get the freshest TigerBeetle binary.
- Hardware specifies the host requirements.
- Cluster specifies the overall cluster requirements and recommendations.
- Deploying spells out deployment process and its variations.
- Upgrading explains how to move to a newer TigerBeetle version without downtime.
Quick Install
# macOS
curl -Lo tigerbeetle.zip https://mac.tigerbeetle.com && unzip tigerbeetle.zip && ./tigerbeetle version
# Linux
curl -Lo tigerbeetle.zip https://linux.tigerbeetle.com && unzip tigerbeetle.zip && ./tigerbeetle version
# Windows
powershell -command "curl.exe -Lo tigerbeetle.zip https://windows.tigerbeetle.com; Expand-Archive tigerbeetle.zip .; .\tigerbeetle version"
Latest Release
You can download prebuilt binaries for the latest release here:
Linux | Windows | MacOS | |
x86_64 | tigerbeetle-x86_64-linux.zip | tigerbeetle-x86_64-windows.zip | tigerbeetle-universal-macos.zip |
aarch64 | tigerbeetle-aarch64-linux.zip | N/A | tigerbeetle-universal-macos.zip |
Past Releases
The releases page lists all past and current releases:
TigerBeetle can be upgraded without downtime, this is documented in Upgrading.
Building from Source
Building from source is easy, but is not recommended for production deployments, as extra care is needed to ensure compatibility with clients and upgradability. Refer to the internal documentation for compilation instructions.
Client Libraries
Client libraries for .Net, Go, Java, Node, and Python are published to the respective package repositories, see Clients.
Edit this pageHardware
TigerBeetle is designed to operate and provide more than adequate performance even on commodity hardware.
Local NVMe drives are highly recommended for production deployments, and there’s no requirement for RAID.
In cloud or more complex deployments, remote block storage (e.g., EBS, NVMe-oF) may be used but will be slower and care must be taken to ensure independent fault domains across replicas.
Currently, TigerBeetle uses around 16TiB for 40 billion transfers. If you wish to use more capacity than a single disk, RAID 10 / RAID 0 is recommended over parity RAID levels.
The data file is created before the server is initially run and grows automatically. TigerBeetle has been more extensively tested on ext4, but ext4 only supports data files up to 16TiB. XFS is supported, but has seen less testing. TigerBeetle can also be run against the raw block device.
ECC memory is required for production deployments.
A replica requires at least 6 GiB RAM per machine. Between 16 GiB and 32 GiB or more (depending on budget) is recommended to be allocated to each replica for caching. TigerBeetle uses static allocation and will use exactly how much memory is explicitly allocated to it for caching via command line argument.
TigerBeetle requires only a single core per replica machine. TigerBeetle at present does not utilize more cores, but may in future.
It’s recommended to have at least one additional core free for the operating system.
A minimum of a 1Gbps network connection is recommended.
There are no restrictions on sharing a server with other tenant processes.
Edit this pageCluster Recommendations
A TigerBeetle cluster is a set of machines each running the TigerBeetle server for strict serializability, high availability and durability. The TigerBeetle server is a single binary.
Each server operates on a single local data file.
The TigerBeetle server binary plus its single data file is called a replica.
A cluster guarantees strict serializability, the highest level of consistency, by automatically electing a primary replica to order and backup transactions across replicas in the cluster.
Fault Tolerance
The optimal, recommended size for any production cluster is 6 replicas.
Given a cluster of 6 replicas:
- 4/6 replicas are required to elect a new primary if the old primary fails.
- A cluster remains highly available (able to process transactions), preserving strict serializability, provided that at least 3/6 machines have not failed (provided that the primary has not also failed) or provided that at least 4/6 machines have not failed (if the primary also failed and a new primary needs to be elected).
- A cluster preserves durability (surviving, detecting, and repairing corruption of any data file) provided that the cluster remains available. If machines go offline temporarily and the cluster becomes available again later, the cluster will be able to repair data file corruption once availability is restored.
- A cluster will correctly remain unavailable if too many machine failures have occurred to preserve data. In other words, TigerBeetle is designed to operate correctly or else to shut down safely if safe operation with respect to strict serializability is no longer possible due to permanent data loss.
Geographic Fault Tolerance
All 6 replicas may be within the same data center (zero geographic fault tolerance), or spread across 2 or more data centers, availability zones or regions (“sites”) for geographic fault tolerance.
For mission critical availability, the optimal number of sites is 3, since each site would then contain 2 replicas so that the loss of an entire site would not impair the availability of the cluster.
Sites should preferably be within a few milliseconds of each other, since each transaction must be replicated across sites before being committed.
Hardware Fault Tolerance
It is important to ensure independent fault domains for each replica’s data file, that each replica’s data file is stored on a separate disk (required), machine (required), rack (recommended), data center (recommended) etc.
Edit this pageDeploying
TigerBeetle is a single, statically linked binary without external dependencies, so the overall deployment procedure is simple:
- Get the
binary onto each of the cluster’s machines (see Installing). - Format the data files, specifying cluster id, replica count, and replica index.
- Start replicas, specifying path to the data file and addresses of all replicas in the cluster.
Here’s how to deploy a three replica cluster running on a single machine:
curl -Lo tigerbeetle.zip https://linux.tigerbeetle.com && unzip tigerbeetle.zip && ./tigerbeetle version
./tigerbeetle format --cluster=0 --replica-count=3 --replica=0 ./0_0.tigerbeetle
./tigerbeetle format --cluster=0 --replica-count=3 --replica=1 ./0_1.tigerbeetle
./tigerbeetle format --cluster=0 --replica-count=3 --replica=2 ./0_2.tigerbeetle
./tigerbeetle start --addresses=,, ./0_0.tigerbeetle &
./tigerbeetle start --addresses=,, ./0_1.tigerbeetle &
./tigerbeetle start --addresses=,, ./0_2.tigerbeetle &
Here what the arguments mean:
specifies a globally unique 128 bit cluster ID. It is recommended to use a random number for a cluster id, cluster ID0
is reserved for testing.--replica-count
specifies the size of the cluster. In the current version of TigerBeetle, cluster size can not be changed after creation, but this limitation will be lifted in the future.--replica
is a zero-based index of the current replica. While--cluster
arguments must match across all replicas of the cluster,--replica
arguments must be unique../0_0.tigerbeetle
is a path to the data file. It doesn’t matter how you name it, but the suggested naming schema is${CLUSTER_ID}_${REPLICA_INDEX}.tigerbeetle
specify IP addresses of all the replicas in the cluster. The order of addresses must correspond to the order of replicas. In particular, the--addresses
argument must be the same for all replicas and all clients, and the address at the replica index must correspond to replica’s own address.
Production deployment differs in three aspects (see Cluster Recommendations):
- Each replica runs on a dedicated machine.
- Six replicas are used rather than three.
- There’s a supervisor process to restart a replica process after a crash.
Deployment Recipes
We have recipes for some commonly used deployment tools:
Edit this pageDeploying with systemd
The following includes an example systemd unit for running TigerBeetle with Linux systems that use systemd. The unit is configured to start a single-node cluster, so you may need to adjust it for other cluster configurations.
Description=TigerBeetle Replica
Wants=network-online.target systemd-networkd-wait-online.service
RestrictAddressFamilies=AF_INET AF_INET6
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/tigerbeetle start --cache-grid=${TIGERBEETLE_CACHE_GRID_SIZE} --addresses=${TIGERBEETLE_ADDRESSES} ${TIGERBEETLE_DATA_FILE}
You can adjust multiple aspects of this systemd service. Each specific adjustment is listed below with instructions.
It is not recommended to adjust some values directly in the service file. When this is the case, the instructions will ask you to instead use systemd’s drop-in file support. Here’s how to do that:
- Install the service unit in systemd (usually by adding it to
). - Create a drop-in file to override the environment variables. Run
systemctl edit tigerbeetle.service
. This will bring you to an editor with instructions. - Add your overrides. Example:
Pre-start script
You can place the following script in /usr/local/bin
This script is responsible for ensuring that a replica data file exists.
It will create a data file if it doesn’t exist.
set -eu
if ! test -e "${TIGERBEETLE_DATA_FILE}"; then
/usr/local/bin/tigerbeetle format --cluster="${TIGERBEETLE_CLUSTER_ID}" --replica="${TIGERBEETLE_REPLICA_INDEX}" --replica-count="${TIGERBEETLE_REPLICA_COUNT}" "${TIGERBEETLE_DATA_FILE}"
The script assumes that /bin/sh
exists and points to a
POSIX-compliant shell, and the test
utility is either
built-in or in the script’s search path. If this is not the case, adjust
the script’s shebang.
Add the following line to tigerbeetle.service
The service then executes the tigerbeetle-pre-start.sh
script before starting TigerBeetle.
TigerBeetle executable
The tigerbeetle
executable is assumed to be installed in
. If this is not the case, adjust both
to use the correct location.
Environment variables
This service uses environment variables to provide default values for a simple single-node cluster. To configure a different cluster structure, or a cluster with different values, adjust the values in the environment variables. It is not recommended to change these default values directly in the service file, because it may be important to revert to the default behavior later. Instead, use systemd’s drop-in file support.
State directory and replica data file path
This service configures a state directory, which means that systemd
will make sure the directory is created before the service starts, and
the directory will have the correct permissions. This is especially
important because the service uses systemd’s dynamic user capabilities.
systemd forces the state directory to be in /var/lib
, which
means that this service will have its replica data file at
. It is not
recommended to adjust the state directory directly in the
service file, because it may be important to revert to the default
behavior later. Instead, use systemd’s drop-in file support. If you do
so, remember to also adjust the TIGERBEETLE_DATA_FILE
environment variable, because it also hardcodes the
state directory value.
Due to systemd’s dynamic user capabilities, the replica data file path will not be owned by any existing user of the system.
Hardening configurations
Some hardening configurations are enabled for added security when running the service. It is not recommended to change these, since they have additional implications on all other configurations and values defined in this service file. If you wish to change those, you are expected to understand those implications and make any other adjustments accordingly.
Development mode
The service was created assuming it’ll be used in a production scenario.
In case you want to use this service for development as well, you may
need to adjust the ExecStart
line to include the
flag if your development environment doesn’t
support Direct IO, or if you require smaller cache sizes and/or batch
sizes due to memory constraints.
Memory Locking
TigerBeetle requires RLIMIT_MEMLOCK
to be set high
enough to:
- initialize io_uring, which requires memory shared with the kernel to be locked, as well as
- lock all allocated memory, and so prevent the kernel from swapping any pages to disk, which would not only affect performance but also bypass TigerBeetle’s storage fault-tolerance.
If the required memory cannot be locked, then the environment should be modified either by (in order of preference):
- giving the local
binary theCAP_IPC_LOCK
capability (sudo setcap "cap_ipc_lock=+ep" ./tigerbeetle
), or - raising the global
value under/etc/security/limits.conf
, or else - disabling swap (io_uring may still require an RLIMIT increase).
Memory locking is disabled for development environments when using
the --development
For Linux running under Docker, refer to Allowing MEMLOCK.
Edit this pageDocker
TigerBeetle can be run using Docker. However, it is not recommended.
TigerBeetle is distributed as a single, small, statically-linked binary. It should be easy to run directly on the target machine. Using Docker as an abstraction adds complexity while providing relatively little in this case.
The Docker image is available from the GitHub Container Registry:
Format the Data File
When using Docker, the data file must be mounted as a volume:
docker run --security-opt seccomp=unconfined \
-v $(pwd)/data:/data ghcr.io/tigerbeetle/tigerbeetle \
format --cluster=0 --replica=0 --replica-count=1 /data/0_0.tigerbeetle
info(io): creating "0_0.tigerbeetle"...
info(io): allocating 660.140625MiB...
Run the Server
docker run -it --security-opt seccomp=unconfined \
-p 3000:3000 -v $(pwd)/data:/data ghcr.io/tigerbeetle/tigerbeetle \
start --addresses= /data/0_0.tigerbeetle
info(io): opening "0_0.tigerbeetle"...
info(main): 0: cluster=0: listening on
Run a Multi-Node Cluster Using Docker Compose
Format the data file for each replica:
docker run --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -v $(pwd)/data:/data ghcr.io/tigerbeetle/tigerbeetle format --cluster=0 --replica=0 --replica-count=3 /data/0_0.tigerbeetle
docker run --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -v $(pwd)/data:/data ghcr.io/tigerbeetle/tigerbeetle format --cluster=0 --replica=1 --replica-count=3 /data/0_1.tigerbeetle
docker run --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -v $(pwd)/data:/data ghcr.io/tigerbeetle/tigerbeetle format --cluster=0 --replica=2 --replica-count=3 /data/0_2.tigerbeetle
Note that the data file stores which replica in the cluster the file belongs to.
Then, create a docker-compose.yml file:
version: "3.7"
# Note: this example might only work with linux + using `network_mode:host` because of 2 reasons:
# 1. When specifying an internal docker network, other containers are only available using dns based routing:
# e.g. from tigerbeetle_0, the other replicas are available at `tigerbeetle_1:3002` and
# `tigerbeetle_2:3003` respectively.
# 2. Tigerbeetle performs some validation of the ip address provided in the `--addresses` parameter
# and won't let us specify a custom domain name.
# The workaround for now is to use `network_mode:host` in the containers instead of specifying our
# own internal docker network
image: ghcr.io/tigerbeetle/tigerbeetle
command: "start --addresses=,, /data/0_0.tigerbeetle"
network_mode: host
- ./data:/data
- "seccomp=unconfined"
image: ghcr.io/tigerbeetle/tigerbeetle
command: "start --addresses=,, /data/0_1.tigerbeetle"
network_mode: host
- ./data:/data
- "seccomp=unconfined"
image: ghcr.io/tigerbeetle/tigerbeetle
command: "start --addresses=,, /data/0_2.tigerbeetle"
network_mode: host
- ./data:/data
- "seccomp=unconfined"
And run it:
docker-compose up
docker-compose up
Starting tigerbeetle_0 ... done
Starting tigerbeetle_2 ... done
Recreating tigerbeetle_1 ... done
Attaching to tigerbeetle_0, tigerbeetle_2, tigerbeetle_1
tigerbeetle_1 | info(io): opening "0_1.tigerbeetle"...
tigerbeetle_2 | info(io): opening "0_2.tigerbeetle"...
tigerbeetle_0 | info(io): opening "0_0.tigerbeetle"...
tigerbeetle_0 | info(main): 0: cluster=0: listening on
tigerbeetle_2 | info(main): 2: cluster=0: listening on
tigerbeetle_1 | info(main): 1: cluster=0: listening on
tigerbeetle_0 | info(message_bus): connected to replica 1
tigerbeetle_0 | info(message_bus): connected to replica 2
tigerbeetle_1 | info(message_bus): connected to replica 2
tigerbeetle_1 | info(message_bus): connection from replica 0
tigerbeetle_2 | info(message_bus): connection from replica 0
tigerbeetle_2 | info(message_bus): connection from replica 1
tigerbeetle_0 | info(clock): 0: system time is 83ns ahead
tigerbeetle_2 | info(clock): 2: system time is 83ns ahead
tigerbeetle_1 | info(clock): 1: system time is 78ns ahead
... and so on ...
error: PermissionDenied
If you see this error at startup, it is likely because you are
running Docker 25.0.0 or newer, which blocks io_uring by default. Set
--security-opt seccomp=unconfined
to fix it.
exited with code 137
If you see this error without any logs from TigerBeetle, it is likely that the Linux OOMKiller is killing the process. If you are running Docker inside a virtual machine (such as is required on Docker or Podman for macOS), try increasing the virtual machine memory limit.
Alternatively, in a development environment, you can lower the size
of the cache so TigerBeetle uses less memory. For example, set
when running
tigerbeetle start
Debugging panics
If TigerBeetle panics and you can reproduce the panic, you can get a
better stack trace by switching to a debug image (by using the
Docker image tag).
docker run -p 3000:3000 -v $(pwd)/data:/data ghcr.io/tigerbeetle/tigerbeetle:debug \
start --addresses= /data/0_0.tigerbeetle
On MacOS
error: SystemResources
If you get error: SystemResources
when running
TigerBeetle in Docker on macOS, the container may be blocking
TigerBeetle from locking memory, which is necessary both for io_uring
and to prevent the kernel’s use of swap from bypassing TigerBeetle’s
storage fault tolerance.
Allowing MEMLOCK
To raise the memory lock limits under Docker, execute one of the following:
- Run
docker run
with--cap-add IPC_LOCK
- Run
docker run
with--ulimit memlock=-1:-1
- Or modify the defaults in
and restart the Docker for Mac application:
... other settings ...
"default-ulimits": {
"memlock": {
"Hard": -1,
"Name": "memlock",
"Soft": -1
... other settings ...
If you are running TigerBeetle with Docker Compose, you will need to
add the IPC_LOCK
capability like this:
... rest of docker-compose.yml ...
image: ghcr.io/tigerbeetle/tigerbeetle
command: "start --addresses=,, /data/0_0.tigerbeetle"
network_mode: host
cap_add: # HERE
- ./data:/data
... rest of docker-compose.yml ...
See https://github.com/tigerbeetle/tigerbeetle/issues/92 for discussion.
Edit this pageManaged Service
Want to use TigerBeetle in production, along with automated disaster recovery, monitoring, and dedicated support from the TigerBeetle team?
Let us help you get up and running faster! Contact our CEO, Joran Dirk Greef, at joran@tigerbeetle.com to set up a call.
Edit this pageUpgrading
TigerBeetle guarantees storage stability and provides forward upgradeability. In other words, data files created by a particular past version of TigerBeetle can be migrated to any future version of TigerBeetle.
Migration is automatic and the upgrade process is usually as simple as:
- Upgrade the replicas, by replacing the
binary with a newer version on each replica (they will restart automatically when needed). - Upgrade the clients, by updating the corresponding client libraries, recompiling and redeploying as usual.
There’s no need to stop the cluster for upgrades, and the client upgrades can be rolled out gradually as any change to the client code might.
NOTE: if you are upgrading from 0.15.3 (the first stable version), the upgrade procedure is more involved, see the release notes for 0.15.4.
API Stability
At the moment, TigerBeetle doesn’t guarantee complete API stability, subscribe to the tracking issue #2231 to receive notifications about breaking changes!
Planning for upgrades
When upgrading TigerBeetle, each release specifies two important versions:
- the oldest release that can be upgraded from and,
- the oldest supported client version.
It’s critical to make sure that the release you intend to upgrade
from is supported by the release you’re upgrading to. This is a hard
requirement, but also a hard guarantee: if you wish to upgrade to
which says it supports down to 0.15.5
will work and 0.15.4
not. You will have to perform multiple upgrades in this case.
The upgrade process involves first upgrading the replicas, followed by upgrading the clients. The client version cannot be newer than the replica version, and will fail with an error message if so. Provided the supported version ranges overlap, coordinating the upgrade between clients and replicas is not required.
Upgrading causes a short period of unavailability as the replicas restart. This is on the order of 5 seconds, and will show up as a latency spike on requests. The TigerBeetle clients will internally retry any requests during the period.
Even though this period is short, scheduling a maintenance windows for upgrades is still recommended, for an extra layer of safety.
Any special instructions, like that when upgrading from 0.15.3 to 0.15.4, will be explicitly mentioned in the changelog and release notes.
Additionally, subscribe to this tracking issue to be notified when there are breaking API/behavior changes that are visible to the client.
Upgrading binary-based installations
If TigerBeetle is installed under /usr/bin/tigerbeetle
and you wish to upgrade to 0.15.4
# SSH to each replica, in no particular order:
cd /tmp
wget https://github.com/tigerbeetle/tigerbeetle/releases/download/0.15.4/tigerbeetle-x86_64-linux.zip
unzip tigerbeetle-x86_64-linux.zip
# Put the binary on the same file system as the target, so mv is atomic.
mv tigerbeetle /usr/bin/tigerbeetle-new
mv /usr/bin/tigerbeetle /usr/bin/tigerbeetle-old
mv /usr/bin/tigerbeetle-new /usr/bin/tigerbeetle
# Restart TigerBeetle. Only required when upgrading from 0.15.3.
# Otherwise, it will detect new versions are available and coordinate the upgrade itself.
systemctl restart tigerbeetle # or, however you are managing TigerBeetle.
Upgrading Docker-based installations
If you’re running TigerBeetle inside Kubernetes or Docker, update the tag that is pointed to the release you wish to upgrade to. Before beginning, it’s strongly recommend to have a rolling deploy strategy set up.
For example:
image: ghcr.io/tigerbeetle/tigerbeetle:0.15.3
image: ghcr.io/tigerbeetle/tigerbeetle:0.15.4
Due to the way upgrades work internally, this will restart with the new binary available, but still running the older version. TigerBeetle will then coordinate the actual upgrade when all replicas are ready and have the latest version available.
Upgrading clients
Update your language’s specific package management, to reference the same version of the TigerBeetle client:
dotnet add package tigerbeetle --version 0.15.4
go mod edit -require github.com/tigerbeetle/tigerbeetle-go@v0.15.4
Edit your pom.xml
npm install --save-exact tigerbeetle-node@0.15.4
pip install tigerbeetle==0.15.4
Upgrading to a newer version with incompatible clients
If a release of TigerBeetle no longer supports the client version you’re using, it’s still possible to upgrade, with two options:
- Upgrade the replicas to the latest version. In this case, the clients will stop working for the duration of the upgrade and unavailability will be extended.
- Upgrade the replicas to the latest release that supports the client version in use, then upgrade the clients to that version. Repeat this until you’re on the latest release.
Like the Coding section, the reference is aimed at programmers building applications on top of TigerBeetle. While Coding provides a series of topical guide, the Reference exhaustively documents every single aspect of TigerBeetle. Any answer can be found here, but it might take some digging!
Edit this pageClient Sessions
A client session is a sequence of requests and replies sent between a client and a cluster.
A client session may have at most one in-flight request — i.e. at most one unique request on the network for which a reply has not been received. This simplifies consistency and allows the cluster to statically guarantee capacity in its incoming message queue. Additional requests from the application are queued by the client, to be dequeued and sent when their preceding request receives a reply.
Similar to other databases, TigerBeetle has a hard limit on the number of concurrent client sessions. To maximize throughput, users are encouraged to minimize the number of concurrent clients and batch as many events as possible per request.
A client session begins when a client registers itself with the cluster.
- Each client session has a unique identifier (“client id”) — an ephemeral random 128-bit id.
- The client sends a special “register” message which is committed by the cluster, at which point the client is “registered” — once it receives the reply, it may begin sending requests.
- Client registration is handled automatically by the TigerBeetle client implementation when the client is initialized, before it sends its first request.
- When a client restarts (for example, the application service running the TigerBeetle client is restarted) it does not resume its old session — it starts a new session, with a new (random) client id.
A client session ends when either:
- the client session is evicted, or
- the client terminates
— whichever occurs first.
When a client session is registering and the number of active
sessions in the cluster is already at the cluster’s concurrent client
session limit
, 64 by default), an existing client
session must be evicted to make space for the new session.
- After a session is evicted by the cluster, no future requests from that session will ever execute.
- The evicted session is chosen as the session that committed a request the longest time ago.
The cluster sends a message to notify the evicted session that it has
ended. Typically the evicted client is no longer active (already
terminated), but if it is active, the eviction message causes it to
self-terminate, bubbling up to the application as an
session evicted
If active clients are terminating with session evicted
errors, it most likely indicates that the application is trying to run
too many concurrent clients. For performance reasons, it is recommended
to batch as many
events as possible into each request sent by each client.
A client session will automatically retry a request until either:
- the client receives a corresponding reply from the cluster, or
- the client is terminated.
Unlike most database or RPC clients:
- the TigerBeetle client will never time out
- the TigerBeetle client has no retry limits
- the TigerBeetle client does not surface network errors
With TigerBeetle’s strict consistency model, surfacing these errors at the client/application level would be misleading. An error would imply that a request did not execute, when that is not known:
- A request delayed by the network could execute after its timeout.
- A reply delayed by the network could execute before its timeout.
- A client session may have at most one in-flight request.
- A client session reads its own writes, meaning that read operations that happen after a given write operation will observe the effects of the write.
- A client session observes writes in the order that they occur on the cluster.
- A client session observes
as monotonically increasing. That is, a client session will never seecredits_posted
decrease. - A client session never observes uncommitted updates.
- A client session never observes a broken invariant (e.g.
). - Multiple client sessions may receive replies out of order relative to one another. For example, if two clients submit requests around the same time, the client whose request is committed first might receive the reply later.
- A client session can consider a request executed when it receives a reply for the request.
- If a client session is terminated and restarts, it is guaranteed to see the effects of updates for which the corresponding reply was received prior to termination.
- If a client session is terminated and restarts, it is not
guaranteed to see the effects of updates for which the corresponding
reply was not received prior to the restart. Those updates may
occur at any point in the future, or never. Handling application crash
recovery safely requires using
s to idempotently retry events.
An Account
is a record storing the cumulative effect of
committed transfers.
Account fields cannot be changed by the user after creation. However, debits and credits fields are updated by TigerBeetle as transfers move money to and from an account.
Accounts cannot be deleted after creation. This provides a strong guarantee for an audit trail – and the account record is only 128 bytes.
If an account is no longer in use, you may want to zero out its balance.
- Accounts are immutable. They are never modified once they are successfully created (excluding balance fields, which are modified by transfers).
- There is at most one
with a particularid
. - The sum of all accounts’
equals the sum of all accounts’credits_pending
. - The sum of all accounts’
equals the sum of all accounts’credits_posted
This is a unique, client-defined identifier for the account.
- Type is 128-bit unsigned integer (16 bytes)
- Must not be zero or
2^128 - 1
(the highest 128-bit unsigned integer) - Must not conflict with another account in the cluster
See the id
section in the data modeling doc for more recommendations on
choosing an ID scheme.
Note that account IDs are unique for the cluster – not per ledger. If
you want to store a relationship between accounts, such as indicating
that multiple accounts on different ledgers belong to the same user, you
should store a user ID in one of the user_data
counts debits reserved by pending
transfers. When a pending transfer posts, voids, or times out, the
amount is removed from debits_pending
Money in debits_pending
is reserved — that is, it cannot
be spent until the corresponding pending transfer resolves.
- Type is 128-bit unsigned integer (16 bytes)
- Must be zero when the account is created
Amount of posted debits.
- Type is 128-bit unsigned integer (16 bytes)
- Must be zero when the account is created
counts credits reserved by pending
transfers. When a pending transfer posts, voids, or times out, the
amount is removed from credits_pending
Money in credits_pending
is reserved — that is, it
cannot be spent until the corresponding pending transfer resolves.
- Type is 128-bit unsigned integer (16 bytes)
- Must be zero when the account is created
Amount of posted credits.
- Type is 128-bit unsigned integer (16 bytes)
- Must be zero when the account is created
This is an optional 128-bit secondary identifier to link this account to an external entity or event.
When set to zero, no secondary identifier will be associated with the account, therefore only non-zero values can be used as query filter.
As an example, you might use a ULID that ties together a group of accounts.
For more information, see Data Modeling.
- Type is 128-bit unsigned integer (16 bytes)
This is an optional 64-bit secondary identifier to link this account to an external entity or event.
When set to zero, no secondary identifier will be associated with the account, therefore only non-zero values can be used as query filter.
As an example, you might use this field store an external timestamp.
For more information, see Data Modeling.
- Type is 64-bit unsigned integer (8 bytes)
This is an optional 32-bit secondary identifier to link this account to an external entity or event.
When set to zero, no secondary identifier will be associated with the account, therefore only non-zero values can be used as query filter.
As an example, you might use this field to store a timezone or locale.
For more information, see Data Modeling.
- Type is 32-bit unsigned integer (4 bytes)
This space may be used for additional data in the future.
- Type is 4 bytes
- Must be zero
This is an identifier that partitions the sets of accounts that can transact with each other.
See data modeling for more details about how to think about setting up your ledgers.
- Type is 32-bit unsigned integer (4 bytes)
- Must not be zero
This is a user-defined enum denoting the category of the account.
As an example, you might use codes
to indicate asset accounts in
general, where 1001
is Bank Account and 1002
is Money Market Account and 2003
is Motor Vehicles and so
- Type is 16-bit unsigned integer (2 bytes)
- Must not be zero
A bitfield that toggles additional behavior.
- Type is 16-bit unsigned integer (2 bytes)
- Some flags are mutually exclusive; see
This flag links the result of this account creation to the result of the next one in the request, such that they will either succeed or fail together.
The last account in a chain of linked accounts does not have this flag set.
You can read more about linked events.
When set, transfers will be rejected that would cause this account’s
debits to exceed credits. Specifically when
account.debits_pending + account.debits_posted + transfer.amount > account.credits_posted
This cannot be set when credits_must_not_exceed_debits
is also set.
When set, transfers will be rejected that would cause this account’s
credits to exceed debits. Specifically when
account.credits_pending + account.credits_posted + transfer.amount > account.debits_posted
This cannot be set when debits_must_not_exceed_credits
is also set.
When set, the account will retain the history of balances at each transfer.
Note that the get_account_balances
operation only works for accounts with this flag set.
When set, allows importing historical Account
s with
their original timestamp
TigerBeetle will not use the cluster clock to assign the timestamp, allowing the user to define it, expressing when the account was effectively created by an external event.
To maintain system invariants regarding auditability and traceability, some constraints are necessary:
It is not allowed to mix events with the
flag set and not set in the same batch. The application must submit batches of imported events separately.User-defined timestamps must be unique and expressed as nanoseconds since the UNIX epoch. No two objects can have the same timestamp, even different objects like an
and aTransfer
cannot share the same timestamp.User-defined timestamps must be a past date, never ahead of the cluster clock at the time the request arrives.
Timestamps must be strictly increasing.
Even user-defined timestamps that are required to be past dates need to be at least one nanosecond ahead of the timestamp of the last account committed by the cluster.
Since the timestamp cannot regress, importing past events can be naturally restrictive without coordination, as the last timestamp can be updated using the cluster clock during regular cluster activity. Instead, it’s recommended to import events only on a fresh cluster or during a scheduled maintenance window.
It’s recommended to submit the entire batch as a linked chain, ensuring that if any account fails, none of them are committed, preserving the last timestamp unchanged. This approach gives the application a chance to correct failed imported accounts, re-submitting the batch again with the same user-defined timestamps.
When set, the account will reject further transfers, except for voiding two-phase transfers that are still pending.
- This flag can be set during the account creation.
- This flag can also be set by sending a two-phase pending transfer with the
flags set. - This flag can be unset by voiding the two-phase pending transfer that closed the account.
This is the time the account was created, as nanoseconds since UNIX epoch. You can read more about Time in TigerBeetle.
Type is 64-bit unsigned integer (8 bytes)
Must be
when theAccount
is created withflags.imported
not setIt is set by TigerBeetle to the moment the account arrives at the cluster.
Must be greater than
and less than2^63
when theAccount
is created withflags.imported
If you’re curious and want to learn more, you can find the source
code for this struct in src/tigerbeetle.zig.
Search for const Account = extern struct {
You can find the source code for creating an account in src/state_machine.zig.
Search for fn create_account(
A transfer
is an immutable record of a financial
transaction between two accounts.
In TigerBeetle, financial transactions are called “transfers” instead of “transactions” because the latter term is heavily overloaded in the context of databases.
Note that transfers debit a single account and credit a single account on the same ledger. You can compose these into more complex transactions using the methods described in Currency Exchange and Multi-Debit, Multi-Credit Transfers.
Transfers cannot be modified after creation.
If a detail of a transfer is incorrect and needs to be modified, this is done using correcting transfers.
Transfers cannot be deleted after creation.
If a transfer is made in error, its effects can be reversed using a correcting transfer.
- Transfers are immutable. They are never modified once they are successfully created.
- There is at most one
with a particularid
. - A pending transfer resolves at most once.
- Transfer timeouts are deterministic, driven by the cluster’s timestamp.
Transfers can either be Single-Phase, where they are executed immediately, or Two-Phase, where they are first put in a Pending state and then either Posted or Voided. For more details on the latter, see the Two-Phase Transfer guide.
Fields used by each mode of transfer:
Field | Single-Phase | Pending | Post-Pending | Void-Pending |
id |
required | required | required | required |
debit_account_id |
required | required | optional | optional |
credit_account_id |
required | required | optional | optional |
amount |
required | required | required | optional |
pending_id |
none | none | required | required |
user_data_128 |
optional | optional | optional | optional |
user_data_64 |
optional | optional | optional | optional |
user_data_32 |
optional | optional | optional | optional |
timeout |
none | optional¹ | none | none |
ledger |
required | required | optional | optional |
code |
required | required | optional | optional |
flags.linked |
optional | optional | optional | optional |
flags.pending |
false | true | false | false |
flags.post_pending_transfer |
false | false | true | false |
flags.void_pending_transfer |
false | false | false | true |
flags.balancing_debit |
optional | optional | false | false |
flags.balancing_credit |
optional | optional | false | false |
flags.closing_debit |
optional | true | false | false |
flags.closing_credit |
optional | true | false | false |
flags.imported |
optional | optional | optional | optional |
timestamp |
none² | none² | none² | none² |
¹ None if
is set.
² Required ifflags.imported
is set.
This is a unique identifier for the transaction.
- Type is 128-bit unsigned integer (16 bytes)
- Must not be zero or
2^128 - 1
- Must not conflict with another transfer in the cluster
See the id
section in the data modeling doc for more recommendations on
choosing an ID scheme.
Note that transfer IDs are unique for the cluster – not the ledger.
If you want to store a relationship between multiple transfers, such as
indicating that multiple transfers on different ledgers were part of a
single transaction, you should store a transaction ID in one of the user_data
This refers to the account to debit the transfer’s amount
- Type is 128-bit unsigned integer (16 bytes)
- When
are not set:- Must match an existing account
- Must not be the same as
- When
are set:- If
is zero, it will be automatically set to the pending transfer’sdebit_account_id
. - If
is nonzero, it must match the corresponding pending transfer’sdebit_account_id
- If
- When
is set:
This refers to the account to credit the transfer’s amount
- Type is 128-bit unsigned integer (16 bytes)
- When
are not set:- Must match an existing account
- Must not be the same as
- When
are set:- If
is zero, it will be automatically set to the pending transfer’scredit_account_id
. - If
is nonzero, it must match the corresponding pending transfer’scredit_account_id
- If
- When
is set:
This is how much should be debited from the
account and credited to the
Note that this is an unsigned 128-bit integer. You can read more about using debits and credits to represent positive and negative balances as well as fractional amounts and asset scales.
- When
is set, this is the maximum amount that will be debited/credited, where the actual transfer amount is determined by the debit account’s constraints. - When
is set, this is the maximum amount that will be debited/credited, where the actual transfer amount is determined by the credit account’s constraints. - When
is set, the amount posted will be:- the pending transfer’s amount, when the posted transfer’s
- the posting transfer’s amount, when the posted transfer’s
is less than or equal to the pending transfer’s amount.
- the pending transfer’s amount, when the posted transfer’s
- Type is 128-bit unsigned integer (16 bytes)
- When
is set:- If
is zero, it will be automatically be set to the pending transfer’samount
. - If
is nonzero, it must be equal to the pending transfer’samount
- If
- When
is set:- If
(2^128 - 1
), it will automatically be set to the pending transfer’samount
. - If
, it must be less than or equal to the pending transfer’samount
- If
Client release < 0.16.0
Additional constraints:
- When
is set:- If
is zero, it will be automatically be set to the pending transfer’samount
. - If
is nonzero, it must be less than or equal to the pending transfer’samount
- If
- When
is set, ifamount
is zero, it will automatically be set to the maximum amount that does not violate the corresponding account limits. (Equivalent to settingamount = 2^128 - 1
). - When all of the following flags are not set,
must be nonzero:flags.post_pending_transfer
- For representing fractional amounts (e.g.
), see Fractional Amounts. - For balancing transfers, see Close Account.
If this transfer will post or void a pending transfer,
references that pending transfer. If this is not
a post or void transfer, it must be zero.
See the section on Two-Phase Transfers for more
information on how the pending_id
is used.
- Type is 128-bit unsigned integer (16 bytes)
- Must be zero if neither void nor pending transfer flag is set
- Must match an existing transfer’s
if non-zero
This is an optional 128-bit secondary identifier to link this transfer to an external entity or event.
When set to zero, no secondary identifier will be associated with the account, therefore only non-zero values can be used as query filter.
When set to zero, if flags.post_pending_transfer
or flags.void_pending_transfer
is set, then it will be automatically set to the pending transfer’s
As an example, you might generate a TigerBeetle Time-Based Identifier that ties together a group of transfers.
For more information, see Data Modeling.
- Type is 128-bit unsigned integer (16 bytes)
This is an optional 64-bit secondary identifier to link this transfer to an external entity or event.
When set to zero, no secondary identifier will be associated with the account, therefore only non-zero values can be used as query filter.
When set to zero, if flags.post_pending_transfer
or flags.void_pending_transfer
is set, then it will be automatically set to the pending transfer’s
As an example, you might use this field store an external timestamp.
For more information, see Data Modeling.
- Type is 64-bit unsigned integer (8 bytes)
This is an optional 32-bit secondary identifier to link this transfer to an external entity or event.
When set to zero, no secondary identifier will be associated with the account, therefore only non-zero values can be used as query filter.
When set to zero, if flags.post_pending_transfer
or flags.void_pending_transfer
is set, then it will be automatically set to the pending transfer’s
As an example, you might use this field to store a timezone or locale.
For more information, see Data Modeling.
- Type is 32-bit unsigned integer (4 bytes)
This is the interval in seconds after a pending
transfer’s arrival at the cluster that it may be posted or voided. Zero denotes absence of
Non-pending transfers cannot have a timeout.
Imported transfers cannot have a timeout.
TigerBeetle makes a best-effort approach to remove pending balances of expired transfers automatically:
Transfers expire exactly at their expiry time (
converted in nanoseconds).Pending balances will never be removed before its expiry.
Expired transfers cannot be manually posted or voided.
It is not guaranteed that the pending balance will be removed exactly at its expiry.
In particular, client requests may observe still-pending balances for expired transfers.
Pending balances are removed in chronological order by expiry. If multiple transfers expire at the same time, then ordered by the transfer’s creation
.If a transfer
has expiryE₁
and transferB
has expiryE₂
, andE₁<E₂
, if transferB
had the pending balance removed, then transferA
had the pending balance removed as well.
- Type is 32-bit unsigned integer (4 bytes)
- Must be zero if
is not set - Must be zero if
is set.
The timeout
is an interval in seconds rather than an
absolute timestamp because this is more robust to clock skew between the
cluster and the application. (Watch this talk on Detecting Clock
Sync Failure in Highly Available Systems on YouTube for more
This is an identifier that partitions the sets of accounts that can transact with each other.
See data modeling for more details about how to think about setting up your ledgers.
- Type is 32-bit unsigned integer (4 bytes)
- When
is set:- If
is zero, it will be automatically be set to the pending transfer’sledger
. - If
is nonzero, it must match theledger
value on the pending transfer’sdebit_account_id
- If
- When
are not set:ledger
must not be zero.ledger
must match theledger
value on the accounts referenced indebit_account_id
This is a user-defined enum denoting the reason for (or category of) the transfer.
- Type is 16-bit unsigned integer (2 bytes)
- When
is set:- If
is zero, it will be automatically be set to the pending transfer’scode
. - If
is nonzero, it must match the pending transfer’scode
- If
- When
are not set,code
must not be zero.
This specifies (optional) transfer behavior.
- Type is 16-bit unsigned integer (2 bytes)
- Some flags are mutually exclusive; see
This flag links the result of this transfer to the outcome of the next transfer in the request such that they will either succeed or fail together.
The last transfer in a chain of linked transfers does not have this flag set.
You can read more about linked events.
Mark the transfer as a pending transfer.
Mark the transfer as a post-pending transfer.
Mark the transfer as a void-pending transfer.
Transfer at most amount
automatically transferring less than amount
as necessary
such that
debit_account.debits_pending + debit_account.debits_posted ≤ debit_account.credits_posted
The amount
of the recorded transfer is set to the actual
amount that was transferred, which is less than or equal to the amount
that was passed to create_transfers
Retrying a balancing transfer will return exists_with_different_amount
only when the maximum amount passed to create_transfers
insufficient to fulfill the amount that was actually transferred.
Otherwise it may return exists
if the retry amount differs from the original value.
is exclusive with the
flags because posting or voiding a pending transfer will never
exceed/overflow either account’s limits.
is compatible with (and orthogonal
to) flags.balancing_credit
Client release < 0.16.0
Transfer at most amount
automatically transferring less than amount
as necessary
such that
debit_account.debits_pending + debit_account.debits_posted ≤ debit_account.credits_posted
If amount
is set to 0
, transfer at most
2^64 - 1
(i.e. as much as possible).
If the highest amount transferable is 0
, returns exceeds_credits
Transfer at most amount
automatically transferring less than amount
as necessary
such that
credit_account.credits_pending + credit_account.credits_posted ≤ credit_account.debits_posted
The amount
of the recorded transfer is set to the actual
amount that was transferred, which is less than or equal to the amount
that was passed to create_transfers
Retrying a balancing transfer will return exists_with_different_amount
only when the maximum amount passed to create_transfers
insufficient to fulfill the amount that was actually transferred.
Otherwise it may return exists
if the retry amount differs from the original value.
is exclusive with the
flags because posting or voiding a pending transfer will never
exceed/overflow either account’s limits.
is compatible with (and
orthogonal to) flags.balancing_debit
Client release < 0.16.0
Transfer at most amount
automatically transferring less than amount
as necessary
such that
credit_account.credits_pending + credit_account.credits_posted ≤ credit_account.debits_posted
If amount
is set to 0
, transfer at most
2^64 - 1
(i.e. as much as possible).
If the highest amount transferable is 0
, returns exceeds_debits
When set, it will cause the Account.flags.closed
of the debit account to be set if the
transfer succeeds.
This flag requires a two-phase transfer, so the
flag flags.pending
must also be
set. This ensures that closing transfers are reversible by voiding the pending transfer, and
requires that the reversal operation references the corresponding
closing transfer, guarding against unexpected interleaving of
close/unclose operations.
When set, it will cause the Account.flags.closed
of the credit account to be set if the
transfer succeeds.
This flag requires a two-phase transfer, so the
flag flags.pending
must also be
set. This ensures that closing transfers are reversible by voiding the pending transfer, and
requires that the reversal operation references the corresponding
closing transfer, guarding against unexpected interleaving of
close/unclose operations.
When set, allows importing historical Transfer
s with
their original timestamp
TigerBeetle will not use the cluster clock to assign the timestamp, allowing the user to define it, expressing when the transfer was effectively created by an external event.
To maintain system invariants regarding auditability and traceability, some constraints are necessary:
It is not allowed to mix events with the
flag set and not set in the same batch. The application must submit batches of imported events separately.User-defined timestamps must be unique and expressed as nanoseconds since the UNIX epoch. No two objects can have the same timestamp, even different objects like an
and aTransfer
cannot share the same timestamp.User-defined timestamps must be a past date, never ahead of the cluster clock at the time the request arrives.
Timestamps must be strictly increasing.
Even user-defined timestamps that are required to be past dates need to be at least one nanosecond ahead of the timestamp of the last transfer committed by the cluster.
Since the timestamp cannot regress, importing past events can be naturally restrictive without coordination, as the last timestamp can be updated using the cluster clock during regular cluster activity. Instead, it’s recommended to import events only on a fresh cluster or during a scheduled maintenance window.
It’s recommended to submit the entire batch as a linked chain, ensuring that if any transfer fails, none of them are committed, preserving the last timestamp unchanged. This approach gives the application a chance to correct failed imported transfers, re-submitting the batch again with the same user-defined timestamps.
Imported transfers cannot have a
.It’s possible to import pending transfers with a user-defined timestamp, but since it’s not driven by the cluster clock, it cannot define a
for automatic expiration. In those cases, the two-phase post or rollback must be done manually.
This is the time the transfer was created, as nanoseconds since UNIX epoch. You can read more about Time in TigerBeetle.
Type is 64-bit unsigned integer (8 bytes)
Must be
when theTransfer
is created withflags.imported
not setIt is set by TigerBeetle to the moment the transfer arrives at the cluster.
Must be greater than
and less than2^63
when theTransfer
is created withflags.imported
If you’re curious and want to learn more, you can find the source
code for this struct in src/tigerbeetle.zig.
Search for const Transfer = extern struct {
You can find the source code for creating a transfer in src/state_machine.zig.
Search for fn create_transfer(
An AccountBalance
is a record storing the Account
’s balance at a given point in
Only Accounts with the flag history
set retain historical
This is the time the account balance was updated, as nanoseconds since UNIX epoch.
The timestamp refers to the same Transfer.timestamp
changed the Account
The amounts refer to the account balance recorded after the transfer execution.
- Type is 64-bit unsigned integer (8 bytes)
Amount of pending debits.
- Type is 128-bit unsigned integer (16 bytes)
Amount of posted debits.
- Type is 128-bit unsigned integer (16 bytes)
Amount of pending credits.
- Type is 128-bit unsigned integer (16 bytes)
Amount of posted credits.
- Type is 128-bit unsigned integer (16 bytes)
This space may be used for additional data in the future.
- Type is 56 bytes
- Must be zero
An AccountFilter
is a record containing the filter
parameters for querying the account transfers and the
account historical
The unique identifier of the account for which the results will be retrieved.
- Type is 128-bit unsigned integer (16 bytes)
- Must not be zero or
2^128 - 1
Filter the results by the field Transfer.user_data_128
Optional; set to zero to disable the filter.
- Type is 128-bit unsigned integer (16 bytes)
Filter the results by the field Transfer.user_data_64
Optional; set to zero to disable the filter.
- Type is 64-bit unsigned integer (8 bytes)
Filter the results by the field Transfer.user_data_32
Optional; set to zero to disable the filter.
- Type is 32-bit unsigned integer (4 bytes)
Filter the results by the Transfer.code
. Optional; set to
zero to disable the filter.
- Type is 16-bit unsigned integer (2 bytes)
This space may be used for additional data in the future.
- Type is 58 bytes
- Must be zero
The minimum Transfer.timestamp
which results will be returned, inclusive range. Optional; set to zero
to disable the lower-bound filter.
- Type is 64-bit unsigned integer (8 bytes)
- Must be less than
The maximum Transfer.timestamp
which results will be returned, inclusive range. Optional; set to zero
to disable the upper-bound filter.
- Type is 64-bit unsigned integer (8 bytes)
- Must be less than
The maximum number of results that can be returned by this query.
Limited by the maximum message size.
- Type is 32-bit unsigned integer (4 bytes)
- Must not be zero
A bitfield that specifies querying behavior.
- Type is 32-bit unsigned integer (4 bytes)
Whether or not to include results where the field debit_account_id
matches the parameter account_id
Whether or not to include results where the field credit_account_id
matches the parameter account_id
Whether the results are sorted by timestamp in chronological or reverse-chronological order. If the flag is not set, the event that happened first (has the smallest timestamp) will come first. If the flag is set, the event that happened last (has the largest timestamp) will come first.
Edit this pageQueryFilter
A QueryFilter
is a record containing the filter
parameters for querying
accounts and querying
Filter the results by the field Account.user_data_128
or Transfer.user_data_128
Optional; set to zero to disable the filter.
- Type is 128-bit unsigned integer (16 bytes)
Filter the results by the field Account.user_data_64
Optional; set to zero to disable the filter.
- Type is 64-bit unsigned integer (8 bytes)
Filter the results by the field Account.user_data_32
Optional; set to zero to disable the filter.
- Type is 32-bit unsigned integer (4 bytes)
Filter the results by the field Account.ledger
or Transfer.ledger
. Optional;
set to zero to disable the filter.
- Type is 32-bit unsigned integer (4 bytes)
Filter the results by the field Account.code
or Transfer.code
. Optional; set to
zero to disable the filter.
- Type is 16-bit unsigned integer (2 bytes)
The minimum Account.timestamp
or Transfer.timestamp
which results will be returned, inclusive range. Optional; set to zero
to disable the lower-bound filter.
- Type is 64-bit unsigned integer (8 bytes)
- Must not be
2^64 - 1
The maximum Account.timestamp
or Transfer.timestamp
which results will be returned, inclusive range. Optional; set to zero
to disable the upper-bound filter.
- Type is 64-bit unsigned integer (8 bytes)
- Must not be
2^64 - 1
The maximum number of results that can be returned by this query.
Limited by the maximum message size.
- Type is 32-bit unsigned integer (4 bytes)
- Must not be zero
A bitfield that specifies querying behavior.
- Type is 32-bit unsigned integer (4 bytes)
Whether the results are sorted by timestamp in chronological or reverse-chronological order. If the flag is not set, the event that happened first (has the smallest timestamp) will come first. If the flag is set, the event that happened last (has the largest timestamp) will come first.
This space may be used for additional data in the future.
- Type is 6 bytes
- Must be zero
TigerBeetle supports the following request types:
: createAccount
: createTransfer
: fetchAccount
s byid
: fetchTransfer
s byid
: fetchTransfer
s bydebit_account_id
: fetch the historical account balance by theAccount
: queryAccount
: queryTransfer
More request types, including more powerful queries, are coming soon!
Edit this pagecreate_accounts
Create one or more Account
The account to create. See Account
for constraints.
Results are listed in this section in order of descending precedence — that is, if more than one error is applicable to the account being created, only the result listed first is returned.
The account was successfully created; it did not previously exist.
Note that ok
is generated by the client implementation;
the network protocol does not include a result when the account was
successfully created.
The account was not created. One or more of the accounts in the linked chain is invalid, so the whole chain failed.
The account was not created. The Account.flags.linked
flag was set on the last event in the batch, which is not legal.
indicates that the chain continues to the
next operation).
The account was not created. The Account.flags.imported
was set on the first account of the batch, but not all accounts in the
batch. Batches cannot mix imported accounts with non-imported
The account was not created. The Account.flags.imported
was expected to not be set, as it’s not allowed to mix accounts
with different imported
flag in the same batch. The first
account determines the entire operation.
This result only applies when Account.flags.imported
is not set.
The account was not created. The Account.timestamp
nonzero, but must be zero. The cluster is responsible for setting this
The Account.timestamp
only be assigned when creating accounts with Account.flags.imported
This result only applies when Account.flags.imported
is set.
The account was not created. The Account.timestamp
is out
of range, but must be a user-defined timestamp greater than
and less than 2^63
This result only applies when Account.flags.imported
is set.
The account was not created. The user-defined Account.timestamp
greater than the current cluster
time, but it must be a past timestamp.
The account was not created. Account.reserved
nonzero, but must be zero.
The account was not created. Account.flags.reserved
nonzero, but must be zero.
The account was not created. Account.id
is zero, which is a
reserved value.
The account was not created. Account.id
2^128 - 1
, which is a reserved value.
An account with the same id
already exists, but with
different flags
An account with the same id
already exists, but with
different user_data_128
An account with the same id
already exists, but with
different user_data_64
An account with the same id
already exists, but with
different user_data_32
An account with the same id
already exists, but with
different ledger
An account with the same id
already exists, but with
different code
An account with the same id
already exists.
With the possible exception of the following fields, the existing account is identical to the account in the request:
To correctly recover from
application crashes, many applications should handle
exactly as ok
The account was not created. An account cannot be created with the
specified combination of Account.flags
The following flags are mutually exclusive:
The account was not created. Account.debits_pending
is nonzero, but must be zero.
An account’s debits and credits are only modified by transfers.
The account was not created. Account.debits_posted
is nonzero, but must be zero.
An account’s debits and credits are only modified by transfers.
The account was not created. Account.credits_pending
is nonzero, but must be zero.
An account’s debits and credits are only modified by transfers.
The account was not created. Account.credits_posted
is nonzero, but must be zero.
An account’s debits and credits are only modified by transfers.
The account was not created. Account.ledger
is zero, but
must be nonzero.
The account was not created. Account.code
is zero, but
must be nonzero.
This result only applies when Account.flags.imported
is set.
The account was not created. The user-defined Account.timestamp
regressed, but it must be greater than the last timestamp assigned to
any Account
in the cluster and cannot be equal to the
timestamp of any existing Transfer
Client libraries
For language-specific docs see:
If you’re curious and want to learn more, you can find the source
code for creating an account in src/state_machine.zig.
Search for fn create_account(
fn execute(
Create one or more Transfer
s. A successfully created
transfer will modify the amount fields of its debit and credit accounts.
The transfer to create. See Transfer
for constraints.
Results are listed in this section in order of descending precedence — that is, if more than one error is applicable to the transfer being created, only the result listed first is returned.
The transfer was successfully created; did not previously exist.
Note that ok
is generated by the client implementation;
the network protocol does not include a result when the transfer was
successfully created.
The transfer was not created. One or more of the other transfers in the linked chain is invalid, so the whole chain failed.
The transfer was not created. The Transfer.flags.linked
flag was set on the last event in the batch, which is not legal.
indicates that the chain continues to the
next operation).
The transfer was not created. The Transfer.flags.imported
was set on the first transfer of the batch, but not all transfers in the
batch. Batches cannot mix imported transfers with non-imported
The transfer was not created. The Transfer.flags.imported
was expected to not be set, as it’s not allowed to mix
transfers with different imported
flag in the same batch.
The first transfer determines the entire operation.
This result only applies when Account.flags.imported
is not set.
The transfer was not created. The Transfer.timestamp
nonzero, but must be zero. The cluster is responsible for setting this
The Transfer.timestamp
only be assigned when creating transfers with Transfer.flags.imported
This result only applies when Transfer.flags.imported
is set.
The transfer was not created. The Transfer.timestamp
out of range, but must be a user-defined timestamp greater than
and less than 2^63
This result only applies when Transfer.flags.imported
is set.
The transfer was not created. The user-defined Transfer.timestamp
greater than the current cluster
time, but it must be a past timestamp.
The transfer was not created. Transfer.flags.reserved
nonzero, but must be zero.
The transfer was not created. Transfer.id
is zero, which is
a reserved value.
The transfer was not created. Transfer.id
2^128 - 1
, which is a reserved value.
A transfer with the same id
already exists, but with
different flags
A transfer with the same id
already exists, but with a
different pending_id
A transfer with the same id
already exists, but with a
different timeout
A transfer with the same id
already exists, but with a
different debit_account_id
A transfer with the same id
already exists, but with a
different credit_account_id
A transfer with the same id
already exists, but with a
different amount
If the transfer has flags.balancing_debit
or flags.balancing_credit
set, then the actual amount transferred exceeds this failed transfer’s
A transfer with the same id
already exists, but with a
different user_data_128
A transfer with the same id
already exists, but with a
different user_data_64
A transfer with the same id
already exists, but with a
different user_data_32
A transfer with the same id
already exists, but with a
different ledger
A transfer with the same id
already exists, but with a
different code
A transfer with the same id
already exists.
If the transfer has flags.balancing_debit
or flags.balancing_credit
set, then the existing transfer may have a different amount
, limited to the
maximum amount
of the transfer in the request.
If the transfer has flags.post_pending_transfer
set, then the existing transfer may have a different amount
- If the original posted amount was less than the pending amount, then the transfer amount must be equal to the posted amount.
- Otherwise, the transfer amount must be greater than or equal to the pending amount.
Client release < 0.16.0
If the transfer has flags.balancing_debit
or flags.balancing_credit
set, then the existing transfer may have a different amount
, limited to the
maximum amount
of the transfer in the request.
Otherwise, with the possible exception of the timestamp
field, the existing transfer is identical to the transfer in the
To correctly recover from
application crashes, many applications should handle
exactly as ok
The transfer was not created. A previous transfer with the same id
failed due to one of the
following transient errors:
Transient errors depend on the database state at a given point in
time, and each attempt is uniquely associated with the corresponding Transfer.id
. This behavior
guarantees that retrying a transfer will not produce a different outcome
(either success or failure).
Without this mechanism, a transfer that previously failed could succeed if retried when the underlying state changes (e.g., the target account has sufficient credits).
Note: The application should retry an event only if it was unable to acknowledge the last response (e.g., due to an application restart) or because it is correcting a previously rejected malformed request (e.g., due to an application bug). If the application intends to submit the transfer again even after a transient error, it must generate a new idempotency id.
Client release < 0.16.4
The id
is never checked
against failed transfers, regardless of the error. Therefore, a transfer
that failed due to a transient error could succeed if retried later.
The transfer was not created. A transfer cannot be created with the
specified combination of Transfer.flags
Flag compatibility (✓ = compatible, ✗ = mutually exclusive):
The transfer was not created. Transfer.debit_account_id
is zero, but must be a valid account id.
The transfer was not created. Transfer.debit_account_id
is 2^128 - 1
, but must be a valid account id.
The transfer was not created. Transfer.credit_account_id
is zero, but must be a valid account id.
The transfer was not created. Transfer.credit_account_id
is 2^128 - 1
, but must be a valid account id.
The transfer was not created. Transfer.debit_account_id
and Transfer.credit_account_id
must not be equal.
That is, an account cannot transfer money to itself.
The transfer was not created. Only post/void transfers can reference a pending transfer.
must be set, orTransfer.flags.void_pending_transfer
must be set, orTransfer.pending_id
must be zero.
The transfer was not created. Transfer.flags.post_pending_transfer
or Transfer.flags.void_pending_transfer
is set, but Transfer.pending_id
zero. A posting or voiding transfer must reference a pending
The transfer was not created. Transfer.pending_id
2^128 - 1
, which is a reserved value.
The transfer was not created. Transfer.pending_id
set to the same id as Transfer.id
. Instead it should
refer to a different (existing) transfer.
The transfer was not created. Transfer.timeout
nonzero, but only pending
transfers have nonzero timeouts.
The transfer was not created. Transfer.flags.pending
is not set, but closing transfers must be two-phase pending
If either Transfer.flags.closing_debit
or Transfer.flags.closing_credit
is set, Transfer.flags.pending
must also be set.
This ensures that closing transfers are reversible by voiding the pending transfer, and requires that the reversal operation references the corresponding closing transfer, guarding against unexpected interleaving of close/unclose operations.
Deprecated: This error code is only returned to
clients prior to release 0.16.0
. Since 0.16.0
zero-amount transfers are permitted.
Client release < 0.16.0
The transfer was not created. Transfer.amount
is zero,
but must be nonzero.
Every transfer must move value. Only posting and voiding transfer amounts may be zero — when zero, they will move the full pending amount.
The transfer was not created. Transfer.ledger
is zero,
but must be nonzero.
The transfer was not created. Transfer.code
is zero, but
must be nonzero.
The transfer was not created. Transfer.debit_account_id
must refer to an existing Account
This is a transient error. The Transfer.id
associated with
this particular attempt will always fail upon retry, even if the
underlying issue is resolved. To succeed, a new idempotency id must be
The transfer was not created. Transfer.credit_account_id
must refer to an existing Account
This is a transient error. The Transfer.id
associated with
this particular attempt will always fail upon retry, even if the
underlying issue is resolved. To succeed, a new idempotency id must be
The transfer was not created. The accounts referred to by Transfer.debit_account_id
and Transfer.credit_account_id
must have an identical ledger
Currency exchange is implemented with multiple transfers.
The transfer was not created. The accounts referred to by Transfer.debit_account_id
and Transfer.credit_account_id
are equivalent, but differ from the Transfer.ledger
The transfer was not created. The transfer referenced by Transfer.pending_id
does not exist.
This is a transient error. The Transfer.id
associated with
this particular attempt will always fail upon retry, even if the
underlying issue is resolved. To succeed, a new idempotency id must be
The transfer was not created. The transfer referenced by Transfer.pending_id
exists, but does not have flags.pending
The transfer was not created. The transfer referenced by Transfer.pending_id
exists, but with a different debit_account_id
The post/void transfer’s debit_account_id
must either be
or identical to the pending transfer’s
The transfer was not created. The transfer referenced by Transfer.pending_id
exists, but with a different credit_account_id
The post/void transfer’s credit_account_id
must either
be 0
or identical to the pending transfer’s
The transfer was not created. The transfer referenced by Transfer.pending_id
exists, but with a different ledger
The post/void transfer’s ledger
must either be
or identical to the pending transfer’s
The transfer was not created. The transfer referenced by Transfer.pending_id
exists, but with a different code
The post/void transfer’s code
must either be
or identical to the pending transfer’s
The transfer was not created. The transfer’s amount
exceeds the
of its pending transfer.
The transfer was not created. The transfer is attempting to void a pending
transfer. The voiding transfer’s amount
must be either
or exactly the amount
of the pending
To partially void a transfer, create a posting transfer
with an amount less than the pending transfer’s amount
Client release < 0.16.0
To partially void a transfer, create a posting transfer
with an amount between 0
and the pending transfer’s
The transfer was not created. The referenced pending transfer was already posted
by a post_pending_transfer
The transfer was not created. The referenced pending transfer was already voided
by a void_pending_transfer
The transfer was not created. The referenced pending transfer was already voided because its timeout has passed.
This result only applies when Transfer.flags.imported
is set.
The transfer was not created. The user-defined Transfer.timestamp
regressed, but it must be greater than the last timestamp assigned to
any Transfer
in the cluster and cannot be equal to the
timestamp of any existing Account
This result only applies when Transfer.flags.imported
is set.
The transfer was not created. Transfer.debit_account_id
must refer to an Account
whose timestamp
is less than
the Transfer.timestamp
This result only applies when Transfer.flags.imported
is set.
The transfer was not created. Transfer.credit_account_id
must refer to an Account
whose timestamp
is less than
the Transfer.timestamp
This result only applies when Transfer.flags.imported
is set.
The transfer was not created. The Transfer.timeout
nonzero, but must be zero.
It’s possible to import pending transfers with a user-defined timestamp, but since it’s not driven by the cluster clock, it cannot define a timeout for automatic expiration. In those cases, the two-phase post or rollback must be done manually.
The transfer was not created. Transfer.debit_account_id
must refer to an Account
whose Account.flags.closed
is not already set.
This is a transient error. The Transfer.id
associated with
this particular attempt will always fail upon retry, even if the
underlying issue is resolved. To succeed, a new idempotency id must be
The transfer was not created. Transfer.credit_account_id
must refer to an Account
whose Account.flags.closed
is not already set.
This is a transient error. The Transfer.id
associated with
this particular attempt will always fail upon retry, even if the
underlying issue is resolved. To succeed, a new idempotency id must be
The transfer was not created.
debit_account.debits_pending + transfer.amount
overflow a 128-bit unsigned integer.
The transfer was not created.
credit_account.credits_pending + transfer.amount
overflow a 128-bit unsigned integer.
The transfer was not created.
debit_account.debits_posted + transfer.amount
overflow a 128-bit unsigned integer.
The transfer was not created.
debit_account.credits_posted + transfer.amount
overflow a 128-bit unsigned integer.
The transfer was not created.
debit_account.debits_pending + debit_account.debits_posted + transfer.amount
would overflow a 128-bit unsigned integer.
The transfer was not created.
credit_account.credits_pending + credit_account.credits_posted + transfer.amount
would overflow a 128-bit unsigned integer.
The transfer was not created.
transfer.timestamp + (transfer.timeout * 1_000_000_000)
would exceed 2^63
converted to nanoseconds.
This computation uses the Transfer.timestamp
value assigned by the replica, not the 0
value sent by the
The transfer was not created.
The debit account has
set, but
debit_account.debits_pending + debit_account.debits_posted + transfer.amount
would exceed debit_account.credits_posted
This is a transient error. The Transfer.id
associated with
this particular attempt will always fail upon retry, even if the
underlying issue is resolved. To succeed, a new idempotency id must be
Client release < 0.16.0
If flags.balancing_debit
is set, then
debit_account.debits_pending + debit_account.debits_posted + 1
would exceed debit_account.credits_posted
The transfer was not created.
The credit account has
set, but
credit_account.credits_pending + credit_account.credits_posted + transfer.amount
would exceed credit_account.debits_posted
This is a transient error. The Transfer.id
associated with
this particular attempt will always fail upon retry, even if the
underlying issue is resolved. To succeed, a new idempotency id must be
Client release < 0.16.0
If flags.balancing_credit
is set, then
credit_account.credits_pending + credit_account.credits_posted + 1
would exceed credit_account.debits_posted
Client libraries
For language-specific docs see:
If you’re curious and want to learn more, you can find the source
code for creating a transfer in src/state_machine.zig.
Search for fn create_transfer(
fn execute(
Fetch one or more accounts by their id
⚠️ Note that you should not check an account’s
balance using this request before creating a transfer. That would not be
atomic and the balance could change in between the check and the
transfer. Instead, set the debits_must_not_exceed_credits
or credits_must_not_exceed_debits
flag on the accounts to limit their account balances. More complex
conditional transfers can be expressed using balance-conditional
⚠️ It is not possible currently to look up more than a full batch
(8190) of accounts atomically. When issuing multiple
calls, it can happen that other operations
will interleave between the calls leading to read skew. Consider using
the history
to enable atomic lookups.
- If the account exists, return the
. - If the account does not exist, return nothing.
Client libraries
For language-specific docs see:
If you’re curious and want to learn more, you can find the source
code for looking up an account in src/state_machine.zig.
Search for fn execute_lookup_accounts(
Fetch one or more transfers by their id
An id
belonging to a Transfer
- If the transfer exists, return the
. - If the transfer does not exist, return nothing.
Client libraries
For language-specific docs see:
If you’re curious and want to learn more, you can find the source
code for looking up a transfer in src/state_machine.zig.
Search for fn execute_lookup_transfers(
Fetch Transfer
s involving a
given Account
The account filter. See AccountFilter
- Return a (possibly empty) array of
s that match the filter. - If any constraint is violated, return nothing.
- By default,
s are sorted chronologically bytimestamp
. You can use thereversed
to change this. - The result is always limited in size. If there are more results, you
need to page through them using the
Client libraries
For language-specific docs see:
Edit this pageget_account_balances
Fetch the historical AccountBalance
s of a given
Only accounts created with the history
flag set
retain historical balances. This is off by default.
Each balance returned has a corresponding transfer with the same
. See theget_account_transfers
operation for more details.The amounts refer to the account balance recorded after the transfer execution.
Pending balances automatically removed due to timeout expiration don’t change historical balances.
The account filter. See AccountFilter
- If the account has the flag
set and any matching balances exist, return an array ofAccountBalance
s. - If the account does not have the flag
set, return nothing. - If no matching balances exist, return nothing.
- If any constraint is violated, return nothing.
Client libraries
For language-specific docs see:
Edit this pagequery_accounts
Query Account
s by the
intersection of some fields and by timestamp range.
⚠️ It is not possible currently to query more than a full batch
(8190) of accounts atomically. When issuing multiple
calls, it can happen that other operations
will interleave between the calls leading to read skew. Consider using
the history
to enable atomic lookups.
The query filter. See QueryFilter
- Return a (possibly empty) array of
s that match the filter. - If any constraint is violated, return nothing.
- By default,
s are sorted chronologically bytimestamp
. You can use thereversed
to change this. - The result is always limited in size. If there are more results, you
need to page through them using the
Client libraries
For language-specific docs see:
Edit this pagequery_transfers
Query Transfer
s by the
intersection of some fields and by timestamp range.
The query filter. See QueryFilter
- Return a (possibly empty) array of
s that match the filter. - If any constraint is violated, return nothing.
- By default,
s are sorted chronologically bytimestamp
. You can use thereversed
to change this. - The result is always limited in size. If there are more results, you
need to page through them using the
Client libraries
For language-specific docs see:
Edit this page